Democrats Declare Trump Exercising Right Of Free Speech Is 'Intimidation'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Both former Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch, who illegally worked with corrupt former Ukraine officials to interfere in the 2016 election - and who attempted to play the 'Victim' card during her testimony by claiming she was mistreated and fired 'unjustly', and lying, leaking Coup 2.0 Ringmaster Schiff accused President Trump of 'Attempting to Intimidate' witnesses by exercising his Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

1st, anyone who has been watching his Schiff-led coup attempt knows the whole thing is a sham. If they didn't before they do now, as Democrats have made it clear for everyone to see they have no crime, no evidence, no whistleblower, and no witnesses...because no one who has testified witnessed anything.

2nd, Yovanovitch should be happy she is not in GITMPO, soon to be joined by other Dems (hopefully, after the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses and other potential crimes comes out). The Ukraine govt has already ruled that what former corrupt Ukraine officials did in working with Yovanovitch and other Democrats to help Hillary in the 2016 election was a CRIME. The Obama administration and Democrats have refused to even look at the Americans involved ,their crimes exposed, and have failed to prosecute the real criminals - their own.

-- Yovanovitch to face GOP grilling on second day of public impeachment hearings

3rd, Although the President, Donald Trump does not forfeit his Constitutional Rights afforded to him, even whole holding the office of President....which he gets to do the one thing that perhaps pisses lying / treasonous Democrats who hate 'light' being shined on them - TWEET...and, usually, for the Democrats, at the worst possible time for the now.

It's not the fact that the President is Tweeting about Yovanovitch DURNIG her despicable testimony that has her, Schiff, and Democrats foaming at the mouth and accusing him of 'Intimidation' - It's WHAT he is tweeting.

Schiff has already declared he would protect the Bidens and would protect all of the Conspirators who in 2016 illegally colluded with corrupt Ukrainians to interfere in the election and help Hillary, that he would not allow such testimony or any questions down that path...and he has tried.

So, what is an American citizen falsely accused by proven lying / treasonous Democrats to do? TWEET!


If Schiff would not allow all the facts (pt #2, link) come out during the inquisition, being broadcast on live TV, then he would just remind everyone of the information / facts / story THAT IS ALREADY OUT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE ./ READ.

Leave it to Democrats / snowflakes to be offended and intimidated by the TRUTH and the substantiating facts that continue to prove they are lying, co-conspiring, treasonous filth gladly willing to do the job of dividing and destroying this nation for our enemies, like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians - JUST AS LONG AS IT BENEFITS THEM / HELPS THEM GET THEIR POWER TO RULE BACK!

Both former Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch, who illegally worked with corrupt former Ukraine officials to interfere in the 2016 election - and who attempted to play the 'Victim' card during her testimony by claiming she was mistreated and fired 'unjustly', and lying, leaking Coup 2.0 Ringmaster Schiff accused President Trump of 'Attempting to Intimidate' witnesses by exercising his Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

1st, anyone who has been watching his Schiff-led coup attempt knows the whole thing is a sham. If they didn't before they do now, as Democrats have made it clear for everyone to see they have no crime, no evidence, no whistleblower, and no witnesses...because no one who has testified witnessed anything.

2nd, Yovanovitch should be happy she is not in GITMPO, soon to be joined by other Dems (hopefully, after the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses and other potential crimes comes out). The Ukraine govt has already ruled that what former corrupt Ukraine officials did in working with Yovanovitch and other Democrats to help Hillary in the 2016 election was a CRIME. The Obama administration and Democrats have refused to even look at the Americans involved ,their crimes exposed, and have failed to prosecute the real criminals - their own.

-- Yovanovitch to face GOP grilling on second day of public impeachment hearings

3rd, Although the President, Donald Trump does not forfeit his Constitutional Rights afforded to him, even whole holding the office of President....which he gets to do the one thing that perhaps pisses lying / treasonous Democrats who hate 'light' being shined on them - TWEET...and, usually, for the Democrats, at the worst possible time for the now.

It's not the fact that the President is Tweeting about Yovanovitch DURNIG her despicable testimony that has her, Schiff, and Democrats foaming at the mouth and accusing him of 'Intimidation' - It's WHAT he is tweeting.

Schiff has already declared he would protect the Bidens and would protect all of the Conspirators who in 2016 illegally colluded with corrupt Ukrainians to interfere in the election and help Hillary, that he would not allow such testimony or any questions down that path...and he has tried.

So, what is an American citizen falsely accused by proven lying / treasonous Democrats to do? TWEET!


If Schiff would not allow all the facts (pt #2, link) come out during the inquisition, being broadcast on live TV, then he would just remind everyone of the information / facts / story THAT IS ALREADY OUT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE ./ READ.

Leave it to Democrats / snowflakes to be offended and intimidated by the TRUTH and the substantiating facts that continue to prove they are lying, co-conspiring, treasonous filth gladly willing to do the job of dividing and destroying this nation for our enemies, like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians - JUST AS LONG AS IT BENEFITS THEM / HELPS THEM GET THEIR POWER TO RULE BACK!


So sorry bozo, The Democrats in Congress have never written a bill to repeal and replace the First Amendment.

And, BTW, trump's tweets are mostly intimidation, no one objects to his tweets, in fact they have been one of the main reasons for a charge of obstruction of justice - trump is his own worst enemy.
Both former Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch, who illegally worked with corrupt former Ukraine officials to interfere in the 2016 election - and who attempted to play the 'Victim' card during her testimony by claiming she was mistreated and fired 'unjustly', and lying, leaking Coup 2.0 Ringmaster Schiff accused President Trump of 'Attempting to Intimidate' witnesses by exercising his Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

1st, anyone who has been watching his Schiff-led coup attempt knows the whole thing is a sham. If they didn't before they do now, as Democrats have made it clear for everyone to see they have no crime, no evidence, no whistleblower, and no witnesses...because no one who has testified witnessed anything.

2nd, Yovanovitch should be happy she is not in GITMPO, soon to be joined by other Dems (hopefully, after the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses and other potential crimes comes out). The Ukraine govt has already ruled that what former corrupt Ukraine officials did in working with Yovanovitch and other Democrats to help Hillary in the 2016 election was a CRIME. The Obama administration and Democrats have refused to even look at the Americans involved ,their crimes exposed, and have failed to prosecute the real criminals - their own.

-- Yovanovitch to face GOP grilling on second day of public impeachment hearings

3rd, Although the President, Donald Trump does not forfeit his Constitutional Rights afforded to him, even whole holding the office of President....which he gets to do the one thing that perhaps pisses lying / treasonous Democrats who hate 'light' being shined on them - TWEET...and, usually, for the Democrats, at the worst possible time for the now.

It's not the fact that the President is Tweeting about Yovanovitch DURNIG her despicable testimony that has her, Schiff, and Democrats foaming at the mouth and accusing him of 'Intimidation' - It's WHAT he is tweeting.

Schiff has already declared he would protect the Bidens and would protect all of the Conspirators who in 2016 illegally colluded with corrupt Ukrainians to interfere in the election and help Hillary, that he would not allow such testimony or any questions down that path...and he has tried.

So, what is an American citizen falsely accused by proven lying / treasonous Democrats to do? TWEET!


If Schiff would not allow all the facts (pt #2, link) come out during the inquisition, being broadcast on live TV, then he would just remind everyone of the information / facts / story THAT IS ALREADY OUT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE ./ READ.

Leave it to Democrats / snowflakes to be offended and intimidated by the TRUTH and the substantiating facts that continue to prove they are lying, co-conspiring, treasonous filth gladly willing to do the job of dividing and destroying this nation for our enemies, like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians - JUST AS LONG AS IT BENEFITS THEM / HELPS THEM GET THEIR POWER TO RULE BACK!


So sorry bozo, The Democrats in Congress have never written a bill to repeal and replace the First Amendment.

They don't have to write bills, they just ignore the parts of the constitution they don't like.

and you clap along with it like a retarded monkey.
President Trump has the constitutional authority to appoint his own choices for ambassador, a right all previous presidents have exercised by the way. This is an example of entitlement mentality. She isn't entitled to the job of ambassador to Ukraine or any appointee job.
So sorry bozo, The Democrats in Congress have never written a bill to repeal and replace the First Amendment.

Even YOU are smart enough to realize what the Democrats are doing is akin to calling someone ... a 'racist'...for example. The FALSE charge is meant to try to SILENCE people....and what Trump is reminding / informing people of about Yovanovitch is a THREAT to her and Schiff's whole treasonous coup attempt. It exposes her for being one of the few in 2016 who actually engaged in Illegal help HILLARY!
It obviously wasn't an attempt to do anything but insult her. It also wasn't smart but that doesn't make it a crime.
99.9% of what Trump has done / does annoys the sh!te out of Democrats, pisses them off, goes again their intolerant ideology, and causes them to foam at the mouth in their rabid desire to remove him from office.....but none of it is ILLEGAL.

Taylor pointed out on the 1st day that he did not like or agree with the President's Foreign Policy. quote a former President, "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES'"...even for butt-hurt, treasonous Democrats.
Meh. It doesn't matter at this point.

Standards & expectations of this man's behavior are so low now that we can just move on.

Considering the MSM tries to make normal presidential actions seem criminal WHEN HE DOES IT, who's moving the standards and expectations goalposts more?
Meh. It doesn't matter at this point.

Standards & expectations of this man's behavior are so low now that we can just move on.

Considering the MSM tries to make normal presidential actions seem criminal WHEN HE DOES IT, who's moving the standards and expectations goalposts more?
Tough to say.

Do two wrongs make a right?
Meh. It doesn't matter at this point.

Standards & expectations of this man's behavior are so low now that we can just move on.

Considering the MSM tries to make normal presidential actions seem criminal WHEN HE DOES IT, who's moving the standards and expectations goalposts more?
Tough to say.

Do two wrongs make a right?

When one side's wrong is just being an ass, and the other side's wrong is trying to impeach a president for doing things they don't like, the wrongs don't cancel out.

Trump being a boor will have no lasting impact on the Republic, Trying to impeach over political disagreements will.

The Johnson Impeachment was purely political, and see what that did. Radical Republicans went hard on Reconstruction, The Southerners went hard during their "Redemption" period, and all because Johnson was neutered due to the impeachment.
Trump being a boor will have no lasting impact on the Republic...
I hope you're right. I hope this is rock bottom.

Rock bottom would be caused by actions, not words.

The worst case scenario if Conservatives/libertarians get control is many things go back to the State level, where progressive could still implement their policies in their own States.

The worst case scenario if Progressives get control is they try to impose their social ideas via federal legislation and the federal courts, and some States just say "No", or even worse, large groups of people start saying "No"

At that point we got a big problem.
The first three witnesses are Obama era holdovers...the first two were mad because the president of the United States went over their heads and this one today Yovanovitch is angry because she was fired...WTF????? dems don't you get it?...this is the swamp fighting back at being drained...but if Trump doesn't drain the swamp then people like Hunter Biden will continue to make their daddy's rich.....with BS do nothing jobs and investments...the swamp is fighting to remain corrupt...they don't want to give up the perks.....
President Trump has the constitutional authority to appoint his own choices for ambassador, a right all previous presidents have exercised by the way. This is an example of entitlement mentality. She isn't entitled to the job of ambassador to Ukraine or any appointee job.

All true, and yet trump's misuse of power is the issue, not the powers he has, but how he used them.
Both former Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch, who illegally worked with corrupt former Ukraine officials to interfere in the 2016 election - and who attempted to play the 'Victim' card during her testimony by claiming she was mistreated and fired 'unjustly', and lying, leaking Coup 2.0 Ringmaster Schiff accused President Trump of 'Attempting to Intimidate' witnesses by exercising his Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

1st, anyone who has been watching his Schiff-led coup attempt knows the whole thing is a sham. If they didn't before they do now, as Democrats have made it clear for everyone to see they have no crime, no evidence, no whistleblower, and no witnesses...because no one who has testified witnessed anything.

2nd, Yovanovitch should be happy she is not in GITMPO, soon to be joined by other Dems (hopefully, after the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses and other potential crimes comes out). The Ukraine govt has already ruled that what former corrupt Ukraine officials did in working with Yovanovitch and other Democrats to help Hillary in the 2016 election was a CRIME. The Obama administration and Democrats have refused to even look at the Americans involved ,their crimes exposed, and have failed to prosecute the real criminals - their own.

-- Yovanovitch to face GOP grilling on second day of public impeachment hearings

3rd, Although the President, Donald Trump does not forfeit his Constitutional Rights afforded to him, even whole holding the office of President....which he gets to do the one thing that perhaps pisses lying / treasonous Democrats who hate 'light' being shined on them - TWEET...and, usually, for the Democrats, at the worst possible time for the now.

It's not the fact that the President is Tweeting about Yovanovitch DURNIG her despicable testimony that has her, Schiff, and Democrats foaming at the mouth and accusing him of 'Intimidation' - It's WHAT he is tweeting.

Schiff has already declared he would protect the Bidens and would protect all of the Conspirators who in 2016 illegally colluded with corrupt Ukrainians to interfere in the election and help Hillary, that he would not allow such testimony or any questions down that path...and he has tried.

So, what is an American citizen falsely accused by proven lying / treasonous Democrats to do? TWEET!


If Schiff would not allow all the facts (pt #2, link) come out during the inquisition, being broadcast on live TV, then he would just remind everyone of the information / facts / story THAT IS ALREADY OUT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE ./ READ.

Leave it to Democrats / snowflakes to be offended and intimidated by the TRUTH and the substantiating facts that continue to prove they are lying, co-conspiring, treasonous filth gladly willing to do the job of dividing and destroying this nation for our enemies, like the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians - JUST AS LONG AS IT BENEFITS THEM / HELPS THEM GET THEIR POWER TO RULE BACK!


So sorry bozo, The Democrats in Congress have never written a bill to repeal and replace the First Amendment.

And, BTW, trump's tweets are mostly intimidation, no one objects to his tweets, in fact they have been one of the main reasons for a charge of obstruction of justice - trump is his own worst enemy.

According to you ******* wonders everything Trump says and tweets is intimidating and or an attempt to thwart justice. Edited
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The first three witnesses are Obama era holdovers...the first two were mad because the president of the United States went over their heads and this one today Yovanovitch is angry because she was fired...WTF????? dems don't you get it?...this is the swamp fighting back at being drained...but if Trump doesn't drain the swamp then people like Hunter Biden will continue to make their daddy's rich.....with BS do nothing jobs and investments...the swamp is fighting to remain corrupt...they don't want to give up the perks.....

A lie by omission ^^^, Mr Kent was employed by five prior Presidents, three Republicans and two Democrats.
(As was Ambassador Yovanovitch).

Lying by trump supporters is ubiquitous within their rhetoric, along with hypocrisy and character assassinations.

Examples are posted above (post # 15) by Rambunctious and Brokeloser (post # 17).
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Poor snowflakes.....the TRUTH is as intimidating to them as that darned kitchen light is to cockroaches when it comes on in the middle of the night.....

President Trump has the constitutional authority to appoint his own choices for ambassador, a right all previous presidents have exercised by the way. This is an example of entitlement mentality. She isn't entitled to the job of ambassador to Ukraine or any appointee job.

All true, and yet trump's misuse of power is the issue, not the powers he has, but how he used them.

Its not a misuse of power to fire an ambassador. There I just bitch slapped your attempt to spin.

For the rest of you bunch of dumb asses on the left I didn't hear this wailing and crying and rush to defend the top general in Afghanistan when Obama called him into his office and fired him.

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