Democrats claim they want election security – They really want to secure election victories


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats claim they want election security – They really want to secure election victories

Jason Chaffetz: Democrats claim they want election security – They really want to secure election victories
5/22/2019 ~ By Jason Chaffetz
In the wake of the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller confirming Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election, we are enjoying broad bipartisan consensus on the need to improve election security.
But instead of capitalizing on this national consensus to guard against future election interference, House Democrats are leveraging that consensus to facilitate a massive power grab. They are cynically using the fear of Russian interference as a pretext to pass legislation designed to help Democrats win elections.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and FBI Director Christopher Wray have both indicated that they anticipate Russia is not finished trying to interfere in U.S. elections.... Our best path forward is a decentralized analog voting system that thwarts hackers and would-be fraudsters, preventing them from finding a way to exploit a single nationwide electronic system.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and FBI Director Christopher Wray have both indicated that they anticipate Russia is not finished trying to interfere in U.S. elections.... Our best path forward is a decentralized analog voting system that thwarts hackers and would-be fraudsters, preventing them from finding a way to exploit a single nationwide electronic system.... Voter ID laws, ballot security measures, and voter list maintenance are all important components of keeping our elections secure. All of these measures are best performed by state and local officials, not by politicians in Washington looking to stack the deck in favor of one political party.

Election security? As in Voter ID?
IMO, the best way to corrupt and manipulate elections is to centralize and standardize them. This is being attempted by the PMS/DSA Democrat Left in the name of “fairness” and “protecting it from foreign interference.” It is, in fact, a huge PMS/DSA statist/leftist/central-government power grab.
The Democratic legislation is H.R. 1 –For the 'People Act' is in reality the 'Screw the People Act'. As always, the real intent and effect is the exact opposite of the name. It's really a "Not for the People Act" or "Against the People Act."
The title is so ironic considering the author almost immediately begins engaging in what he is accusing Democrats of
Any state that tries to negate the intent of the Electoral College should have its federal election votes rejected.

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