Democrats always deliver for their constituents.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
You have to admit Democrats do act swiftly for their constituents...They key is; the requests made by the constituents have to be outlandish, these requests must appeal only to the lowest grade and or non citizens, whatever the request it in no way can possibly benefit Americas best. Follow these principles and shit happens for Democrats.

Constituent requests:
Ignore the U.S. Constitution and provide a safe haven for the worlds filth...DONE
Force American taxpayers to pay thirdworlders to degrade American society...DONE
Allow weirdos, men in dresses to shit next to teen girls...DONE
Force schools to teach children to ignore science and simple biology...DONE
Devalue American history because a few lowlifes and wack-jobs have decided to pretend to be offended after 150 years...DONE

I can't really think of anything meaningful that Democrats make happen for their best but you can bet your ass they will bend over backwards and jump through fiery hoops to deliver on anything appealing to their lowest class.
I can't really think
Self evident I'd say!

Democrats usually manage to subvert the Constitution when it's in their interests but they don't do it swiftly. It took a 1948 majority opinion by a supreme court Justice who was a former KKK member appointed by FDR to create the concept of "separation of church and state" that has no basis in the Constitution. The abuses created by the decision didn't appear for decades when jack booted thugs smashed the Ten Commandments off court house walls and liberal judges ordered the demolition of a Korean War monument in San Diego because of a 40 ft Cross. Liberal justices found a "right to privacy" which did not exist in the Constitution to justify the murder of the unborn, sometimes in grotesque ways. It took about fifty years of liberal propaganda to create a generation of college kids who think violence is a legitimate form of political speech.
Democrats usually manage to subvert the Constitution when it's in their interests but they don't do it swiftly. It took a 1948 majority opinion by a supreme court Justice who was a former KKK member appointed by FDR to create the concept of "separation of church and state" that has no basis in the Constitution. The abuses created by the decision didn't appear for decades when jack booted thugs smashed the Ten Commandments off court house walls and liberal judges ordered the demolition of a Korean War monument in San Diego because of a 40 ft Cross. Liberal justices found a "right to privacy" which did not exist in the Constitution to justify the murder of the unborn, sometimes in grotesque ways. It took about fifty years of liberal propaganda to create a generation of college kids who think violence is a legitimate form of political speech.

All fact and well articulated.
And we sit here and wonder what happened to this once great nation that use to overflow with high quality citizenship...the answer...LIBERALS!
That's what happened.
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It took a 1948 majority opinion by a supreme court Justice who was a former KKK member appointed by FDR to create the concept of "separation of church and state" that has no basis in the Constitution.
Where do you people come up with this crap? The 1948 case to which you must be referring has got to be McCollum v. Board of Education. To claim that your quoted phase has no basis in the Constitution is absurd. First in a short list is the establishment clause of Amendment I. Next is the power of Article 3 judicial review. SCOTUS correctly interpreted the violation of the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment through the 14th Amendment. It is unconstitutional to teach religious doctrine in PUBLIC schools maintained by taxpayers funds from the PUBLIC PURSE!
~~ Illinois ex rel. McCollum v. Board of Education of School District ~~

As far as your claim the phrase, "separation of church and state" first sprang from Justice Black's 1948 decision in McCollum is patently uninformed and WRONG. The phrase was born in the mating of pen to paper by Thomas Jefferson on New Years Day 1802 in his famous "Letter to the Danbury Baptists" when he wrote;

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."
~~ Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists (June 1998) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin ~~
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