Democrats Across The Country Call For Ralph Northam's Resignation

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Not because he wanted to cut the heads off live babies, he dressed up in a costume 20 years ago in college. It’s an easy call for them since the lieutenant governor is a black Democrat. Hell, they could turn the whole thing into a big positive, which is just one reason I hope he will NOT resign!!! ^


Across the country, Democratic officials are condemning party member Ralph Northam due to an unearthed medical yearbook photo of the Virginia governor dressed either as a man painted in stereotypical racist blackface or dressed as a KKK member. The photo from 1984 was first discovered by, has been confirmed, and has caused an uproar across the political spectrum as liberal elected officials call for Gov. Northam's resignation.

Despite Democrats still praising an actual former Klansman from their party -- a la the dead Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia -- party officials are saying that Gov. Northam must resign and step down so the nation can "move forward" after the shocking yearbook photo.

2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris of California remarked the "stain of racism" has "no place in the "halls of government" and called for his resignation.

Leaders are called to a higher standard, and the stain of racism should have no place in the halls of government. The Governor of Virginia should step aside so the public can heal and move forward together.— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 2, 2019

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says that he sees no "other choice" but for the governor to step down.

BREAKING: "I don't see that the governor has any other choice but to step aside," New Jersey Gov. Murphy tells @chrislhayes after revelation of Virginia Gov. Northam in racist 1980s yearbook photo.— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 2, 2019

2020 presidential candidate Julian Castro has also called Gov. Northam's resignation, calling this behavior "racist and unconscionable."

It doesn’t matter if he is a Republican or a Democrat. This behavior was racist and unconscionable. Governor Northam should resign.— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) February 2, 2019

Others have said there is "no excuse" for a "shockingly racist" photo.

Governor Ralph Northam must resign. There is no excuse for the shockingly racist picture. I note that Florida Republican Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigned last month for being in blackface. This picture is even worse. It's blackface next to a KKK figure. The Washington Post on Twitter— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) February 2, 2019

As Matt reported earlier today, Gov. Northam has apologized and says "that it will take time and serious effort to heal the damage this conduct has caused. I am ready to do that important work. The first step is to offer my sincerest apology and to state my absolute commitment to living up to the expectations Virginians set for me when they elected me to be their Governor.”

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says that he sees no "other choice" but for the governor to step down.
He's a baby killer and a KKK terrorist. No one should defend him for even ten seconds.
It’s funny how when they find this shit about Dems, it’s “this isn’t our party”. If he was a Republican, it would be “see the whole Republican Party is racist”.

It’s funny watching these Marxists destroy each other. You moronic liberals think all this Marxism is going to end with a happy ending for all. But Marxism will always find an excuse to find a new enemy and send them to the gulag.
What about children after they are born? NaziCons love the fetus - until it is born. Why is that?

What about adding a hundred million people a year to the United States and watching our real wealth decline into Venezuela territory you friggin azz. You destroyed heterosexual marriage and the hard things about it to make single parent families easier. And the taxes shot up big time as extreme feminism rules the roost with extreme gay agendas.
What about children after they are born? NaziCons love the fetus - until it is born. Why is that?


No words for Northam, just more hatred for Republicans. You're really lost aren't you? Lost in a sea of intolerance and hatred.
What about children after they are born? NaziCons love the fetus - until it is born. Why is that?


Dear Lakhota
I guess it's like asking why do the Liberals and LGBT
support gay and lesbian people UNTIL they change
and decide they are naturally heterosexual. Suddenly
they not only don't care about those people but they
call them frauds and censor them. So much for inclusion
and not discriminating against people for orientation???

As for your assertions that Republican/Conservatives "don't
care about born children":
This isn't fair if you consider all the Christian and charitable
programs that conservatives support for helping women, children,
elderly and families in need. You don't seem to count the nonprofit
and church programs because that isn't a "political solution"
run by taxes paid through Govt. But that's the WHOLE REASON
Conservatives argue against depending on Govt because of the
advantages of running and funding social programs voluntarily
to be more cost-effective through NONgovernmental nonprofits, churches,
businesses etc. People have more freedom to meet individual
needs and develop more direct response and assistance
when it ISN'T bogged down by govt bureaucracy, which has
messed up public housing, prisons, the VA, and other failed
public schools, prisons, mental health systems etc.

I can name a number of nonprofits that take better care of
people to get them out of oppressive poverty and lack of resources:
* Pace Universal
* Doctors Without Borders
* Grameen Foundation and Grameen Bank
* AmeriCares

If you want the most cost effective, sustainable solutions to
immigration, border and trafficking crimes,
I'd recommend replicating these models along the border
and in all districts so everyone has equal access to
services as well as training to run their own programs instead of
waiting or relying on govt to manage everything bureaucratically.
It’s funny how when they find this shit about Dems, it’s “this isn’t our party”. If he was a Republican, it would be “see the whole Republican Party is racist”.


Post the link of Republicans calling for admitted white supremeicist Steve King to resign or your post has no credibility
Wonder why Northam won't acknowledge if he's the one in blackface or the clan Robe, and when are democrats going to demand the doxing of the other guy in the picture?
It’s funny how when they find this shit about Dems, it’s “this isn’t our party”. If he was a Republican, it would be “see the whole Republican Party is racist”.


That is the face of the democrat party. They were the party of slavery and segregation and still place minorities, race, ethnicities into groups. Its not surprising as they try to whitewash their sordid history and project their own abominable behavior to their opposition.
Since the Governor says he won't resign, the democrats should lead the impeachment fight first thing Monday morning. I don't like him for other reasons like considering allowing casinos to be built in just the poorest parts of the state, but this is bad.
Not because he wanted to cut the heads off live babies, he dressed up in a costume 20 years ago in college. It’s an easy call for them since the lieutenant governor is a black Democrat. Hell, they could turn the whole thing into a big positive, which is just one reason I hope he will NOT resign!!! ^


Across the country, Democratic officials are condemning party member Ralph Northam due to an unearthed medical yearbook photo of the Virginia governor dressed either as a man painted in stereotypical racist blackface or dressed as a KKK member. The photo from 1984 was first discovered by, has been confirmed, and has caused an uproar across the political spectrum as liberal elected officials call for Gov. Northam's resignation.

Despite Democrats still praising an actual former Klansman from their party -- a la the dead Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia -- party officials are saying that Gov. Northam must resign and step down so the nation can "move forward" after the shocking yearbook photo.

2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris of California remarked the "stain of racism" has "no place in the "halls of government" and called for his resignation.

Leaders are called to a higher standard, and the stain of racism should have no place in the halls of government. The Governor of Virginia should step aside so the public can heal and move forward together.— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 2, 2019

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says that he sees no "other choice" but for the governor to step down.

BREAKING: "I don't see that the governor has any other choice but to step aside," New Jersey Gov. Murphy tells @chrislhayes after revelation of Virginia Gov. Northam in racist 1980s yearbook photo.— MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 2, 2019

2020 presidential candidate Julian Castro has also called Gov. Northam's resignation, calling this behavior "racist and unconscionable."

It doesn’t matter if he is a Republican or a Democrat. This behavior was racist and unconscionable. Governor Northam should resign.— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) February 2, 2019

Others have said there is "no excuse" for a "shockingly racist" photo.

Governor Ralph Northam must resign. There is no excuse for the shockingly racist picture. I note that Florida Republican Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigned last month for being in blackface. This picture is even worse. It's blackface next to a KKK figure. The Washington Post on Twitter— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) February 2, 2019

As Matt reported earlier today, Gov. Northam has apologized and says "that it will take time and serious effort to heal the damage this conduct has caused. I am ready to do that important work. The first step is to offer my sincerest apology and to state my absolute commitment to living up to the expectations Virginians set for me when they elected me to be their Governor.”

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says that he sees no "other choice" but for the governor to step down.

I look at that picture as a call to unity. The kkk dude isn't trying to hang the black guy... they're having a beer together!
It’s funny how when they find this shit about Dems, it’s “this isn’t our party”. If he was a Republican, it would be “see the whole Republican Party is racist”.


Post the link of Republicans calling for admitted white supremeicist Steve King to resign or your post has no credibility
Did KING wear blackface and pose with a KKK member....your fucking DemonRAT tit is noted, and your hypocrisy is laughed at as you refuse to condemn the governir....pathetic people!

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