Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise Of Party’ Imminent

The party needs to pay attention to what Bernie showed them.
The party needs to leave the Democrat party?

They need to stop being afraid of being the socialist worker's party.
If they do then I'll have to consider becoming a republican.

Trump only won because he stole a few thousand workers from the Democrats.

Just wait till he hires all of those scientists screaming about global warming.

Say what you will but the man knows what makes people tick.
Borillar The part they should be really worried about is that my mom had no issue voting Republican instead. She's one of those who just walks in and votes a straight ticket and feels the parties are pretty much the same shit, different color... I would not be at all surprised if she runs straight R tickets for the rest of her life. Between running a flat out socialist and crooked Hillary, I think they've lost her for good.
Borillar The part they should be really worried about is that my mom had no issue voting Republican instead. She's one of those who just walks in and votes a straight ticket and feels the parties are pretty much the same shit, different color... I would not be at all surprised if she runs straight R tickets for the rest of her life. Between running a flat out socialist and crooked Hillary, I think they've lost her for good.
I would have been happy with Bernie. Yeah, a lot of his stuff is unworkable, but then that's true of every candidate. At least he wasn't a wholly owned, corrupt, republican lite, corporate whore like Hillary. But the party elite just had to have Hillary. Guess they didn't get the message from 8 years ago that people just don't like or trust her.
The dems need to focus on issues important to the working class like jobs, the economy, education, and healthcare. And a lot less on peripheral stuff.
Too late, the republicans already have that all wrapped up.
Jobs - right to work for peanuts
Economy - more tax cuts for the rich
Education - college is for snobs
Healthcare - let him die
The dems need to focus on issues important to the working class like jobs, the economy, education, and healthcare. And a lot less on peripheral stuff.
Ironically enough - those are all things that the Democrat Party destroyed (the economy, education, and healthcare).
We're in better shape in all these things than we were 8 years ago.
Just because you wish something were true does not mean it actually is true. Healthcare costs (both insurance premiums and actual costs associated with receiving care) have skyrocketed because of Obama and the Dumbocrats. Our students are dumber than ever as actual education was replaced with indoctrination and common core, and we have a record number of people out of the labor force.
Certainly the rust belt in this nation played a huge part in getting Donald Trump elected. DEMOCRATS voted for him in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Missouri. The ball is in Republican hands now to produce jobs in those areas, and if they don't they're screwed in 2018, and again in 2020.

Trump was campaigning on reopening up 20 year old rusted out factories. He was campaigning on punishing American companies sending manufacturing jobs overseas. The problem with this is:

1. No investors are going to open up these factories so they can LOSE money. Foreign countries will always be able to manufacture goods and hardware cheaper than Americans can.
2. Paul Ryan has already stated that they will not impose a tax or penalty on American companies who send jobs overseas in order to be competitive in a global market. So that's dead on arrival.
3. Republicans have always been pro-trade, and they will not undo NAFTA or any other existing trade agreements.
4. Republicans won't agree to tariff's on foreign products, as it only drives the cost up to the consumer, and has never created a single job.

About the best they can do is eliminate a lot of the regulations that have been imposed on every single industry in this country, some of it ridiculous. to help encourage manufacturing companies to stay in this country. They can try lowering the corporate tax rate, but studies have shown in the past, that it really plays no hand in increasing job growth in manufacturing. And to keep in mind, automation has done a lot in this country to reduce jobs in manufacturing. Machines taking the place of people.

So Trump has his hands full, and it will be coming from Republicans in the Senate & house that will not agree to many of his policies.

So I doubt we're going to see much happen in the rust belt. I think Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will be concentrating on Obamacare, and Federal budget issues over the next two years, because in reality, that's all they've got is two years.

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Borillar The part they should be really worried about is that my mom had no issue voting Republican instead. She's one of those who just walks in and votes a straight ticket and feels the parties are pretty much the same shit, different color... I would not be at all surprised if she runs straight R tickets for the rest of her life. Between running a flat out socialist and crooked Hillary, I think they've lost her for good.
The posts between EverCurious and Borillar here actually give me hope. Over the past 8 years of the Obama nightmare, the right has done an admirable job of cleaning up their house. Yes, I realize there is still a long way to go. But at least we've started and we have made progress.

I was convinced that the left would never follow suit. It seemed that the left didn't have the integrity to do it. But after seeing these posts, maybe they can and maybe they will.

If both sides start cleaning up their own house and kick out the pathological liars (the Richard Nixon's and Hillary Clinton's) we might be able to have real discussions, with accurate reports and make an actual positive impact for this country.
Certainly the rust belt in this nation played a huge part in getting Donald Trump elected. DEMOCRATS voted for him in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Missouri. The ball is in Republican hands now to produce jobs in those areas, and if they don't they're screwed in 2018, and again in 2020.

Trump was campaigning on reopening up 20 year old rusted out factories. He was campaigning on punishing American companies sending manufacturing jobs overseas. The problem with this is:

1. No investors are going to open up these factories so they can LOSE money. Foreign countries will always be able to manufacture goods and hardware cheaper than Americans can.
What an idiotic thing to say. The reason we can't compete now is because of idiotic progressive socialism. If match all of the policies of foreign nations (minimum wage of $0.25 per hour, no regulations, no unions) then we would manufacture goods at the same price. we want to do that? That's the discussion we need to be having. But simply lying and saying we can't match manufacturing costs of other nations is stupid and not helpful.
2. Paul Ryan has already stated that they will not impose a tax or penalty on American companies who send jobs overseas in order to be competitive in a global market. So that's dead on arrival.
Exactly. Because communism doesn't work. We don't (and shouldn't) force the private sector to do the bidding of the public sector. Instead, the public sector should cater to the private sector in every way imaginable in order to achieve the desired results they seek from the private sector. That's how freedom works.

You don't want jobs going overseas? Don't punish corporations for doing so. Make them a better deal than other nations are making to keep them here. It's so simple and affective, only a progressive is confused by it.
3. Republicans have always been pro-trade, and they will not undo NAFTA or any other existing trade agreements.
Trump isn't anti-trade. But I do believe that he deeply desires better trade agreements. Now the onus is on him to negotiate those better trade deals. Will he? I have no idea. But being the world's ultimate superpower, we certainly have all of the leverage to get the trade deals we desire.
3. Republicans have always been pro-trade, and they will not undo NAFTA or any other existing trade agreements.
Trump isn't anti-trade. But I do believe that he deeply desires better trade agreements. Now the onus is on him to negotiate those better trade deals. Will he? I have no idea. But being the world's ultimate superpower, we certainly have all of the leverage to get the trade deals we desire.
How could he possibly do any worse than the globalists that were in it to line their own pockets?

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