Leading Democrat: ‘We Have No Plan,’ ‘No Strategy,’ But at Least ‘We Have Proven Leadership’


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Leading Democrat: 'We Have No Plan,' 'No Strategy,' But at Least 'We Have Proven Leadership'

Leading Democrat: ‘We Have No Plan,’ ‘No Strategy,’ But at Least ‘We Have Proven Leadership’
Democrat Leaders in the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer, Patty Murray (L to R)


The poor, poor progressive leftist Democrats, their march to Marxism under Barack Obama the past eight years has taken them off a cliff and now they’re all but admitting it, while still ignoring the 800-lb. gorillas in the room.

Democrat Congressman Emanuel Cleaver appeared on MSNBC Thursday to give his post-election assessment of the party and dropped this incoherent bomb:

“At the present time, I’ve got to say, we have no strategy and we have no plan,” Cleaver told MSNBC’s Bob Melvin. “But at least we have some proven leadership that can, you know, take us into what’s going to be a new era.”

On Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi 11%
was re-elected to lead House Democrats as their minority leader. Pelosi, 76, a former Speaker of the House, has been the leading Democrat for the past 13 years. Pelosi will be flanked by Steny Hoyer 8%, 77, and James Clyburn 8%, 76.

Pelosi defeated 43-year old Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan 134-63, Pelosi’s worse performance yet. Ryan argued that the Democrat Party was no longer a national party, but instead had drifted into a party of coastal elites that had forgotten the rest of the country.

In the U.S. Senate, New York Senator Charles Schumer 2%
, 66, will take over leadership from retiring Senate minority leader Harry Reid 2%. Patty Murray 2%, 66, will serve as assistant democratic leader. Murray was elected to the U.S. Senate the same year Bill Clinton won his first term in office — 1992.

Say What? Huh? How do you have “no strategy” and “no plan” but still have “proven leadership” when it’s the same fossilized swamp leaders who are leading the party?


What is Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck Schumer's plan to lead the Democratic Party in the 21st century?

Apparently, more of the same.

More identity based politics of sucking up to women, minorities and LGBT with continuing attacks on white males and support of discrimination in government contracts, hiring and college admissions against white males.

More embrace of big government and reckless spending that has put the federal government $19.5 trillion in debt.

More out of control regulations that now cost Americans more than $3000 per person per year.

More attacks on the Christian religion while embracing a Muslim religion that rejects American values, and even basic principles of human rights.

More soft on illegal immigration and terrorism policies.

The Democrats have lost power at all levels of government, but their choice of the same old and discredited leaders proves they have learned nothing from their defeat. So we will see more Democratic defeats in 2018 and 2020 and 2022 until they wise up, which may be NEVER.

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