Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise Of Party’ Imminent

I liked the part where he said "we need to bring in new and younger blood"
:lol: Where exactly will it come from? You've already brain washed all the little cupcakes into being fascist little safe space pussies.
The dimwits can fix everything by reelecting 76 year old Nancy Pelosi as their leader.
Problem? He and his butt-buddies ARE huge part of their problem. He tried to lie about the tea party spitting on him. Dats right, we remember.
The party did well. Let's remind the trolls that Hillary is winning the popular vote by 2.5 million votes. The only thing they need to focus on right now is the GOP voter suppression/rigging in swing states which allowed a rapist to sneak into the whitehouse.
The free trade (Bill) Clinton wing of the Democratic Party beat (Hillary) Clinton,

if you think about it. If you're capable of thinking about it.
The party needs to pay attention to what Bernie showed them.
Exactly. He was the first honest candidate they've had for president in over 100 years. Socialist disgust me, but I had way more respect for Bernie Sanders than Barack Obama or Hitlery Clinton because he was honest about who he was, what he believed, and what he would do.
Normal Americans Idiots aren't afraid of socialism, protectionism, and isolationism.
You made a major error in your previous post. I corrected it for you. Rational people have studied history and seen that the nonsense you advocate there ends in famine, poverty, and misery.
A combination of racial gerrymandering and the disproportionate control given to rural red states has put Liberals in the place where they cannot win even if a majority of Americans vote for them. Trump is looking to take voting rights back to Reconstruction, so it is going to be much harder for minorities, students and the elderly to vote. This means that winning another presidential election is going to be almost impossible. And this is to say nothing of the activists that have been placed at county voting offices across the rust belt and other swing regions.

I don't think the Liberals have the courage to fight > regain lost territory. Nor do I think Liberals are smart enough to address the fact that citizens in densely populated Blue States are disenfranchised: they pay more in federal taxes but their votes weigh far less than voters in rural red states. I think we are going to have 1 party rule for a long time. Liberals who believe that Trumpism will only last 1 or 2 cycles don't understand that the Republican Party has been laying the foundation for this coup d'etat for decades. Any movement that wrestles control from the monied elites and Robber Barons that are assuming power next month will have to come from inside the Republican Party.

The Left is dead.
The dems need to focus on issues important to the working class like jobs, the economy, education, and healthcare. And a lot less on peripheral stuff.
Ironically enough - those are all things that the Democrat Party destroyed (the economy, education, and healthcare).
The party needs to pay attention to what Bernie showed them.
The party needs to leave the Democrat party?

They need to stop being afraid of being the socialist worker's party.

You're right, please run with that every election going forward......

Almost half of the voters in the presidential election believe that free trade costs us jobs.

Trump won that vote by 2 to 1. That's the Bernie Sanders position. The socialist position.
The dems need to focus on issues important to the working class like jobs, the economy, education, and healthcare. And a lot less on peripheral stuff.
Ironically enough - those are all things that the Democrat Party destroyed (the economy, education, and healthcare).
We're in better shape in all these things than we were 8 years ago.
You know it's bad when my mother, a diehard liberal, abandons the party to vote for Trump...

They better swing back toward center or they're going to lose a shit ton more...

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