Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise Of Party’ Imminent

You obviously bought into the story or you would not have started the topic.
So you admit you lied (as usual). About time.
As for my favorite party, I don't have one. They are both thoroughly corrupt. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to pick a party, I'd choose the Libertarian Party over the GOP and the Dems.
Bwahahaha! You’re about as “libertarian” as Saddam Hussien.
The “scoreboard” says you’re illiterate AF! :laugh:

120 > 67 (My IQ greater than yours 🤷‍♂️ )
The fact is, you now know why DJT was basically impeached twice. They knew what was coming, and love the Left or hate them, they are extraordinarily good at politics. GOP, not so much.

2022 seems like a slam dunk, but do not count your chickens. With the Left holding control of almost all the federal government, it will not be long before we see more surprises. People believe that their side has the PRISTINE point, but nothing could be further from the truth. We would really like to believe that BOTH sides are working for us in different methods, but in actuality, they are working for themselves toward power.

As I said before, and I repeat it incessantly............the GOP is NOT the answer to all your problems, but the Leftists are the cause of most all your problems, especially if you are middle class.

All you need do is look at the border, the shortages, the lockdowns, and you instinctively know over the last 9 months, something is wrong. The only real question going to accept this, or vote to not accept this! Honestly, it is your country, no matter how much the politicians try and convince you it is not.

2022 is going to be either the change to this, or the defense of what was. If you do not vote one way or the other, then do not complain if it does not come out the way you wanted!
Congressman Cleaver reveals Dems have “no plan, no strategy”

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) confessed that the Democratic party is an aimless, demoralized political faction after suffering crushing defeats in recent elections.

“At the present time… we have no strategy, and we have no plan,” he told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin. “I do think it is time for us to bring in younger leadership.”

“In fact, if we don’t, I think it will spell the demise of the Democratic caucus – if we’re not already primitively in a state of smallness.”

Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise of Party’ Imminent

Well this post didn't age well
Both houses and the executive.
My bad…I always forget that Dumbocrats are dumb and fascist (ie they literally have no clue that government exists beyond the federal government).

Conservatives have dominated state, county, and city elections and the Dumbocrat Party is panicked right now about the next midterms. Derp. :laugh:
I'd love to see the Dem party implode and disappear, but it won't happen. Talk to the people around you who are in their twenties. If they ever decide to show up at the polls and vote, Dems would win more races. Add to that, the old smart white voters are dying off.
I'd love to see the Dem party implode and disappear, but it won't happen.
It will never “disappear”. It has absolutely imploded.
Talk to the people around you who are in their twenties. If they ever decide to show up at the polls and vote, Dems would win more races.
Sorry, but your information there is flat wrong. While it’s true for millennials, Gen Z is further right than Gen X. They are libertarian.

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