Democracy @ Work...

Goys&Gaels, Muslims, Martians, to add?
Don't they have their own countries?
Pbel conveniently forgets all those foreigners who are presently working in Israel, foreigners who are certainly treated much better than the foreigners working in Muslim countries. I wonder if Pbel can tell us what is the word that you call people (if there is such a word) who are afraid of the religious symbols of those of other religions. While people of all faiths can freely practice their religion in Israel and have their own Houses of Worship, can he say the same of places like Saudi Arabia where even Bibles are confiscated? By the way, I hope that if Pbel ever visits Israel, he stops in this restaurant and tells the owner how Israel can't stand foreigners. [ame=]Chinese Restaurant in Haifa, Israel Vietnamese Boat People - YouTube[/ame]


Oh Hossey! Israel is or wants’ to be a Religious/Ethnic State to protect a "Jewish Homeland," that is: it will control citizenship and immigration based on that criteria.

It is an anachronistic arrangement for a Western type Democracy. In Fact Israel has already enacted marriage laws prohibiting Israeli/Arab Citizens from bringing brides or grooms from the occupied territories. A set-up more common in Islamic Republics than the European Model. However until a real lasting peace takes hold, Religious Phobias will be the rule. A step backward in Political Time.

Besides this is not about how the governments in the ME are organized. Time will change that in it’s own pace, as the Arab spring is showing.
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Don't they have their own countries?
Pbel conveniently forgets all those foreigners who are presently working in Israel, foreigners who are certainly treated much better than the foreigners working in Muslim countries. I wonder if Pbel can tell us what is the word that you call people (if there is such a word) who are afraid of the religious symbols of those of other religions. While people of all faiths can freely practice their religion in Israel and have their own Houses of Worship, can he say the same of places like Saudi Arabia where even Bibles are confiscated? By the way, I hope that if Pbel ever visits Israel, he stops in this restaurant and tells the owner how Israel can't stand foreigners. [ame=]Chinese Restaurant in Haifa, Israel Vietnamese Boat People - YouTube[/ame]


Oh Hossey! Israel is or wants’ to be a Religious/Ethnic State to protect a "Jewish Homeland," that is: it will control citizenship and immigration based on that criteria.

It is an anachronistic arrangement for a Western type Democracy. In Fact Israel has already enacted marriage laws prohibiting Israeli/Arab Citizens from bring brides or grooms from the occupied territories. A set-up more common in Islamic Republics than the European Model. However until a real lasting peace takes hold, Religious Phobias will be the rule. A step backward in Political Time.

Besides this is not about how the governments in the ME are organized. Time will change that in it’s own pace, as the Arab spring is showing.

It certainly is. Over 20,000 dead in Syria and now this:
Syria Turmoil Puts Lebanon on Brink of Chaos
Pbel conveniently forgets all those foreigners who are presently working in Israel, foreigners who are certainly treated much better than the foreigners working in Muslim countries. I wonder if Pbel can tell us what is the word that you call people (if there is such a word) who are afraid of the religious symbols of those of other religions. While people of all faiths can freely practice their religion in Israel and have their own Houses of Worship, can he say the same of places like Saudi Arabia where even Bibles are confiscated? By the way, I hope that if Pbel ever visits Israel, he stops in this restaurant and tells the owner how Israel can't stand foreigners. Chinese Restaurant in Haifa, Israel Vietnamese Boat People - YouTube


Oh Hossey! Israel is or wants’ to be a Religious/Ethnic State to protect a "Jewish Homeland," that is: it will control citizenship and immigration based on that criteria.

It is an anachronistic arrangement for a Western type Democracy. In Fact Israel has already enacted marriage laws prohibiting Israeli/Arab Citizens from bring brides or grooms from the occupied territories. A set-up more common in Islamic Republics than the European Model. However until a real lasting peace takes hold, Religious Phobias will be the rule. A step backward in Political Time.

Besides this is not about how the governments in the ME are organized. Time will change that in it’s own pace, as the Arab spring is showing.

It certainly is. Over 20,000 dead in Syria and now this:
Syria Turmoil Puts Lebanon on Brink of Chaos
While Pbel is expecting such wonderful things from this Arab Spring, he certainly doesn't concern himself with the women.
Egyptian women worry about losing rights under new President Morsi's rule

Don't they have their own countries?
Pbel conveniently forgets all those foreigners who are presently working in Israel, foreigners who are certainly treated much better than the foreigners working in Muslim countries. I wonder if Pbel can tell us what is the word that you call people (if there is such a word) who are afraid of the religious symbols of those of other religions. While people of all faiths can freely practice their religion in Israel and have their own Houses of Worship, can he say the same of places like Saudi Arabia where even Bibles are confiscated? By the way, I hope that if Pbel ever visits Israel, he stops in this restaurant and tells the owner how Israel can't stand foreigners. [ame=]Chinese Restaurant in Haifa, Israel Vietnamese Boat People - YouTube[/ame]


Oh Hossey! Israel is or wants’ to be a Religious/Ethnic State to protect a "Jewish Homeland," that is: it will control citizenship and immigration based on that criteria.

It is an anachronistic arrangement for a Western type Democracy. In Fact Israel has already enacted marriage laws prohibiting Israeli/Arab Citizens from bringing brides or grooms from the occupied territories. A set-up more common in Islamic Republics than the European Model. However until a real lasting peace takes hold, Religious Phobias will be the rule. A step backward in Political Time.

Besides this is not about how the governments in the ME are organized. Time will change that in it’s own pace, as the Arab spring is showing.
Pbel you really need to stop masturbating to the thought that out of this Arab Spring any harm will come to Israel. If anything it has been all positive so far. Arab / Muslims are busy fighting each other, and will be so for years, and Israel's two worst enemies, Syria and Iran, are on the verge of collapse. Not to mention most of the Arab world is united against them. How's them apples now? Heh heh heh.
Pbel you really need to stop masturbating to the thought that out of this Arab Spring any harm will come to Israel. If anything it has been all positive so far. Arab / Muslims are busy fighting each other, and will be so for years,.

There are quite a few clear errors of facts there.

Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are all now relatively peaceful. Egypt and Tunisia have already held successful elections, and the new governments in all three cases seem to be moderate and efficient - exactly the opposite of what you and a number of other ill-informed posters predicted three months ago.

The Arab Spring has been positive, and ultimately what is positive for the Arab people can also be positive to Israel by delivering stability and predictability to the region.

It takes a sick, sick person to call any kind of war "positive".
Pbel you really need to stop masturbating to the thought that out of this Arab Spring any harm will come to Israel. If anything it has been all positive so far. Arab / Muslims are busy fighting each other, and will be so for years,.

There are quite a few clear errors of facts there.

Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are all now relatively peaceful. Egypt and Tunisia have already held successful elections, and the new governments in all three cases seem to be moderate and efficient - exactly the opposite of what you and a number of other ill-informed posters predicted three months ago.

The Arab Spring has been positive, and ultimately what is positive for the Arab people can also be positive to Israel by delivering stability and predictability to the region.

It takes a sick, sick person to call any kind of war "positive".
If by successful you mean turned Islamic and about to enter a new phase internal power struggle between the better organized Islamists verses the seculars and other sects, then yes, it has been very successful.

Depends which war, US war of independence was positive. So was US involvement in WWII which prevented Nazi aggression.

If you're looking for sick then look at yourself in the mirror, you obviously have problems and insecurities and have an extremely difficult time dealing with your ignorance being exposed.
I have to admit, your down home west by god virgini 3rd grade education your friends accuse me of is comical. Although I cant spill Xenophobia is what most Israelis are: The fear of foreigners a Mass Psychosis...

You know nothing of "what most Israelis are," PBrain because you're a ragin' idiot. Remember? It all in your tiny pinhead.

Sniff, you only half quoted, you 'ol snake:I have to admit, your down home west by god virgini 3rd grade education your friends accuse me of is comical. Although I cant spill Xenophobia is what most Israelis are: The fear of foreigners a Mass Psychosis...a misanthrope is someone like Sayit AKA Sniffer he hates humanity for causing so much pain on Jews.
In both cases, I sympathize and agree with their justification.

Well, you know...

I love
Punchintg Sniffer
In the nose

Even when
I miss: I always
Come close!
Fear of foreigners? Do you have any fucking idea what you're talking about? Do you know the number of foreigners that come to visit Israel to see Jerusalem and other Holy sites? Even the Bahaiis established their holiest temple in Haifa Israel and feel totally safe and welcomed by allowing Israelis to be their caretakers.
Roudy -

What do you mean by "turned Islamic"?

Was Libya under Qadaffi or Egypt under Mubarak not already Islamic?

By any rational standard, all three regimes are more moderate than those they replaced.

Mosri has already clamped down on Islamic extremism - exactly the opposite of what you predicted three months ago, and in complete contradiction to what you suggest here.

The new Libyan leadership show no signs of arming and training Islamic rebels as Qadaffi did in Chad, Liberia, Burkina Faso etc. Hence, they are also more moderate.

Other than just blind hatred of all things Arabic, which actions actions taken by any of the three regimes thus far do you actually oppose?
Pbel you really need to stop masturbating to the thought that out of this Arab Spring any harm will come to Israel. If anything it has been all positive so far. Arab / Muslims are busy fighting each other, and will be so for years,.

There are quite a few clear errors of facts there.

Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are all now relatively peaceful. Egypt and Tunisia have already held successful elections, and the new governments in all three cases seem to be moderate and efficient - exactly the opposite of what you and a number of other ill-informed posters predicted three months ago.

The Arab Spring has been positive, and ultimately what is positive for the Arab people can also be positive to Israel by delivering stability and predictability to the region.

It takes a sick, sick person to call any kind of war "positive".
If by successful you mean turned Islamic and about to enter a new phase internal power struggle between the better organized Islamists verses the seculars and other sects, then yes, it has been very successful.

Depends which war, US war of independence was positive. So was US involvement in WWII which prevented Nazi aggression.

If you're looking for sick then look at yourself in the mirror, you obviously have problems and insecurities and have an extremely difficult time dealing with your ignorance being exposed.

Saigon, you have to forgive Pedo...his vulgarity is nothing but an expression of a suffering neurotic who needs to express these sexual projections in order to try and stay sane.

That is why there is no cure for his affliction.

Be merciful!
Roudy -

What do you mean by "turned Islamic"?

Was Libya under Qadaffi or Egypt under Mubarak not already Islamic?

By any rational standard, all three regimes are more moderate than those they replaced.

Mosri has already clamped down on Islamic extremism - exactly the opposite of what you predicted three months ago, and in complete contradiction to what you suggest here.

The new Libyan leadership show no signs of arming and training Islamic rebels as Qadaffi did in Chad, Liberia, Burkina Faso etc. Hence, they are also more moderate.

Other than just blind hatred of all things Arabic, which actions actions taken by any of the three regimes thus far do you actually oppose?
Egypt under Mubarek is the same as Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood leadership? You consider that a step forward? The only reason the Muslim Brotherhood isn't showing its "fangs" yet is because the army still has some control. Wait until the army gradually looses its grip. Same with Tunisia that elected an Islamist group.

You don't even have the intellectual honesty to argue something coherently. You just blurt out bullshit after bullshit and then get defensive when someone shoots you down.
Roudy -

You are aware that Mosri has resigned from the MB, right?

And yes - thus far, Mosri has been a huge step forward for Egypt and for regional stability. His policies towards Islamic extremism, towards women and Christian minorities are significantly more in keeping with western interests than those of Mubarak.

Did you not think it surprisining that Mosri's first act in power was to stand up to the military and basically put them back in their box?

After 50 years in being a single party state, Tunisia is now a geuine democracy - why do you not consider that a step forward?
There are quite a few clear errors of facts there.

Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are all now relatively peaceful. Egypt and Tunisia have already held successful elections, and the new governments in all three cases seem to be moderate and efficient - exactly the opposite of what you and a number of other ill-informed posters predicted three months ago.

The Arab Spring has been positive, and ultimately what is positive for the Arab people can also be positive to Israel by delivering stability and predictability to the region.

It takes a sick, sick person to call any kind of war "positive".
If by successful you mean turned Islamic and about to enter a new phase internal power struggle between the better organized Islamists verses the seculars and other sects, then yes, it has been very successful.

Depends which war, US war of independence was positive. So was US involvement in WWII which prevented Nazi aggression.

If you're looking for sick then look at yourself in the mirror, you obviously have problems and insecurities and have an extremely difficult time dealing with your ignorance being exposed.

Saigon, you have to forgive Pedo...his vulgarity is nothing but an expression of a suffering neurotic who needs to express these sexual projections in order to try and stay sane.

That is why there is no cure for his affliction.

Be merciful!
What's up douchebag? Heh heh heh!

Clueless Obama administration spins Muslim Brotherhood’s consolidation of power | Power Line
Roudy -

You are aware that Mosri has resigned from the MB, right?

And yes - thus far, Mosri has been a huge step forward for Egypt and for regional stability. His policies towards Islamic extremism, towards women and Christian minorities are significantly more in keeping with western interests than those of Mubarak.

Did you not think it surprisining that Mosri's first act in power was to stand up to the military and basically put them back in their box?

After 50 years in being a single party state, Tunisia is now a geuine democracy - why do you not consider that a step forward?
Do you think your bullshit means anything? The Muslim Brotherhood first said they would not be running any candidate during the protests, then they ran one "because things changed" and now that the takeover is complete they are slowly neutralizing the army's power. The Muslim Brotherhood for your information is the same radical organization that created Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri his second in command. You can consider it the "Harvard" university for rich Arabs who want to be world famous Islamic terrorists.

The Arab Spring is becoming an Islamist takeover – Telegraph Blogs
Roudy -

I believe facts and news mean something.

It is a fact, for instance, that there is now a hier % of women in the Tunisian parliament than their is in the US House of Representaves.

It is a fact that Mosri has reigned from the MB, saying that he wished to represent all Egyptians.

It is a fact that Mosri stood up to the army and won - in complete contradiction to your statement above.

It is also a fact that Mosri has used the army against Islamic militants hiding out in the Sinai, a fact greeted with relief and pleasure in Israel.

I do realise these facts mean nothing to you, because you aren't really interested in the topic.
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thanks for the facts-----the fact is that egypt is falling into the cosmic cesspit of shariah-------when a person becomes president of a country he has to smoothe out his own ragged edges -------in fact IN POSITION----they tend to all seem to act almost the same. Mosri wants to HOLD ON it does not mean that he does not have lots of filth up his sleeve and in his pants. He certainly does not want to start a war RIGHT NOW ------even Nus-kharah-allah calmed down a bit when he saw his plans crumble
thanks for the facts-----the fact is that egypt is falling into the cosmic cesspit of shariah-------when a person becomes president of a country he has to smoothe out his own ragged edges -------in fact IN POSITION----they tend to all seem to act almost the same. Mosri wants to HOLD ON it does not mean that he does not have lots of filth up his sleeve and in his pants. He certainly does not want to start a war RIGHT NOW ------even Nus-kharah-allah calmed down a bit when he saw his plans crumble

Anything is possible. Mosri may follow Musaveni's lead and turn from being a moderate democrat into a tyrant.

But at this stage Mosri's moves have definitely been in the direction of moderation, right across the board: standing up to the army, cracking down on Islamic militants, promoting the rights of women and defending the rights of minorities, resigning from the MB.

btw. Egypt never has, and never will, institute the kind of stone age Sharia seen in Saudi Arabia or Sudan. It clashes strongly with Egyptian interpretations of the Koran.
thanks for the facts-----the fact is that egypt is falling into the cosmic cesspit of shariah-------when a person becomes president of a country he has to smoothe out his own ragged edges -------in fact IN POSITION----they tend to all seem to act almost the same. Mosri wants to HOLD ON it does not mean that he does not have lots of filth up his sleeve and in his pants. He certainly does not want to start a war RIGHT NOW ------even Nus-kharah-allah calmed down a bit when he saw his plans crumble

Anything is possible. Mosri may follow Musaveni's lead and turn from being a moderate democrat into a tyrant.

But at this stage Mosri's moves have definitely been in the direction of moderation, right across the board: standing up to the army, cracking down on Islamic militants, promoting the rights of women and defending the rights of minorities, resigning from the MB.

btw. Egypt never has, and never will, institute the kind of stone age Sharia seen in Saudi Arabia or Sudan. It clashes strongly with Egyptian interpretations of the Koran.

Yes I very much agree with you that MOSRI is in his MODERATE ---pre-insanity phase
---as to shariah and egypt------long ago----when I was a young woman-----and full of confidence in my opinion-------ie in 1979 ----I said the SAME thing you are saying about egypt-----about IRAN Egypt's interpretation of islam is -----embodied in AL AZHAR UNIVERSITY-------years ago (ie more than 10) the website of that university had an ON LINE list of FATWAHS issued forth from the learned and RATIFIED by the learned faculty
-------it was taken down------it was far too nauseating to remain in the ETHER

sorry-----but egypt can easily go down into the cosmic shariah cesspit

did you know that KABUL was once a sparkliing culturally diverse city?-----for that matter----so was mecca
sorry-----but egypt can easily go down into the cosmic shariah cesspit

did you know that KABUL was once a sparkliing culturally diverse city?-----for that matter----so was mecca

Well, it is always possible, but I don't personally think it will happen.

Egypt doesn't isn't a particularly extreme culture. Cairo is very cosmopolitan, and I think mosy Egyptians value the fashions and freedoms they enjoy there.

I haven't been to Kabul myself, but I have friends who were there in the old days and rave about the place still! Hopefully it will settle down and I can go some day. But Afghanistan has always been a fairly extreme culture, IMO. They were nuts long before the Taliban.
sorry-----but egypt can easily go down into the cosmic shariah cesspit

did you know that KABUL was once a sparkliing culturally diverse city?-----for that matter----so was mecca

Well, it is always possible, but I don't personally think it will happen.

Egypt doesn't isn't a particularly extreme culture. Cairo is very cosmopolitan, and I think mosy Egyptians value the fashions and freedoms they enjoy there.

I haven't been to Kabul myself, but I have friends who were there in the old days and rave about the place still! Hopefully it will settle down and I can go some day. But Afghanistan has always been a fairly extreme culture, IMO. They were nuts long before the Taliban.

Teheran was once like CAIRO Long ago-----when I was young and spry------and in miniskirts---------Iranians told me ---"YOU THINK THE MINIS ARE SHORT HERE? YOU SHOULD SEE THEM IN TEHERAN" and they described a really up beat culture IN TEHERAN-------but that was Teheran around the late 60s-------and Cairo is Cairo-----out in the "sticks" of both countries -----the people are in the stone age. Did you know that something like 97% of Egyptian girls are circumcised? ----that's OUT THERE If Teheran had voted back there in 1979 and the rest of the country refrained----KHOMEINI would have died in exile.

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