Dem NC Gov Declares 'State Of Energency' To Try To Stop School Choice Legislation From Passing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
To stop patents from having a choice regarding where to send their children to school, to prevent School Choice Legislation from passing, to deny American citizens 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE', Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has declared a 'State of Emegency'.

'Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declared a "state of emergency" on Monday in an attempt to stop a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Cooper released a video announcement where he declared a state of emergency, arguing that the state of public education is "no less important" than other emergencies.

"It’s time to declare a State of Emergency for public education in North Carolina. There’s no Executive Order like with a hurricane or the pandemic, but it’s no less important," Cooper stated.

He continued, "It’s clear that the Republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education. I’m declaring this state of emergency because you need to know what’s happening. If you care about public schools in North Carolina, it’s time to take immediate action and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools for a generation."

If Democrat controlled / run public schools were worth saving, were worth attending, parents would be choosing to send their kids to school there.

Instead, Democrat public schools have become transgender confusing centers, CRT training facilities, LGBTQ Indoctrination camps, places for sick pedophile liberal extremists to groom, kids, have sex with kids, and mutilate their genitals.

Democrats have voted against Parents' rights, declared children belong to the govt now not the parents, and are even trying to legalize the govt kidnapping your children so they can mutilate their genitals.

Meanwhile in some schools it is being reported as high as 97% of children can't read or do simple math.

Democrats are attempting to strip Americans of their freedom of choice to protect their 'Nazi Youth Camps'.

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BTW, this hypocritical prick of a tyrannical Governor sent his own children to private school.

Sorry, North Carolinians, but he means to see that YOU don't get that choice.
His campaign depends on the teacher's mafia, er, unions, so he's in a tizzy because they KNOW public schools will be quickly, definitively outperformed by small, independent private schools. The unions are likely scared SPITLESS.
Good for NC! I had no idea the state's education had fallen so far. Home of the Research Triangle and its own public schools are massively failing.
Worked on a project there a few years back...Such a beautiful and relatively clean place, to be filled with so many moonbats.
To stop patents from having a choice regarding where to send their children to school, to prevent School Choice Legislation from passing, to deny American citizens 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE', Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has declared a 'State of Emegency'.

'Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declared a "state of emergency" on Monday in an attempt to stop a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Cooper released a video announcement where he declared a state of emergency, arguing that the state of public education is "no less important" than other emergencies.

"It’s time to declare a State of Emergency for public education in North Carolina. There’s no Executive Order like with a hurricane or the pandemic, but it’s no less important," Cooper stated.

He continued, "It’s clear that the Republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education. I’m declaring this state of emergency because you need to know what’s happening. If you care about public schools in North Carolina, it’s time to take immediate action and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools for a generation."

If Democrat controlled / run public schools were worth saving, were worth attending, parents would be choosing to send their kids to school there.

Instead, Democrat public schools have become transgender confusing centers, CRT training facilities, LGBTQ Indoctrination camps, places for sick pedophile liberal extremists to groom, kids, have sex with kids, and mutilate their genitals.

Democrats have voted against Parents' rights, declared children belong to the govt now not the parents, and are even trying to legalize the govt kidnapping your children so they can mutilate their genitals.

Meanwhile in some schools it is being reported as high as 97% of children can't read or do simple math.

Democrats are attempting to strip Americans of their freedom of choice to protect their 'Nazi Youth Camps'.

Why should families who can not afford to send their kids to a private school have to have their taxes, that they pay, go towards funding a private school. That money should go to pubic schools and for teacher's pay.

A private school but it's very nature is a private business. yes it is a non profit business.

Instead they want state funds go towards private school vouchers and tax cuts

Hey if you want to send your kid to a private school then pay for it. Taxes should go towards the general welfare of the state and to all its residents. Not just the few.

Now not only do they want to send them to a private school which can be a religious orientated school but they want the government to help fund it.

I do have a problem with funding it. If they want to go to a private school then go for it but be prepared to pay for it.
Why should families who can not afford to send their kids to a private school have to have their taxes, that they pay, go towards funding a private school. That money should go to pubic schools and for teacher's pay.

A private school but it's very nature is a private business. yes it is a non profit business.

Instead they want state funds go towards private school vouchers and tax cuts

Hey if you want to send your kid to a private school then pay for it. Taxes should go towards the general welfare of the state and to all its residents. Not just the few.

Now not only do they want to send them to a private school which can be a religious orientated school but they want the government to help fund it.

I do have a problem with funding it. If they want to go to a private school then go for it but be prepared to pay for it.

As a US citizen with no kids why should any of my tax dollars go to fund Democrat Hitler Youth Camps, transgender confusion classes, LGBTQ Indoctrination centers, and for Democrats / teachers' unions to secretly mutilate the genitals of scientifically proven under-aged, mentaly/Physically/emotionally under-developed children who can't read or do simple math?
The Democrat Party knows what public education means to them.

A siphon of taxpayer money to their causes.

Indoctrination of America's youth with trans shows and gay books in the library.

Making America's kids dumb, because the dumber they are, the more likely they will want a government check...

Packed with left wing homos, public education is the Democrat Party.

It is not a "state of emergency" for anything other than the future of the Dem Party. If school vouchers become a reality, public education would have to compete, and monopolies are never prepared for competition.

Roy Cooper was a full time shill for the Covid hoax too...

No shocker here....

Gov Cooper's kids are CHOSEN to be well educated. For the rest of NC's kids, they can take it

Why should families who can not afford to send their kids to a private school have to have their taxes, that they pay, go towards funding a private school. That money should go to pubic schools and for teacher's pay.

A private school but it's very nature is a private business. yes it is a non profit business.

Instead they want state funds go towards private school vouchers and tax cuts

Hey if you want to send your kid to a private school then pay for it. Taxes should go towards the general welfare of the state and to all its residents. Not just the few.

Now not only do they want to send them to a private school which can be a religious orientated school but they want the government to help fund it.

I do have a problem with funding it. If they want to go to a private school then go for it but be prepared to pay for it.

Shill for the monopoly.

Scared of competition.

If public education was doing a good job, there would be no fear of vouchers. The fear is the knowledge of what public education really is, the lifeline of the Democrat Party's future voters...

As with everything else, Dems use fear and hate and lies to get their way. Their way with education is wrecking America. That's what they've always wanted...
I have said it before and will say it again: be careful what you wish for. I am in favor of vouchers, but any private school accepting them must ALSO accept the demands/regulations that come with them, including accepting special needs children with severe behaviors (and some NON-special needs children with severe behaviors)!
Is this pro-groomer hissy fit an impeachable offense? Too late now, the veto proof legislative branch gets to decide. Cooper should have left interpretation of the law to the judiciary, where it belongs, the executive branch's purpose is to enforce duly created laws. Yet another absurd liberal abuse of power.
BTW, this hypocritical prick of a tyrannical Governor sent his own children to private school.

Sorry, North Carolinians, but he means to see that YOU don't get that choice.

Why do other parents not have the choice to do what he did without this law?
The Dems / Marxists want a controllable population of uneducated serfs. They will dumb-down school children and import millions of third-worlders to make that happen.
Why do other parents not have the choice to do what he did without this law?
School choice initiatives are generally accompanied by a voucher program such that the school tax dollars paid by parents will "follow" the child to a private school of choice.

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