Define the 1% left wingers


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I've often wondered where the line is drawn between the righteous citizen and the evil 1%?

At what monetary value does one become the 1%?

For the Marxist, at what monetary value does the proletariat end and the bourgeoisie begin?

And where does George Soros fit in all this?
I've often wondered where the line is drawn between the righteous citizen and the evil 1%?

At what monetary value does one become the 1%?

For the Marxist, at what monetary value does the proletariat end and the bourgeoisie begin?

And where does George Soros fit in all this?
It is not delineated by dollars. Shouldn't someone who has so much to say about the evils of Marxism already know this?

In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed – a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital. These labourers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce.
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 1)
Let me ask this in reply...what do uyou consider poverty wages? I believe 40 thousand dollars salary is a person making poverty wages.
dem puppets.jpg
I've often wondered where the line is drawn between the righteous citizen and the evil 1%?

At what monetary value does one become the 1%?

For the Marxist, at what monetary value does the proletariat end and the bourgeoisie begin?

And where does George Soros fit in all this?
The 1% is anyone who has more money than them.
1% Is a defined mathematical designation. It has nothing to do with political goals. Of course, those in the 1% are usually more concerned with maintaining their own advantages than they are with the plight of the middle class.That's why they are mostly right wingers.
I've often wondered where the line is drawn between the righteous citizen and the evil 1%?

At what monetary value does one become the 1%?

For the Marxist, at what monetary value does the proletariat end and the bourgeoisie begin?

And where does George Soros fit in all this?

That you already have a list of names whom you believe to be the 'liberal 1%' means you've drawn the lines long ago. Better this be in the rubber room where you can just post a rant which is your intention.
So Soros for the democrats bad other rich folks for the GOP good. Yeah that makes sense..

Soros hedges against America and makes profits, Businesses, large and small, invest in America. Yeah, that should make sense yet you people think those that those who seek profit and create jobs is evil yet you defend one who bets against America and creates no jobs.

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