Debates between Trump and Biden - Q & A on what Networks?

How many debates will there be between Biden & Trump, and on which networks?

  • More than 3 debates

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Less than 3 debates

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • zero debates

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • On any of the networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FXN, MSNBC as negotiated

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Only on FXN or no debates

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Only on CNN with agreed upon moderators

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
The way I understood it is the Democrats were going to sue the President for checking out Biden's self-professed extortion scheme on camera. They claimed he would get in trouble for colluding with a foreign country to take out a candidate for the Presidency.

I don't think that is a correct interpretation of the law, it's another power grab. We will have to wait until after the fall election to pursue justice for the extortion stunt Vice-President Biden did on Obama's watch, even though the DOJ likely has sufficient evidence to put away the former Vice-President for life.

The Democrats are self-destructing in their selfish quest to take over the United States of America and take away free mens' guns. If the Democrats do away with justice, people just might take justice into their own hands. And that's what I think.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
The way I understood it is the Democrats were going to sue the President for checking out Biden's self-professed extortion scheme on camera. They claimed he would get in trouble for colluding with a foreign country to take out a candidate for the Presidency.

I don't think that is a correct interpretation of the law, it's another power grab. We will have to wait until after the fall election to pursue justice for the extortion stunt Vice-President Biden did on Obama's watch, even though the DOJ likely has sufficient evidence to put away the former Vice-President for life.

The Democrats are self-destructing in their selfish quest to take over the United States of America and take away free mens' guns. If the Democrats do away with justice, people just might take justice into their own hands. And that's what I think.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
The way I understood it is the Democrats were going to sue the President for checking out Biden's self-professed extortion scheme on camera. They claimed he would get in trouble for colluding with a foreign country to take out a candidate for the Presidency.

I don't think that is a correct interpretation of the law, it's another power grab. We will have to wait until after the fall election to pursue justice for the extortion stunt Vice-President Biden did on Obama's watch, even though the DOJ likely has sufficient evidence to put away the former Vice-President for life.

The Democrats are self-destructing in their selfish quest to take over the United States of America and take away free mens' guns. If the Democrats do away with justice, people just might take justice into their own hands. And that's what I think.

I have no clue what's going on in the DOJ, I only know that Barr has too many deep state democrats working there to keep close tabs on. Then there are IGs that don't do their jobs. Trump and Barr need a 2nd term just to straighten out the DOJ and the FBI. If Trump loses, one possibility is that Kamala Harris gets put in as AG. Think about that one awhile.
There are other good guys like Tom Fitton and
About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
WTF is Durham doing? Its been too long. I wonder if he has the same grand jury that wouldn't charge McCabe? All of DC is a democrat swamp.
Giuliani has been uncharacteristically quiet, why?. Parnas and Fruman are indicted. WTF? Obama paid a fine for campaign finance violations?!

How Parnas and Fruman’s Dodgy Donation Was Uncovered by Two People Using Google Translate — ProPublica
All I know is that the November election will be Armageddon, for both sides, new voting participation records.
I'm hoping for no debates, because it's become an empty ceremony at this point.

So here's how the narrative works for these.

The first one they will claim Trump lost, because for no other reason than he had to share a debate stage with Biden and Biden was presented as a plausible alternative. Anyone remember what was discussed in the first Romney-Obama debate? The first Bush-Kerry debate? Nope.

The second one, Trump will make an "amazing" recovery. The only thing anyone remembers about the Second Reagan-Mondale debate was that Reagan made that so-funny quip about Mondale's youth. The only thing that anyone remembers about the second Obama-Romney debate was that Candy Crowley called out the Weird Mormon Robot on claiming Bush hadn't called the attack on Benghazi 'terrorism'.

Now, wasn't always this way. The Ford-Carter debates were dignified and full of substance. Go back and watch them. The same with the Nixon-Kennedy debates.

My guess is, Trump won't even want to show up to these debates, as he knows the media will be hostile.
Can Trump avoid that Megyn Kelly question again?

Megyn Kelly and the question that changed her life forever

I'd like to see a debate panel featuring Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski, Heidi Cruz, Carly Fiorina, and his two ex-wives.

All wearing red.

No good reason for that.

Ever hear of "entertainment"?

Okay, so you're not talking about a debate then, you're just interjecting your random thoughts.
I'm hoping for no debates, because it's become an empty ceremony at this point.

So here's how the narrative works for these.

The first one they will claim Trump lost, because for no other reason than he had to share a debate stage with Biden and Biden was presented as a plausible alternative. Anyone remember what was discussed in the first Romney-Obama debate? The first Bush-Kerry debate? Nope.

The second one, Trump will make an "amazing" recovery. The only thing anyone remembers about the Second Reagan-Mondale debate was that Reagan made that so-funny quip about Mondale's youth. The only thing that anyone remembers about the second Obama-Romney debate was that Candy Crowley called out the Weird Mormon Robot on claiming Bush hadn't called the attack on Benghazi 'terrorism'.

Now, wasn't always this way. The Ford-Carter debates were dignified and full of substance. Go back and watch them. The same with the Nixon-Kennedy debates.

My guess is, Trump won't even want to show up to these debates, as he knows the media will be hostile.
Considering your sources, I'm not surprised you think President Trump would avoid the stacked deck from which the press deals unfairly.

What you may not realize is how potently Biden's blithe attitude is about his crimes has strengthened people who despise criminal activity and given Republicans a cause celebre to get out the vote and displace Nan Pelosi as well as give plurality in the Senate to more aggressive Republicans for Bill of Rights preservation, in order to create a law against using political character assassination to impeach the leadership. This will force Democrats to be honest again, and might even make them strong again once they fulfill honesty requirements of the American people. Having shell game experts as leaders along with criminal mischief people in charge of America's purse strings, well, that baggage weighing the nation down has got to go. The only way we are going to get our nation back from this steamy sewer smell is to clean house. We have to win or the communists we have so graciously allowed to exist will continue to rule from Ivy League history and political departments. If we have to burn down schools that created the Hillary monster, it will be a justification of the civil war the Democrat Party has rocketed into the experimental air they also created out of nothing. I'm just sorry that some reasonably good men got snookered into overlooking blatant extortion and self-aggrandizement that goes with power over justice. The founders knew that if Christian churches were abandoned, so would freedom they fought and died for would go out the window as well. The threats the Democrat Party has made no only to guns of the second amendment, but also to the unborn citizens of the founders and their followers, who are being blatantly annihilated by creating an opinion that motherhood is bad and women abandoning traditional roles to lead corporations is good. That leaves no room for replacing the old generation with the new, which has stagnated like a swamp. We are painfully aware that the extreme left may take extreme solutions to bring the pendulum back to the middle this time. :cool:
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
There's plenty of evidence, kyzr. It's just that the lawyers in the leftist pocket are trying to tear America a new one, and they are goaded on by communist-leaning professors who are bored with America's puritan tendencies and create entire new paradigms that are untested or based on failed past societies who thought killing off half the population of their respective communist societies would bring them a solution, but brought them only starvation and human misery.

Biden's son has made an effort to return his "earnings" to be paid back, and Biden was so brassy as to brag about his extortion and insistence on firing the man investigating his son to his loyal followers, who laughed when he bragged about it. This was shown in a video of this internal conversation he had with constituents:

That billion dollars never, never made its way back to the people's Treasury of the United States of America. Do the math.
Last edited:
The CPD sets up the presidential debates. CPD: Overview

How are the Debate Moderators Chosen? The moderators are selected by the CPD several weeks before the debates. The CPD uses three criteria to select its moderators: a) familiarity with the candidates and the major issues of the presidential campaign; b) extensive experience in live television broadcast news; and c) an understanding that the debate should focus maximum time and attention on the candidates and their views. The moderators alone select the questions to be asked, which are not known to the CPD or to the candidates. They do not meet with the campaigns, nor do the campaigns have a role in moderator selection. Starting in 1996, with a single exception, the CPD has used a single moderator for all of its debates in order to keep the focus on the candidates and their positions. The one exception was the second presidential debate in 2016, which was co-anchored by Martha Raddatz of ABC News and Anderson Cooper of CNN.

Your pre-cooked debate narrative doesn't make sense. The "neutral" moderators create and ask the questions. Can you predict how Biden or Trump would answer questions? I can see them now, as always, ignore the questions and just go off on their talking points, again and again and again.

Its my "opinion that they need two moderators, one from FXN, like Brett Baer, and one from the MSM, say Anderson Cooper, or Jake Tapper. To ask follow-ups and keep the "soft ball" questions to a minimum.

Trump loves the fight, he's made a presidential career of beating the "fake news" MSM. He has his tweets to <<<<spin>>>> the results. I'm just not seeing Joe Biden doing well in debates, its not his forte'. Trump can say "you dodged the question again Joe" to remind voters how weak a debater Joe is. Trump knows a ton of facts now and most are favorable to his re-election. You can bet on Joe, but I'm betting on Trump.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
There's plenty of evidence, kyzr. It's just that the lawyers in the leftist pocket are trying to tear America a new one, and they are goaded on by communist-leaning professors who are bored with America's puritan tendencies and create entire new paradigms that are untested or based on failed past societies who thought killing off half the population of their respective communist societies would bring them a solution, but brought them only starvation and human misery.

Biden's son has made an effort to return his "earnings" to be paid back, and Biden was so brassy as to brag about his extortion and insistence on firing the man investigating his son to his loyal followers, who laughed when he bragged about it. This was shown in a video of this internal conversation he had with constituents:

That billion dollars never, never made its way back to the people's Treasury of the United States of America. Do the math.

You have a few gems there to unpack:
1. Lawyers are generally left leaning and loyal democrats, the "community organizer" made sure that the DOJ is infested with them. Picture supervising Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx to do fair DOJ business.

2. As for communist professors pushing for Khmer Rouge type solutions:
Killing Fields - Wikipedia
Hell, look at Chuck Schumer threatening Federal Judges yesterday. Then they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment and collect guns? Fuck that.

3. Biden and his son Hunter's scams are supposedly under investigation. The democrats are circling the wagons. We'll see if Barr and Durham can get any indictments on any of the Obama minions. McCabe apparently escaped. I'm not optimistic, the deep state swamp in DC is apparently very powerful.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
There's plenty of evidence, kyzr. It's just that the lawyers in the leftist pocket are trying to tear America a new one, and they are goaded on by communist-leaning professors who are bored with America's puritan tendencies and create entire new paradigms that are untested or based on failed past societies who thought killing off half the population of their respective communist societies would bring them a solution, but brought them only starvation and human misery.

Biden's son has made an effort to return his "earnings" to be paid back, and Biden was so brassy as to brag about his extortion and insistence on firing the man investigating his son to his loyal followers, who laughed when he bragged about it. This was shown in a video of this internal conversation he had with constituents:

That billion dollars never, never made its way back to the people's Treasury of the United States of America. Do the math.

You have a few gems there to unpack:
1. Lawyers are generally left leaning and loyal democrats, the "community organizer" made sure that the DOJ is infested with them. Picture supervising Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx to do fair DOJ business.

2. As for communist professors pushing for Khmer Rouge type solutions:
Killing Fields - Wikipedia
Hell, look at Chuck Schumer threatening Federal Judges yesterday. Then they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment and collect guns? Fuck that.

3. Biden and his son Hunter's scams are supposedly under investigation. The democrats are circling the wagons. We'll see if Barr and Durham can get any indictments on any of the Obama minions. McCabe apparently escaped. I'm not optimistic, the deep state swamp in DC is apparently very powerful.

A lot of things are against the America our ancestors created to avoid the perils of European monarchies of the sort that caused King Edward III of England to push taxes on the Colonies to pay for his indulgences and war on the France. All our people asked was for a little allowance of the colonies to have a sympathetic ear steming from a representative being appointed by the crown, but instead, the King's treasurer amplified the relief the King would have by steeping him in the concept that levying a tax on the Colonies for tea, which truly angered grass roots leaders on these shores. That answer to the request of representation led to angry words against something the colonists considered as a thug tax against and in answer to our plea for representation. Very sad mistake against brotherhood it was.

That aside, I regret missing your point and going off on a tangent, Kyzr.

Our attorney general wants very much to respect the existing law, but his adversaries in the Democrat party have made desperate attempts to accuse him of malfeasance since prior to his answer of "yes" to help bale America out of the swamp Democrats want no one to drain. It's their feathered nest, murky water et al. And the DNC lawyers dwell on thinking up mischief against any person appointed by President Donald Trump.

I'm not sure a human can solve this problem. That's why I have become a person of prayer. I feel helpless against the brutality of the left's devotion to communistic theory and practice. Only divine intervention, it's clear to me, can bail us out. Hopefully you fellows can use the good brains you have to bring the people of America back to their Christian roots and practice. Otherwise, we will become the European vices we tried to throw off multiple generations ago.
Last edited:
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

These guys setup the debates, but what happens if the candidates disagree??
Commission on Presidential Debates
I think candidate Biden should be sitting in a jail cell right now awaiting his trial for extortion using his title as Vice-President to gain personal wealth and taking taxpayer gifts to lend a helping hand to a beleaguered country and putting American taxpayer's money through a laundry scheme that made him wealthy beyond anyone's imagination.

Got any evidence? We've been waiting patiently for Barr and Durham to show us the indictments....haven't seen squat yet?!
Is this like the UraniumOne Scam? Its a thing until its not?
There's plenty of evidence, kyzr. It's just that the lawyers in the leftist pocket are trying to tear America a new one, and they are goaded on by communist-leaning professors who are bored with America's puritan tendencies and create entire new paradigms that are untested or based on failed past societies who thought killing off half the population of their respective communist societies would bring them a solution, but brought them only starvation and human misery.

Biden's son has made an effort to return his "earnings" to be paid back, and Biden was so brassy as to brag about his extortion and insistence on firing the man investigating his son to his loyal followers, who laughed when he bragged about it. This was shown in a video of this internal conversation he had with constituents:

That billion dollars never, never made its way back to the people's Treasury of the United States of America. Do the math.

You have a few gems there to unpack:
1. Lawyers are generally left leaning and loyal democrats, the "community organizer" made sure that the DOJ is infested with them. Picture supervising Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx to do fair DOJ business.

2. As for communist professors pushing for Khmer Rouge type solutions:
Killing Fields - Wikipedia
Hell, look at Chuck Schumer threatening Federal Judges yesterday. Then they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment and collect guns? Fuck that.

3. Biden and his son Hunter's scams are supposedly under investigation. The democrats are circling the wagons. We'll see if Barr and Durham can get any indictments on any of the Obama minions. McCabe apparently escaped. I'm not optimistic, the deep state swamp in DC is apparently very powerful.

A lot of things are against the America our ancestors created to avoid the perils of European monarchies of the sort that caused King Edward III of England to push taxes on the Colonies to pay for his indulgences and war on the France. All our people asked was for a little allowance of the colonies to have a sympathetic ear steming from a representative being appointed by the crown, but instead, the King's treasurer amplified the relief the King would have by steeping him in the concept that levying a tax on the Colonies for tea, which truly angered grass roots leaders on these shores. That answer to the request of representation led to angry words against something the colonists considered as a thug tax against and in answer to our plea for representation. Very sad mistake against brotherhood it was.

That aside, I regret missing your point and going off on a tangent, Kyzr.

Our attorney general wants very much to respect the existing law, but his adversaries in the Democrat party have made desperate attempts to accuse him of malfeasance since prior to his answer of "yes" to help bale America out of the swamp Democrats want no one to drain. It's their feathered nest, murky water et al. And the DNC lawyers dwell on thinking up mischief against any person appointed by President Donald Trump.

I'm not sure a human can solve this problem. That's why I have become a person of prayer. I feel helpless against the brutality of the left's devotion to communistic theory and practice. Only divine intervention, it's clear to me, can bail us out. Hopefully you fellows can use the good brains you have to bring the people of America back to their Christian roots and practice. Otherwise, we will become the European vices we tried to throw off multiple generations ago.

I hope Trump gets a 2nd term and keeps AG Barr on to fix the DOJ & FBI that have become political weapons and not "blind justice".

Prayer never hurts, but keeping AG Barr and giving him the resources and support he needs should make things a lot better.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

HOW does it matter "what network they're on", if they're on?

What am I missing here? Are there private networks?

OK, its not the viewership I'm referring to.
Its the moderators, their questions, and the "fake news" agenda and bias that might sway the election.
Is Fox News more "pro-Trump"?
Are the other networks more "pro-Biden"?
Fake News, as defined by the RWNJs:

"Anything and everything factual that we disagree with."
President Trump ruined the democrats' most clever, creepy crook, Crooked Hillary repeated in every encounter. President Trump would ruin Sleepy Joe and or Crazy Bernie WAY WORSE no matter what Fake News media outlet attempted to control the content. IMO Sleepy Joe and or Crazy Bernie would walk off the stage in minutes after President Trump made the audience of even democrats laugh at the ridiculousness of Biden and Sanders.
Looking at the potential debates between Biden and Trump as decisive, how will they be arranged?
What networks will they be on? How many will there be? Who decides?
Does everyone expect them to be fair, or will Biden get the questions on a "cheat sheet"?

What questions would you submit to the moderators for either candidate?

There are currently no debates scheduled for Trump v Biden....

2020 Presidential Election Calendar

HOW does it matter "what network they're on", if they're on?

What am I missing here? Are there private networks?

OK, its not the viewership I'm referring to.
Its the moderators, their questions, and the "fake news" agenda and bias that might sway the election.
Is Fox News more "pro-Trump"?
Are the other networks more "pro-Biden"?
Fake News, as defined by the RWNJs:

"Anything and everything factual that we disagree with."

Fake News Awards - Wikipedia

More recently, the "intel agencies" said "Russia is helping Trump and Bernie in 2020"
When asked for the "evidence" the intel agencies had nothing. The new DNI is cleaning house at the intel agencies.
Can Trump avoid that Megyn Kelly question again?

Megyn Kelly and the question that changed her life forever

I'd like to see a debate panel featuring Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski, Heidi Cruz, Carly Fiorina, and his two ex-wives.

All wearing red.

No good reason for that.

Ever hear of "entertainment"?

Okay, so you're not talking about a debate then, you're just interjecting your random thoughts.
A little of both. Actually rather than "random", bringing the whole affair down to Rump's childish level. Kind of evening the playing field.
President Trump ruined the democrats' most clever, creepy crook, Crooked Hillary repeated in every encounter. President Trump would ruin Sleepy Joe and or Crazy Bernie WAY WORSE no matter what Fake News media outlet attempted to control the content. IMO Sleepy Joe and or Crazy Bernie would walk off the stage in minutes after President Trump made the audience of even democrats laugh at the ridiculousness of Biden and Sanders.

If you can claim Hillary Clinton is anybody's most clever anything with a straight face you have amazing powers of self-delusion.
What you may not realize is how potently Biden's blithe attitude is about his crimes has strengthened people who despise criminal activity and given Republicans a cause celebre to get out the vote and displace Nan Pelosi as well as give plurality in the Senate to more aggressive Republicans for Bill of Rights preservation, in order to create a law against using political character assassination to impeach the leadership.

Butt-head, the majority thought Trump broke the law and should have been impeached.

After Trump is voted out, we'll pass a lot of laws to make sure that sort of thing never happens again.

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