Death to gays.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Death to gays.

[ame=]Rachel Maddow interviews David Bahati - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Personally, I think this church should be shut down yet Government is not only not shutting them down, they leave their tax breaks and exemptions in place and are actively dealing with these, to me, murderers.

Should that church be allowed to stay in business?

How can we get the Government to do it's job and rid the country of such criminal churches?

Churches are protected under the constitution. Be thankful we live in a country where speech and religion is protected.

It's religious people who hate freedom of speech. Christians and their corporations hate people who express freedom of speech outside their churches and the corporate stores. Many of the stockholders of corporations are Christians who started businesses as they came over here from Europe. Even though we supposedly have freedom of speech, they continuously harass people who stand in front of their false gods promoting their cause.
Death to gays.

Rachel Maddow interviews David Bahati - Part 1 - YouTube

Personally, I think this church should be shut down yet Government is not only not shutting them down, they leave their tax breaks and exemptions in place and are actively dealing with these, to me, murderers.

Should that church be allowed to stay in business?

How can we get the Government to do it's job and rid the country of such criminal churches?


God planned on killing ALL flesh during this age so don't worry about this idiot who will be killed, also.
Most African countries are similarly anti-homosexuality. Along with pretty much every Arab country. Obsessing on any one country is a waste of time when we have pleanty of mental-defectives right here at home.
Churches are protected under the constitution. Be thankful we live in a country where speech and religion is protected.

Indeed. Churches can lie and do evil with impunity and you think that a good thing.


Death to gays.

Rachel Maddow interviews David Bahati - Part 1 - YouTube

Personally, I think this church should be shut down yet Government is not only not shutting them down, they leave their tax breaks and exemptions in place and are actively dealing with these, to me, murderers.

Should that church be allowed to stay in business?

How can we get the Government to do it's job and rid the country of such criminal churches?


God planned on killing ALL flesh during this age so don't worry about this idiot who will be killed, also.

Your other post made sense for a change but this one has you back following a prick of a God.

Why would you follow a God who kills all the time when he could just as easily take the moral high ground and cure.

Why are you following an immoral prick of a God?

Most African countries are similarly anti-homosexuality. Along with pretty much every Arab country. Obsessing on any one country is a waste of time when we have pleanty of mental-defectives right here at home.

Yes and I am showing some yet you seem to think I should ignore them.

You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

The problem is that the left wing media gives these people a venue just to incite anger and outrage.

Would you prefer that the left ignore the evils being perpetrated by the right?

The right would be all in for that. They could do their evil without opposition.

Death to gays.

Rachel Maddow interviews David Bahati - Part 1 - YouTube

Personally, I think this church should be shut down yet Government is not only not shutting them down, they leave their tax breaks and exemptions in place and are actively dealing with these, to me, murderers.

Should that church be allowed to stay in business?

How can we get the Government to do it's job and rid the country of such criminal churches?


If this guy murders a gay person, he will go to jail (and I would hope they'd execute him swiftly). End of story.

Not very happy that Rachel Maddow is interviewing him, because all that does is give this person - who represents a FRINGE view - a platform to share his ideas with millions of people. But, this kind of stuff draws ratings so you know how the story goes....
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This is infuriating.

NOBODY has proposed killing gays, unless you define "gays" as men who rape little boys.

The law that David Bahati proposed would provide for the death penalty for adult males who rape children.

Do you have a problem with that? I personally think it is a policy initiative worthy of consideration. It is more severe than we would countenance in the U.S., but that is not the U.S., and they are confronting a problem of a magnitude that we cannot even comprehend.

To the original poster who uses the nom de plume "GreatestIam," I challenge you to justify the title of this thread.

Or are you simply the Greatest Fool ever to own a fucking computer?
This is infuriating.

NOBODY has proposed killing gays, unless you define "gays" as men who rape little boys.

The law that David Bahati proposed would provide for the death penalty for adult males who rape children.

Do you have a problem with that? I personally think it is a policy initiative worthy of consideration. It is more severe than we would countenance in the U.S., but that is not the U.S., and they are confronting a problem of a magnitude that we cannot even comprehend.

To the original poster who uses the nom de plume "GreatestIam," I challenge you to justify the title of this thread.

Or are you simply the Greatest Fool ever to own a fucking computer?

Oh really? Guess I'm guilty of not fully researching the background of this guy. I'm fine with death penalty to anyone who rapes a child, however I think we should disassociate that from the gay/straight debate because it's a separate topic.

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