David Brooks: Mitt Romney Is 'The Least Popular Candidate In History'

Lakhota, your kind lost a continent to better people, because your ilk never had the brains to create a map of the world, and never had the guts to go and explore worlds more than 50 feet away from you teepee.

Gee, that really adds to the thread discussion...

Let get serious here. You never discuss. You post some wacko link and then a few pictures and retreat and repeat the cycle. :cool:

Ironic post is ironic. I bet you're too dumb to realize that you do the same damn thing.
Lakhota, your kind lost a continent to better people, because your ilk never had the brains to create a map of the world, and never had the guts to go and explore worlds more than 50 feet away from you teepee.

Gee, that really adds to the thread discussion...

Let get serious here. You never discuss. You post some wacko link and then a few pictures and retreat and repeat the cycle. :cool:

To actually stay around and argue with you retarded assholes would be like trying to argue with Beck, Coulter, Hannity, etc. I ain't that stupid to totally waste my time. Therefore, I say what I want to say and move on...
When Ann Romney said "Stop IT" - she was mostly referring to her own party criticizing her husband.

Yep, while I do think Romney is a bad candidate and I think some of the attacks against him are unwarranted.......we have our own minds, funny how Michelle never has to tell democrats that.....it would of course start with you having to think and then figure out how shitty Obama's policies are...

Oh and most of the attacks are not on policy but on procedure and come from the country club, RINO moderates you liberals so cherish
Gee, that really adds to the thread discussion...

Let get serious here. You never discuss. You post some wacko link and then a few pictures and retreat and repeat the cycle. :cool:

Ironic post is ironic. I bet you're too dumb to realize that you do the same damn thing.

I have 3,301 or so posts altogether...tally them up and see. Now you haven't done one thing other than attack me for 2 or 3 days and along with Valerie try to report me...which failed.

Show me where I attacked you first? You inserted yourself in my dispute with jillian of your own free will thinking that you were being "cute".

You spend 90% of your time here in the Flame Zone. Care to compare my time there to yours?

Also care to deny that?

Anything else I can point out to make you look more the fool than you are?
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Gee, that really adds to the thread discussion...

Let get serious here. You never discuss. You post some wacko link and then a few pictures and retreat and repeat the cycle. :cool:

To actually stay around and argue with you retarded assholes would be like trying to argue with Beck, Coulter, Hannity, etc. I ain't that stupid to totally waste my time. Therefore, I say what I want to say and move on...

LOL, nah, you just cant hack it when someone talks back. you're used to reading like 4 sources and agreeing with everything OBama says, you dont think at all...
You know, there's quite a few Republicans who are expressing buyer's remorse over selecting Mittens as their candidate. You won't hear much of it on FAUX Nooze, but you will hear a LOT of it on right wing radio.

When your own party says bad things about you and you're their candidate, you definitely have problems.

Not disagreeing…

But many in the GOP felt as though they never really had a choice for nominee, and are losing the election accordingly.
I personally like Romney just for the clusterfuck aspect. He'll never be President but part of me wishes he makes it just to see how comically horrible it could get.

Interesting. It's hard to imagine Romney having access to the nuclear suitcase - with his lead foreign policy advisor John Bolton beside him. Holy shit...
I personally like Romney just for the clusterfuck aspect. He'll never be President but part of me wishes he makes it just to see how comically horrible it could get.

Interesting. It's hard to imagine Romney having access to the nuclear suitcase - with his lead foreign policy advisor John Bolton beside him. Holy shit...


never post on two boards at the same time.

we catch you.
You know, there's quite a few Republicans who are expressing buyer's remorse over selecting Mittens as their candidate. You won't hear much of it on FAUX Nooze, but you will hear a LOT of it on right wing radio.

When your own party says bad things about you and you're their candidate, you definitely have problems.

Not disagreeing…

But many in the GOP felt as though they never really had a choice for nominee, and are losing the election accordingly.
David Brooks is a RINO who lf late has been making a living by catering to liberal prejudices. As a Republican, he's about as credible as Mao Tse Tung.

By Chris Gentilviso

After a rocky week that saw plenty of conservatives break away from Mitt Romney, New York Times columnist David Brooks summed up the state of affairs on Sunday.

Brooks was one of several panelists on NBC's "Meet The Press" roundtable, which dove into some data surrounding Romney's popularity.

"Look at his high unfavorable ratings," host David Gregory said. "At 50%. The highest of any candidate running in recent memory. This is an image problem that his philosophical statements in this speech in May to fundraisers only exacerbates."

Brooks did not mince words, calling Romney "the least popular candidate in history."

"He has to look at what the president's weakness is," Brooks said. "He's never gonna win a popularity contest."

Brooks added that Romney "does not have the passion for the stuff he’s talking about."

"He’s a problem solver," Brooks said. "I think he’s a non-ideological person running in an extremely ideological age, and he’s faking it."

More: David Brooks: Mitt Romney Is 'The Least Popular Candidate In History' (VIDEO)
Think back, the Repbublicans didn't have a lot of choices to draw from.
A man who is conservative in name only appears on NBC to go after Romney as reported by the Huffington Post I will give this all the attention it's due.

I love Dave. He's such a dufous. We all know him. He's the "gee I'm a slut for my wife" Can my daughters play with your daughters I'll sell my soul and say I'm a conservative ok>"

Bazooka barf time if you think about it.

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