Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

West Point class of 93.
Ranger school graduate 95
Retired as a LTC last month.

I really, really, really find that hard to believe.

I haven't looked at how many posts you have made here, but, see you around a bit.

Unless you got your fuckin' legs blown off, and are house bound, I find it hard to believe a retired colonel your age would waste time at a place like this.

I really hope we are giving our officers a better retirement.

That's WHY I'm here so much. I get a nice retirement. And my posts have been tapering off and will probably lessen over time as I find more to do in my "old age"

You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.

I fully admit. I let this board turn me into something I'm not . LOL In reality, nothing said here matters, but arguing and shit is fun anyway.

Anyway, my football game is over and now the wife wants to go spend all my money shopping so tata for the evening.
It's fun to argue. l8r
It's fun to debate, arguing is stupid.

I take it you heard the Colonel blow retreat.
Yeah well we were debating.. Bull came along and started pissing on everyone. Apparently he drank too much and needed a place to go.
West Point class of 93.
Ranger school graduate 95
Retired as a LTC last month.

I really, really, really find that hard to believe.

I haven't looked at how many posts you have made here, but, see you around a bit.

Unless you got your fuckin' legs blown off, and are house bound, I find it hard to believe a retired colonel your age would waste time at a place like this.

I really hope we are giving our officers a better retirement.

That's WHY I'm here so much. I get a nice retirement. And my posts have been tapering off and will probably lessen over time as I find more to do in my "old age"

You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.
We were having a nice conversation. He's just asking the fellow comrade in arms WTF? You call that a pissfight? sigh...
I think I expressed my reservation rather well.

I didn't call him a liar.

And this thread has been a pissfest for at least the last ten pages.

Did I tell ya' about the time in the 'nam, when I sidestepped a crack regiment of NVA, and kicked their knees out one by one as they filed by on a dark jungle trail, in a very unique application of the domino theory?

Lead them into captivity by twos, as I alternated knees so they could buddy up on the way to POW camp.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
That's WHY I'm here so much. I get a nice retirement. And my posts have been tapering off and will probably lessen over time as I find more to do in my "old age"

You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.

I fully admit. I let this board turn me into something I'm not . LOL In reality, nothing said here matters, but arguing and shit is fun anyway.

Anyway, my football game is over and now the wife wants to go spend all my money shopping so tata for the evening.
It's fun to argue. l8r
It's fun to debate, arguing is stupid.

I take it you heard the Colonel blow retreat.
Yeah well we were debating.. Bull came along and started pissing on everyone. Apparently he drank too much and needed a place to go.

Debating would be posting links to when carbines where issued, when 20 shot magazines were replaced by 30 shot mags, which US weapons had burst fire and which only had fully auto fire, which units were issued which weapons, and links from military and police training manuals.

All I see is a pissfest in my book, and two of the dogs ran off.
That's WHY I'm here so much. I get a nice retirement. And my posts have been tapering off and will probably lessen over time as I find more to do in my "old age"

You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.
We were having a nice conversation. He's just asking the fellow comrade in arms WTF? You call that a pissfight? sigh...
I think I expressed my reservation rather well.

I didn't call him a liar.

And this thread has been a pissfest for at least the last ten pages.

Did I tell ya' about the time in the 'nam, when I sidestepped a crack regiment of NVA, and kicked their knees out one by one as they filed by on a dark jungle trail, in a very unique application of the domino theory?

Lead them into captivity by twos, as I alternated knees so they could buddy up on the way to POW camp.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
I don't have any particular reason or right to call any of you vets liars. I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Me... my prime was between wars. I almost signed up, then changed my mind when I met my bride and decided to raise conservatives instead.
You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.

I fully admit. I let this board turn me into something I'm not . LOL In reality, nothing said here matters, but arguing and shit is fun anyway.

Anyway, my football game is over and now the wife wants to go spend all my money shopping so tata for the evening.
It's fun to argue. l8r
It's fun to debate, arguing is stupid.

I take it you heard the Colonel blow retreat.
Yeah well we were debating.. Bull came along and started pissing on everyone. Apparently he drank too much and needed a place to go.

Debating would be posting links to when carbines where issued, when 20 shot magazines were replaced by 30 shot mags, which US weapons had burst fire and which only had fully auto fire, which units were issued which weapons, and links from military and police training manuals.

All I see is a pissfest in my book, and two of the dogs ran off.
My dad served in nam. My grandfather WWII. Me ... south florida race wars... yeah I know, not the same thing.
You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.
We were having a nice conversation. He's just asking the fellow comrade in arms WTF? You call that a pissfight? sigh...
I think I expressed my reservation rather well.

I didn't call him a liar.

And this thread has been a pissfest for at least the last ten pages.

Did I tell ya' about the time in the 'nam, when I sidestepped a crack regiment of NVA, and kicked their knees out one by one as they filed by on a dark jungle trail, in a very unique application of the domino theory?

Lead them into captivity by twos, as I alternated knees so they could buddy up on the way to POW camp.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
I don't have any particular reason or right to call any of you vets liars. I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Me... my prime was between wars. I almost signed up, then changed my mind when I met my bride and decided to raise conservatives instead.
I am no more a vet than that Avg Bear is a West Point educated retired colonel.

I did go to Viet Nam several times in the Merchant Marine, and collect combat pay when our ship blundered into some shit coming up the Saigon River to Freeport.

I was down in the reefer, smokin' reefer and huffing the nitrous oxide out of all the whipped cream cans.
I fully admit. I let this board turn me into something I'm not . LOL In reality, nothing said here matters, but arguing and shit is fun anyway.

Anyway, my football game is over and now the wife wants to go spend all my money shopping so tata for the evening.
It's fun to argue. l8r
It's fun to debate, arguing is stupid.

I take it you heard the Colonel blow retreat.
Yeah well we were debating.. Bull came along and started pissing on everyone. Apparently he drank too much and needed a place to go.

Debating would be posting links to when carbines where issued, when 20 shot magazines were replaced by 30 shot mags, which US weapons had burst fire and which only had fully auto fire, which units were issued which weapons, and links from military and police training manuals.

All I see is a pissfest in my book, and two of the dogs ran off.
My dad served in nam. My grandfather WWII. Me ... south florida race wars... yeah I know, not the same thing.
I am an unbusted survivor of the War on Drugs.

My dad thought the Merchant Marine would make a man out of me; it made a smuggler out of me.
We were having a nice conversation. He's just asking the fellow comrade in arms WTF? You call that a pissfight? sigh...
I think I expressed my reservation rather well.

I didn't call him a liar.

And this thread has been a pissfest for at least the last ten pages.

Did I tell ya' about the time in the 'nam, when I sidestepped a crack regiment of NVA, and kicked their knees out one by one as they filed by on a dark jungle trail, in a very unique application of the domino theory?

Lead them into captivity by twos, as I alternated knees so they could buddy up on the way to POW camp.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
I don't have any particular reason or right to call any of you vets liars. I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Me... my prime was between wars. I almost signed up, then changed my mind when I met my bride and decided to raise conservatives instead.
I am no more a vet than that Avg Bear is a West Point educated retired colonel.

I did go to Viet Nam several times in the Merchant Marine, and collect combat pay when our ship blundered into some shit coming up the Saigon River to Freeport.

I was down in the reefer, smokin' reefer and huffing the nitrous oxide out of all the whipped cream cans.
I believe Avg Bear. I have no reason to call you a liar. I have no idea why you and your bunk buddy are calling him out. Pretty sad really. You guy must be a lot of fun at the local bar as you run around pissing on everyone.
lol.....to the OP.........s0n.....Wilson can knock out fags like you with one punch.:2up:

Nobody cares about this story anymore except a few thousand protestors nationwide who have nothing better to do......for a large percentage of those, a reason to matter for a few minutes in life. Most Americans have settled on what really happened there and have gone out shopping today............140 million strong. They know after seeing this movie before that nigga's gonna nig for a few days and then return to the tree's. They saw a black goon rob a store, try to grab a police officers gun and ended up getting his hat knocked off. End of story. Even most blacks, 96 hours later are "meh" about the whole thing

Anyway.......the decision is on as of Tuesday. Its not August anymore........the far left nutters keep on with this shit like there is some tomorrow for Officer Wilson. Only the k00ks care about how the grand jury assessed the testimonies at this point.........nobody else gives a flying fuck.:fu:
You should start with getting a life.

I really can't believe you.

You just don't come across as an officer, not even a "blonde fellow from Yale'".

There is no gravitas to you, every Colonel I ever knew IRL had gravitas out the ass.

I can't imagine a person trained to give orders and lead thousands by command getting into a pissfest on a chat board.

Now me, I am what I am, retired teacher, too old to push it hard every day in the deer woods, fucking around here now and then for something to do.

That ain't hard to believe.

A US Army West Point grad in a pissfest, not so believable.
We were having a nice conversation. He's just asking the fellow comrade in arms WTF? You call that a pissfight? sigh...
I think I expressed my reservation rather well.

I didn't call him a liar.

And this thread has been a pissfest for at least the last ten pages.

Did I tell ya' about the time in the 'nam, when I sidestepped a crack regiment of NVA, and kicked their knees out one by one as they filed by on a dark jungle trail, in a very unique application of the domino theory?

Lead them into captivity by twos, as I alternated knees so they could buddy up on the way to POW camp.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
I don't have any particular reason or right to call any of you vets liars. I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Me... my prime was between wars. I almost signed up, then changed my mind when I met my bride and decided to raise conservatives instead.

I raised Hell first.

My family fought in every war from the French and Indian War(on the French side, down in LA, on the British side, in VA) to WWII.

I broke the tradition, and never had any intention of going to Vietnam because USMC Billy Smith came back in '65, and told me three things I took to heart, the ARVN would not fight, the US would not fight to win, and tall guys got killed first.

That was all I need at 16 to chart my course away from that shit as best I could.

Vietnam got a lot of people through college, the draft is a great motivator.
lol.....to the OP.........s0n.....Wilson can knock out fags like you with one punch.:2up:

Nobody cares about this story anymore except a few thousand protestors nationwide who have nothing better to do......for a large percentage of those, a reason to matter for a few minutes in life. Most Americans have settled on what really happened there and have gone out shopping today............140 million strong. They know after seeing this movie before that nigga's gonna nig for a few days and then return to the tree's. They saw a black goon rob a store, try to grab a police officers gun and ended up getting his hat knocked off. End of story. Even most blacks, 96 hours later are "meh" about the whole thing
I think I expressed my reservation rather well.

I didn't call him a liar.

And this thread has been a pissfest for at least the last ten pages.

Did I tell ya' about the time in the 'nam, when I sidestepped a crack regiment of NVA, and kicked their knees out one by one as they filed by on a dark jungle trail, in a very unique application of the domino theory?

Lead them into captivity by twos, as I alternated knees so they could buddy up on the way to POW camp.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
I don't have any particular reason or right to call any of you vets liars. I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Me... my prime was between wars. I almost signed up, then changed my mind when I met my bride and decided to raise conservatives instead.
I am no more a vet than that Avg Bear is a West Point educated retired colonel.

I did go to Viet Nam several times in the Merchant Marine, and collect combat pay when our ship blundered into some shit coming up the Saigon River to Freeport.

I was down in the reefer, smokin' reefer and huffing the nitrous oxide out of all the whipped cream cans.
I believe Avg Bear. I have no reason to call you a liar. I have no idea why you and your bunk buddy are calling him out. Pretty sad really. You guy must be a lot of fun at the local bar as you run around pissing on everyone.
I made it clear why I was calling him out.

He does not have the gravitas of a real Colonel.

I find it absolutely unbelievable that a graduate of any US Military Academy, much less a retired Colonel, would piss away time at a place like this.

Maybe I misunderestimated the Academies, does seem we never won a war in my lifetime.
He was 240lbs. The felon was 290lbs. OP ignorant as usual.

Tasers work on tall, large people too.

A taser?:ack-1::boobies::boobies:

Fuck no s0n.........dang..........you only get this Disney shit from real limpwristers.

What I don't get is why Wilson didn't retrieve his shotty.........one shot would have sufficed.......fat boy might have lost a leg but he'd still be alive.
lolz... You're a regular Sergeant York!
My great, great granddaddy, Nathan Forest's personal cook, taught Sgt. York how to shoot and talk turkey.

You pick through what parts you believe, like the retired US Army Colonel expects me to pick through his bs.
I don't have any particular reason or right to call any of you vets liars. I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Me... my prime was between wars. I almost signed up, then changed my mind when I met my bride and decided to raise conservatives instead.
I am no more a vet than that Avg Bear is a West Point educated retired colonel.

I did go to Viet Nam several times in the Merchant Marine, and collect combat pay when our ship blundered into some shit coming up the Saigon River to Freeport.

I was down in the reefer, smokin' reefer and huffing the nitrous oxide out of all the whipped cream cans.
I believe Avg Bear. I have no reason to call you a liar. I have no idea why you and your bunk buddy are calling him out. Pretty sad really. You guy must be a lot of fun at the local bar as you run around pissing on everyone.
I made it clear why I was calling him out.

He does not have the gravitas of a real Colonel.

I find it absolutely unbelievable that a graduate of any US Military Academy, much less a retired Colonel, would piss away time at a place like this.

Maybe I misunderestimated the Academies, does seem we never won a war in my lifetime.
You did. Pissing away time is not limited just to people like you. No offense :)
Wilson is still alive. Brown is not. Wilson was just trying to protect the populace, (even Brown), Brown was just a hateful provocative arrogant thug, too bad about that. Is there point to this thread?
If this little incident can rip our country in half maybe its a good time for the aliens to invade haha!!!

A common street thug robbed a store and attacked a cop, and got his ass killed. History wont remember this any more than who wins the super bowl. Probably less in 20 years.
If this little incident can rip our country in half maybe its a good time for the aliens to invade haha!!!

A common street thug robbed a store and attacked a cop, and got his ass killed. History wont remember this any more than who wins the super bowl. Probably less in 20 years.

Like everyone forgot about Rodney King?
Yep. According to Gallup, police are still the 4th most trusted institution in America (military is #1). People know the truth. The silent majority moved on.

People are growing tired of thuggish behavior in poor neighborhoods and then being told we should feel guilty for it.

Grow up. Dont steal. Dont attack a cop.

I care more about the Alabama vs Auburn football game tomorrow than how or why Michael Browns fat ass got killed.

that you are getting hammered

Really? Seems to me if you knew anything about the back and forth you'd have to conclude I was bitch-slapping 3 posers at once.....whatever....would you be interesting in becoming #4?

Why does a bitch who was proven wrong about something as silly as whether Wilson knew how many shots he fired claim he is bitch slapping anyone?

RKMBrown do you have an opinion on that?

My guess is either some form of dementia or one to many beers. That bravado sounds a lot like my dad after he's had one to many miller light drafts.

I don't get it with this board. EVERYONE makes mistakes. I'm willing to accept that Bull simply made a mistake rather than he was being dishonest. HOWEVER, I gave him a link RIGHT TO THE TESTIMONY where Wilson said " I don't remember how many rounds I fired outside the car" and still Bull can't find the testicular fortitude to come to the thread and say "okay yeah I was wrong about that one" which of course leads me to believe that I was mistaken, that he did NOT make an error, he instead LIED.

i would move on

the point has been clearly made

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