Dangerous times for democracy-prepare for war.

These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.

I thought you loved China because you are so gung ho for their Keystone XL pipeline.
Speaking of China

And this is "off topic" whatever this bit of loonyness is...

Note that China is now restricting who can vote and who can run because they know they can't win a fair election ...
Republicans across the country are pulling an election China. Controlling who can vote and who can run because they know they can never win a fair election.
GOP = Chinese Communists

Whoda Thunk it?!?!?!
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.

I thought you loved China because you are so gung ho for their Keystone XL pipeline.
Speaking of China

And this is "off topic" whatever this bit of loonyness is...

Note that China is now restricting who can vote and who can run because they know they can't win a fair election ...
Republicans across the country are pulling an election China. Controlling who can vote and who can run because they know they can never win a fair election.
GOP = Chinese Communists

Whoda Thunk it?!?!?!

What American could possibly think this is a good idea?
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
That's some serious crazy there
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.
Any one on these threads notice how the right wing always calls democrats the elites? We just got ride of a president who brags about how wealthy he is, yet he only paid paid $750 in taxes last year. Can't get much more elite than that!
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.

Oh no.. The left aren't victims.. Trump has been claiming the system is rigged against him and he's treated unfairly since 1980.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
How many crazy conspiracy theories are we gonna let into the politics forum Dont Taz Me Bro ?
Not to mention thinly-veiled threats of violence and murder.
Threats of violence and murder eh ? So far the only ones committing violence and murder have been the left by overwhelming odds and percentages of.
Yeah, Antifa and BLM are responsible for the Jan 6 terrorist attack on our nation's capitol.

And Antifa and BLM have hacked accounts here and across the internet and are posting threats.

And the FBI and the DHS are radical pinko Hitler Venezuelan Chinese Nazi Soros Deep State Swamp Commies.

I know, I know...
Whose saying these things other than you leftist ??? You all using the January 6th event as some sort of counter balance to all that you leftist have done or have advocated or incited is hilarious.

Of course you have to go to great lengths to apply your bullcrap to the conservatives across this nation, but all it's doing is making you look like a fool, and an evil leftist.
'All the things like you guys have done' (meaning the democrats). What are these things? So far just accusations. Democrats are pretty clean in comparison to the trump administration who has had nothing but provable illegal stuff going on for four years.
Putting all things in perspective, and looking at the score boards, I'd say that if the facts be known, it doesn't looks very good for the left on the score boards when it comes to their actions and agenda's.

Maybe if you get us all to the concentration camps in time, you can cover it all up somehow.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
How many crazy conspiracy theories are we gonna let into the politics forum Dont Taz Me Bro ?
Not to mention thinly-veiled threats of violence and murder.
Threats of violence and murder eh ? So far the only ones committing violence and murder have been the left by overwhelming odds and percentages of.
Well that's a lie.
Now that Trump is gone there will be no deals. There will be bombs dropping on people who live in places most Americans cannot find on a map. Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex warning will now come back. This is how permanent Washington finances itself. Bet on it. Old Joe will drool while the troops are sent.
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.

Oh no.. The left aren't victims.. Trump has been claiming the system is rigged against him and he's treated unfairly since 1980.
Oh you mean back when Trump was a Democrat ? Yes you did. :)
Now that Trump is gone there will be no deals. There will be bombs dropping on people who live in places most Americans cannot find on a map. Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex warning will now come back. This is how permanent Washington finances itself. Bet on it. Old Joe will drool while the troops are sent.
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.

Oh no.. The left aren't victims.. Trump has been claiming the system is rigged against him and he's treated unfairly since 1980.
Oh you mean back when Trump was a Democrat ? Yes you did. :)

Trump didn't even register to vote until he was 41.. He goes whichever way the wind blows.. He's not bright and has NO core values.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
How many crazy conspiracy theories are we gonna let into the politics forum Dont Taz Me Bro ?
Not to mention thinly-veiled threats of violence and murder.
Threats of violence and murder eh ? So far the only ones committing violence and murder have been the left by overwhelming odds and percentages of.
Yeah, Antifa and BLM are responsible for the Jan 6 terrorist attack on our nation's capitol.

And Antifa and BLM have hacked accounts here and across the internet and are posting threats.

And the FBI and the DHS are radical pinko Hitler Venezuelan Chinese Nazi Soros Deep State Swamp Commies.

I know, I know...
Whose saying these things other than you leftist ??? You all using the January 6th event as some sort of counter balance to all that you leftist have done or have advocated or invited is hilarious.

Of course you have to go to great lengths to apply your bullcrap to the conservatives across this nation, but all it's doing is making you look like a fool, and an evil leftist.
You lose.

Don't think so.
Then you aren't all that bright, 'cause it's pretty clear to everyone else.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
That's some serious crazy there
It's his opinion, so prove him wrong.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
I'm curious why you have it out for the postal workers, Ray. How are they harming any one? Granted, those are good paying jobs with benefits but what's wrong with that?

Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival' of USPS is at stake (nbcnews.com)
He's probably right. Republicans have never supported unions because unions promote secure and well paying jobs although trump pretended to be in favor of unions. All bull shit.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
How many crazy conspiracy theories are we gonna let into the politics forum Dont Taz Me Bro ?
Not to mention thinly-veiled threats of violence and murder.
Threats of violence and murder eh ? So far the only ones committing violence and murder have been the left by overwhelming odds and percentages of.
Yeah, Antifa and BLM are responsible for the Jan 6 terrorist attack on our nation's capitol.

And Antifa and BLM have hacked accounts here and across the internet and are posting threats.

And the FBI and the DHS are radical pinko Hitler Venezuelan Chinese Nazi Soros Deep State Swamp Commies.

I know, I know...
Whose saying these things other than you leftist ??? You all using the January 6th event as some sort of counter balance to all that you leftist have done or have advocated or invited is hilarious.

Of course you have to go to great lengths to apply your bullcrap to the conservatives across this nation, but all it's doing is making you look like a fool, and an evil leftist.
You lose.

Don't think so.
Then you aren't all that bright, 'cause it's pretty clear to everyone else.
And you just like CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of your collective have been ignoring the truth forever, and that's clear to everyone also.
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
I'm curious why you have it out for the postal workers, Ray. How are they harming any one? Granted, those are good paying jobs with benefits but what's wrong with that?

Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival' of USPS is at stake (nbcnews.com)
He's probably right. Republicans have never supported unions because unions promote secure and well paying jobs although trump pretended to be in favor of unions. All bull shit.
So no union ever endorsed a Republican for president, and no union exist is red states anywhere ??
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
How many crazy conspiracy theories are we gonna let into the politics forum Dont Taz Me Bro ?
Not to mention thinly-veiled threats of violence and murder.
Threats of violence and murder eh ? So far the only ones committing violence and murder have been the left by overwhelming odds and percentages of.
Yeah, Antifa and BLM are responsible for the Jan 6 terrorist attack on our nation's capitol.

And Antifa and BLM have hacked accounts here and across the internet and are posting threats.

And the FBI and the DHS are radical pinko Hitler Venezuelan Chinese Nazi Soros Deep State Swamp Commies.

I know, I know...
Nice of you to admit it.
All that perfectly good sarcasm, wasted.

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