Dangerous times for democracy-prepare for war.

The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.

Oh no.. The left aren't victims.. Trump has been claiming the system is rigged against him and he's treated unfairly since 1980.

It was rigged against him.
Thankfully he's a tough Guy who put up with the lefts shit and made America prosper.

He's always been a pariah because he was such a liar and a cheat and most of has businesses failed, but only his investors, contractors, vendors and bankers suffered.

Most of his businesses failed?
You sure you want to go there?
View attachment 467428
The Worst Businessman in America | The New Republic

Any dwindling belief that Donald Trump’s business career represented anything other than “The Art of the Scam” died Tuesday night when The New York Times reconstructed the president’s federal tax returns from 1985-1994. In a feat of forensic work worthy of a TV crime series, reporters Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig revealed that Trump lost $1.17 billion in a decade and “appears to have lost more money than any other individual American taxpayer.”

Trump’s dazzling failure helps explain how he and the Republicans have given the nation an era of nearly $1 trillion in annual deficits, despite the
buoyant economy.

The Times’ scoop is bracing, even if it comes too late to convince Trump loyalists that they have been hoodwinked by a fraud (if they ever were convincible). What it does suggest is that no coverup lasts forever—and that, sooner or later, Trump’s more recent tax returns will be made public.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has been stonewalling the House Ways and Means Committee’s demand, buttressed by a 1924 law, for the last six years of Trump’s federal returns. In a coincidence that might embarrass a political novelist, the Times’ story broke just as Mnuchin was attending a 2020 Trump fundraiser—the kind of event past treasure secretaries have avoided out of conflict-of-interest concerns.

But just as New York’s tabloid culture of the 1980s and 1990s made Trump, his residency in the state may ultimately break him. The New York legislature, which has its own hefty share of grifters, is moving toward approving a bill that would provide Trump’s state tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee on request.

Since the information on state and federal taxes is virtually identical, such legislation might help solve the tantalizing mystery of why and how Trump, who worshipped debt, began paying for expensive properties (including golf courses) with cash in 2006. It is worth noting that the Mueller report neither went back that far nor scrutinized Trump’s finances.

The Times bombshell story also revealed that in business—if, alas, not yet in politics—Trump the Braggart eventually became exposed as Trump the Blowhard.

One of Trump’s few profit-making ventures in the late 1980s was his version of the age-old Wall Street boiler-room scam known as “pump and dump.” Repeatedly, Trump would announce that he was seeking to acquire majority control of a major company like United Airlines and then, when the stock jumped, he’d sell his relatively small holdings at a major profit. Trump pulled off the same scheme with publicly touted investments in Hilton Hotels, Gillette, and Federated Department Stores.

But stock analysts, with money on the line, noticed that Trump never followed through after his initial braggadocio about a takeover attempt. In late 1989, a purported Trumpian raid on American Airlines inspired mostly yawns and giggles. According to the Times’ analysis, Trump appeared to have lost more than $30 million when American Airlines stock dropped sharply.

These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
I'm curious why you have it out for the postal workers, Ray. How are they harming any one? Granted, those are good paying jobs with benefits but what's wrong with that?

Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival' of USPS is at stake (nbcnews.com)
He's probably right. Republicans have never supported unions because unions promote secure and well paying jobs although trump pretended to be in favor of unions. All bull shit.
Unions are just one more form of government or corporation that leaches off workers.
I've been in two unions and I had good pay and benefits like health insurance, retirement plan and very important.....the ability to take action if the job's unsafe. Nothing wrong with that. This country is of, by, and for we the people, not some guy who wants to pay dirt poor wages so he can become a billionaire.
And in exchange you paid off the union. And you paid off the union whether it ever actually improved your circumstances or not. Some unions may be helpful and some are only interested in benefiting themselves. Once a union establishes that you must be a member to work a certain job it becomes in their best interest to not make waves and have to give workers strike pay or other support. And of course if they can expect a little tribute from the company corporation or whatever (off the books, of course) they are even more golden and companies can help balance things by paying non-union workers slave labor wages all out of line with what their labor should actually be worth.
saying these things other than you leftist ?
All the RWNJ whack-a-doodles say it every single day. Great satan, Lastamender, concerned citizen, mac 7, and many others. Trying to deny this in the face of such overwhelming evidence is just plain stupid.
Trying to deny what ?
Stop pretending to be stupid. You do it so well people are starting to believe it.
Trying to deny what ?

Nobody ever takes my advice.
Maybe because your advice sucks.
Unlike Europe in the 40s, they won't be able to have the fog lift, because they're STILL being fed the same propaganda that brought us to this point. 24/7/365.

You mean propaganda like like white people are born racists and can't be fixed? You mean the blame-the-Jew methodology applied in Critical Race Theory? You mean the odd reality that white kids must confess to their genetic sins in school? That certainly is reminiscent of the past.
245 years of American white behavior is not propaganda. White kids aren't forced to confess anything. People like you continue showing everybody else that deranged white racism exists and that it must be stopped.
How you gonna stop it ?
These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
And we get asked why there's still fences around the Capitol! :rolleyes-41:

Yea because Biden and Pelosi say fences don't work.
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.

Oh no.. The left aren't victims.. Trump has been claiming the system is rigged against him and he's treated unfairly since 1980.

It was rigged against him.
Thankfully he's a tough Guy who put up with the lefts shit and made America prosper.

He's always been a pariah because he was such a liar and a cheat and most of has businesses failed, but only his investors, contractors, vendors and bankers suffered.

Most of his businesses failed?
You sure you want to go there?
View attachment 467428
The Worst Businessman in America | The New Republic

Any dwindling belief that Donald Trump’s business career represented anything other than “The Art of the Scam” died Tuesday night when The New York Times reconstructed the president’s federal tax returns from 1985-1994. In a feat of forensic work worthy of a TV crime series, reporters Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig revealed that Trump lost $1.17 billion in a decade and “appears to have lost more money than any other individual American taxpayer.”

Trump’s dazzling failure helps explain how he and the Republicans have given the nation an era of nearly $1 trillion in annual deficits, despite the
buoyant economy.

The Times’ scoop is bracing, even if it comes too late to convince Trump loyalists that they have been hoodwinked by a fraud (if they ever were convincible). What it does suggest is that no coverup lasts forever—and that, sooner or later, Trump’s more recent tax returns will be made public.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has been stonewalling the House Ways and Means Committee’s demand, buttressed by a 1924 law, for the last six years of Trump’s federal returns. In a coincidence that might embarrass a political novelist, the Times’ story broke just as Mnuchin was attending a 2020 Trump fundraiser—the kind of event past treasure secretaries have avoided out of conflict-of-interest concerns.

But just as New York’s tabloid culture of the 1980s and 1990s made Trump, his residency in the state may ultimately break him. The New York legislature, which has its own hefty share of grifters, is moving toward approving a bill that would provide Trump’s state tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee on request.

Since the information on state and federal taxes is virtually identical, such legislation might help solve the tantalizing mystery of why and how Trump, who worshipped debt, began paying for expensive properties (including golf courses) with cash in 2006. It is worth noting that the Mueller report neither went back that far nor scrutinized Trump’s finances.

The Times bombshell story also revealed that in business—if, alas, not yet in politics—Trump the Braggart eventually became exposed as Trump the Blowhard.

One of Trump’s few profit-making ventures in the late 1980s was his version of the age-old Wall Street boiler-room scam known as “pump and dump.” Repeatedly, Trump would announce that he was seeking to acquire majority control of a major company like United Airlines and then, when the stock jumped, he’d sell his relatively small holdings at a major profit. Trump pulled off the same scheme with publicly touted investments in Hilton Hotels, Gillette, and Federated Department Stores.

But stock analysts, with money on the line, noticed that Trump never followed through after his initial braggadocio about a takeover attempt. In late 1989, a purported Trumpian raid on American Airlines inspired mostly yawns and giggles. According to the Times’ analysis, Trump appeared to have lost more than $30 million when American Airlines stock dropped sharply.

More witch hunts by the Democrat's, otherwise attempting to destroy the personal character of Trump by using things that are un-related to his tenure as the 45th President. Now if you can come up with illegal activity that he engaged in as president, then call
CNN-9-11 quickly. Otherwise quit wasting Americans time with your TDS.
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Trump did every thing he could to start a war, rebellion, insurrection or whatever it's called. He brought those hell dogs to D.C. Proven fact. This stuff about the democrats wanting to start a war with the other side is laughable, although this is the belief of far too many right wingers.
Time will tell the facts, so stay tuned and be patient. Putting the cart before the horse is a very bad problem these days. The left is trying to make us think that they are the innocent victims, but time will reveal the truth in it all.

Oh no.. The left aren't victims.. Trump has been claiming the system is rigged against him and he's treated unfairly since 1980.

It was rigged against him.
Thankfully he's a tough Guy who put up with the lefts shit and made America prosper.

He's always been a pariah because he was such a liar and a cheat and most of has businesses failed, but only his investors, contractors, vendors and bankers suffered.

Most of his businesses failed?
You sure you want to go there?
View attachment 467428
The Worst Businessman in America | The New Republic

Any dwindling belief that Donald Trump’s business career represented anything other than “The Art of the Scam” died Tuesday night when The New York Times reconstructed the president’s federal tax returns from 1985-1994. In a feat of forensic work worthy of a TV crime series, reporters Russ Buettner and Susanne Craig revealed that Trump lost $1.17 billion in a decade and “appears to have lost more money than any other individual American taxpayer.”

Trump’s dazzling failure helps explain how he and the Republicans have given the nation an era of nearly $1 trillion in annual deficits, despite the
buoyant economy.

The Times’ scoop is bracing, even if it comes too late to convince Trump loyalists that they have been hoodwinked by a fraud (if they ever were convincible). What it does suggest is that no coverup lasts forever—and that, sooner or later, Trump’s more recent tax returns will be made public.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has been stonewalling the House Ways and Means Committee’s demand, buttressed by a 1924 law, for the last six years of Trump’s federal returns. In a coincidence that might embarrass a political novelist, the Times’ story broke just as Mnuchin was attending a 2020 Trump fundraiser—the kind of event past treasure secretaries have avoided out of conflict-of-interest concerns.

But just as New York’s tabloid culture of the 1980s and 1990s made Trump, his residency in the state may ultimately break him. The New York legislature, which has its own hefty share of grifters, is moving toward approving a bill that would provide Trump’s state tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee on request.

Since the information on state and federal taxes is virtually identical, such legislation might help solve the tantalizing mystery of why and how Trump, who worshipped debt, began paying for expensive properties (including golf courses) with cash in 2006. It is worth noting that the Mueller report neither went back that far nor scrutinized Trump’s finances.

The Times bombshell story also revealed that in business—if, alas, not yet in politics—Trump the Braggart eventually became exposed as Trump the Blowhard.

One of Trump’s few profit-making ventures in the late 1980s was his version of the age-old Wall Street boiler-room scam known as “pump and dump.” Repeatedly, Trump would announce that he was seeking to acquire majority control of a major company like United Airlines and then, when the stock jumped, he’d sell his relatively small holdings at a major profit. Trump pulled off the same scheme with publicly touted investments in Hilton Hotels, Gillette, and Federated Department Stores.

But stock analysts, with money on the line, noticed that Trump never followed through after his initial braggadocio about a takeover attempt. In late 1989, a purported Trumpian raid on American Airlines inspired mostly yawns and giggles. According to the Times’ analysis, Trump appeared to have lost more than $30 million when American Airlines stock dropped sharply.

More witch hunts by the Democrat's, otherwise attempting to destroy the personal character of Trump by using things that are un-related to his tenure as the 45th President. Now if you can come up with illegal activity that he engaged in as president, then call
CNN-9-11 quickly. Otherwise quit wasting Americans time with your TDS.

These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
I'm curious why you have it out for the postal workers, Ray. How are they harming any one? Granted, those are good paying jobs with benefits but what's wrong with that?

Postal carriers union endorses Biden, warns that 'survival' of USPS is at stake (nbcnews.com)
He's probably right. Republicans have never supported unions because unions promote secure and well paying jobs although trump pretended to be in favor of unions. All bull shit.
I was a dues paying member of the Steelworker's Union before I went to work in private industry. The union endorsed candidates but I was free to vote as I saw fit. But I did have control of the votes like the Postal Union did. They all but told their workers to make sure trump did not win or they would be out of a job.
I think they were right. The republicans would like the post office to get in private hands. Bush jr. put that unreal requirement in place for the post office to have a huge retirement fund going far in to the future. Why is that? One opinion is to defund the post office so it can't operate efficiently and then will have to be privatized. Makes sense. My opinion is that republicans don't much like the little guy, no matter how much they pretend they do. Look at all the low wage right wing states and especially in the south. They keep the little guy down and wages low. And they definitely and desperately need to keep Blacks from voting since Blacks are hep to this republican jive and they will always overwhelmingly vote democratic.
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These are dangerous times for our democracy. Our schools and news organizations have become arms of centralized government and thought is increasingly policed to enforce a status quo of elites in permanent Washington. The people saw this coming which is why in 2016 a populist candidate was elected to expose the betrayal of our founding principles which are in place for the people to control government not the other way around.

Permanent Washington had already succeeded in weakening America by gifting control of our pharmaceutical industry to the People’s Republic of China, a mortal enemy of everything our founders tried to create for us. Elites identify with other elites, not common people. So, when lobbyists show up in Washington with fistfuls of dollars they have no qualms about selling us out.

That populist candidate that wanted to make deals not drop bombs was on track for re-election, so the elites had to act fast before the exposure went too deep. All kinds of mock investigations by intelligence organizations suddenly appeared. These organizations treated the peoples’ candidate like a foreign enemy because their betrayal was too far along to escape the connection. Permanent Washington was not going to sit still while their destruction of constitutional directives giving people the final word was made public.

In spite of this treachery that candidate was still likely to win so the government made a deal with the US Postal Service, a unionized foe of the sitting president and a hack of permanent Washington. In a bizarre world of cancel culture, permanent Washington and the Postal system in the US were able to corrupt the election process and essentially cancel the candidate. In other words, the people of the United States were treated like children and the election was decided by leadership that believed it knew better than the people just like every other totalitarian state that has ever existed.

Now the world is in a state of chaos because a mortal enemy of our constitution released a genetically engineered global pathogen from a laboratory for biological weapons into the human biosphere. The peoples’ candidate was replaced with a creepy apparition of drooling political taxidermy. It is like one of those weird Star Trek episodes where a long-dead leader is wheeled out on mysterious platform and is still making speeches.

Permanent Washington is safe, but the world is watching this spectacle. War? You better believe it. This is how they roll.
And we get asked why there's still fences around the Capitol! :rolleyes-41:
You're Goddamn right there are still fences around the Capital.

Better keep it that way, and watch your back.
How is white racism worse than black racism? Racism is opinion and cannot be made illegal. Only some actions thought to have racial motives are-or can be-illegal. The actual goal is equality under the law; not an end to racism which cannot be legislated and some would argue has already be achieved.
saying these things other than you leftist ?
All the RWNJ whack-a-doodles say it every single day. Great satan, Lastamender, concerned citizen, mac 7, and many others. Trying to deny this in the face of such overwhelming evidence is just plain stupid.
Trying to deny what ?
Stop pretending to be stupid. You do it so well people are starting to believe it.
Trying to deny what ?

Nobody ever takes my advice.
Maybe because your advice sucks.
No, that's not it.
How is white racism worse than black racism? Racism is opinion and cannot be made illegal. Only some actions thought to have racial motives are-or can be-illegal. The actual goal is equality under the law; not an end to racism which cannot be legislated and some would argue has already be achieved.
When you can names laws and policies enacted by blacks to deny whites of opportunity, then you can talk about black racism. Racism is not just an opinion and racism has crreated the inequality that exists. You being right wing and white, have a simplton view of racism because you don't face it. Racism has turned into laws and racism has been enforced by the law. The end of racism has not come and if you can legislate racism, which has been done on numerous occasions by our courts, then it can be legislated away.
Unlike Europe in the 40s, they won't be able to have the fog lift, because they're STILL being fed the same propaganda that brought us to this point. 24/7/365.

You mean propaganda like like white people are born racists and can't be fixed? You mean the blame-the-Jew methodology applied in Critical Race Theory? You mean the odd reality that white kids must confess to their genetic sins in school? That certainly is reminiscent of the past.
245 years of American white behavior is not propaganda. White kids aren't forced to confess anything. People like you continue showing everybody else that deranged white racism exists and that it must be stopped.
How you gonna stop it ?
Start dishing out huge fines and long prison sentences.
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.
Why is there a fence around the White House?
Unlike Europe in the 40s, they won't be able to have the fog lift, because they're STILL being fed the same propaganda that brought us to this point. 24/7/365.

You mean propaganda like like white people are born racists and can't be fixed? You mean the blame-the-Jew methodology applied in Critical Race Theory? You mean the odd reality that white kids must confess to their genetic sins in school? That certainly is reminiscent of the past.
245 years of American white behavior is not propaganda. White kids aren't forced to confess anything. People like you continue showing everybody else that deranged white racism exists and that it must be stopped.
How you gonna stop it ?
Start dishing out huge fines and long prison sentences.
For being white ??
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Canada New Zealand France Scandinavia Italy and every other modern developed country already has what Democrats AOC and Schumer want already, brainwashed functional moron. Why are we the only modern country without healthcare daycare pay parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly an ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich something like their fair share? GOP propaganda and ignoramuses...... Everything the GOP base knows is pure garbage propaganda..... Every respected media and law enforcement in the world thinks you are absolutely nuts.
Did you ever stop to think we have the greatest nation the world has ever known because we don't have those "gifts" given to us by the government?
That was about 50 years ago before the new bologna GOP took over with its giveaway to the rich screw everybody else policies. Our advantage is our amazing natural resources. Certainly not the GOP which gives us the world a corrupt bubble and bust depression every time they get eight years... All they have is garbage propaganda for the rubes like you....
The fence is still up at the Capitol for one reason: Pelosi intends to do more and more outrageous shit, until a REAL armed uprising by the Trump Nation becomes a reality. What's going on now in the Iowa Representative election thing is an example of things to come. Stealing yet another election, in broad daylight.

Yep...they're doing everything they can to start a civil war.
Their brownshirts have been rioting and attempting to burn down federal buildings for a year now and all they do is bail them out and let them go.
Meanwhile conservative go to the capital and it's called an insurrection and they want to hang everyone of them.
The intent is clear,try and push conservatives to the breaking point so they can go after them.
Just like the fence around the capital is meant to imply there's a threat from conservatives when there's been no proof of any such actions being planned.
It's also an indication that they plan on pulling some shit thats really going to piss off real Americans.
Which of course is the reason they want so desperately to disarm us.

These lemming dems have no idea what they're ushering in and the fact that it will fuck them over every bit as much as it's going to fuck over the rest of us.
History tells us this is exactly what the commies are planning.
Canada New Zealand France Scandinavia Italy and every other modern developed country already has what Democrats AOC and Schumer want already, brainwashed functional moron. Why are we the only modern country without healthcare daycare pay parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly an ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich something like their fair share? GOP propaganda and ignoramuses...... Everything the GOP base knows is pure garbage propaganda..... Every respected media and law enforcement in the world thinks you are absolutely nuts.

Fine...you pay for all that shit out of your pocket and I'll pay my own way.
Most of those things don't cost taxpayers And the rest turn out to be a good deal too for everyone. Canada has all those things and does just fine. So do France Australia Scandinavia Italy Spain Japan New Zealand. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

Dont cost taxpayers?
So where does the money come from ya ignorant fuck!!!
So why do we have the most expensive healthcare in the world by far? The worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere and in our history? You are clueless.
How is white racism worse than black racism? Racism is opinion and cannot be made illegal. Only some actions thought to have racial motives are-or can be-illegal. The actual goal is equality under the law; not an end to racism which cannot be legislated and some would argue has already be achieved.
When you can names laws and policies enacted by blacks to deny whites of opportunity, then you can talk about black racism. Racism is not just an opinion and racism has crreated the inequality that exists. You being right wing and white, have a simplton view of racism because you don't face it. Racism has turned into laws and racism has been enforced by the law. The end of racism has not come and if you can legislate racism, which has been done on numerous occasions by our courts, then it can be legislated away.
I can talk about racism anytime I like. I identify as American rather than black or white and I am as welcome to an opinion as any other American. Racism has and does create inequality. Always has, always will just as I said. The only equality that can be legislated is equality under the law. You can't legislate personal opinion although you're perfectly free to try. Entertaining. Whites have to deal with racism same as any other race. BLM has become more racist than the KKK and Islamatics hate everybody including some other Islamatics.
It's been some considerable time since more blacks were harmed for being black than whites for being white. The idea that only blacks are, or ever have been, the sole target of racism and other forms of prejudices is simply idiotic. The idea that your race-whatever it may be-deserves special treatment is undeniably hardcore racist and you certainly do not cure racism by being racist and deliberately divisive. In short it is way past time for BLM and those of their ilk to stop all the pathetic whining and man up.
Jesus you Trumpies are crazy. I mean, like, literally mentally ill.
No, yeah, they really are.

The oldest ones are the worst-off because they still have that 50's-era Cold War McCarthyism in their veins, but now with a heaping helping of 2016 Trumpism. So they're brainwashed + hate anyone different. It's awful. You almost want to laugh, but at the same time you just feel bad that they're so far gone from what our ancestors fought for: Democracy.

They literally support insurrection against the US Government democracy

Does your simple mind really believe an entire political party hates everyone not white? Do you see how unimaginably stupid that is?
They seem to hate everyone but the greedy idiot GOP rich nowadays lol .... Mario cuomo said Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor. The amount of hate on the GOP propaganda machine is disgraceful.
How is white racism worse than black racism? Racism is opinion and cannot be made illegal. Only some actions thought to have racial motives are-or can be-illegal. The actual goal is equality under the law; not an end to racism which cannot be legislated and some would argue has already be achieved.
When you can names laws and policies enacted by blacks to deny whites of opportunity, then you can talk about black racism. Racism is not just an opinion and racism has crreated the inequality that exists. You being right wing and white, have a simplton view of racism because you don't face it. Racism has turned into laws and racism has been enforced by the law. The end of racism has not come and if you can legislate racism, which has been done on numerous occasions by our courts, then it can be legislated away.
I can talk about racism anytime I like. I identify as American rather than black or white and I am as welcome to an opinion as any other American. Racism has and does create inequality. Always has, always will just as I said. The only equality that can be legislated is equality under the law. You can't legislate personal opinion although you're perfectly free to try. Entertaining. Whites have to deal with racism same as any other race. BLM has become more racist than the KKK and Islamatics hate everybody including some other Islamatics.
It's been some considerable time since more blacks were harmed for being black than whites for being white. The idea that only blacks are, or ever have been, the sole target of racism and other forms of prejudices is simply idiotic. The idea that your race-whatever it may be-deserves special treatment is undeniably hardcore racist and you certainly do not cure racism by being racist and deliberately divisive. In short it is way past time for BLM and those of their ilk to stop all the pathetic whining and man up.
Hating people is not racism. You have to believe they are an inferior race and you discriminate against them as only whites can do.

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