Dallas Cop shoots man in his apartment because she walked into the wrong home?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
There is a serious problem with how we are training our cops. The first mistake we make is the idea that the cop has to be in control of the situation from the get go. This mistake means that the cop doesn’t have the few seconds needed to really understand what is going on. It is why a Baltimore Plainclothes officer was shot and killed by two uniformed officers. They saw a man with a gun shooting, but not why. They opened fire and killed a fellow cop. Of course it was justified, but that isn’t the story today.


So a Dallas cop in uniform was going home, and for whatever reason, long shift, tired, or just distracted, walked into the wrong apartment. We don’t know why, but she apparently shot and killed the occupant in his own home. Who is to blame? Well partly it’s all of us. We accepted too many lax shootings over the years, so now cops are taught to shoot if there is any doubt, the alternative is that the cop may die, and it’s way better for innocents to die than the cop. Partly it’s the morons who support the police blindly, no matter what they are doing wrong. Those who argue that if we reform the police so there isn’t any misconduct we will have no cops, because nobody would be a cop if they could’t Break the rules when they wanted.

It’s our fault. We allowed exceptions to become the rule. I know, I was alive and watched it all happen. From not shooting until you saw a gun, to shooting at the first twitch from the “suspect” I’ve watched the changes. They were well intentioned, and they were reasonable at first, but the exceptions became the rule, and now the standards for a good shooting are so pathetically low that it is frankly insane.

A good man is dead. Some of you who read this won’t care because he was black. Some won’t care because the cop is looking at mansalughter charges. How the hell does someone enter the wrong apartment, claim it is their own home, and kill the legal and proper occupant, and get charged with merely manslaughter? Really? How about breaking and entering? How about criminal trespassing? How about Murder because the death occurred as a result of the illegal entry?

We brought ourselves here, and we need to get out of where we are. Because the place where we stand, is insane. We have built a foundation of our society on shifting sands.
There is a serious problem with how we are training our cops. The first mistake we make is the idea that the cop has to be in control of the situation from the get go. This mistake means that the cop doesn’t have the few seconds needed to really understand what is going on. It is why a Baltimore Plainclothes officer was shot and killed by two uniformed officers. They saw a man with a gun shooting, but not why. They opened fire and killed a fellow cop. Of course it was justified, but that isn’t the story today.


So a Dallas cop in uniform was going home, and for whatever reason, long shift, tired, or just distracted, walked into the wrong apartment. We don’t know why, but she apparently shot and killed the occupant in his own home. Who is to blame? Well partly it’s all of us. We accepted too many lax shootings over the years, so now cops are taught to shoot if there is any doubt, the alternative is that the cop may die, and it’s way better for innocents to die than the cop. Partly it’s the morons who support the police blindly, no matter what they are doing wrong. Those who argue that if we reform the police so there isn’t any misconduct we will have no cops, because nobody would be a cop if they could’t Break the rules when they wanted.

It’s our fault. We allowed exceptions to become the rule. I know, I was alive and watched it all happen. From not shooting until you saw a gun, to shooting at the first twitch from the “suspect” I’ve watched the changes. They were well intentioned, and they were reasonable at first, but the exceptions became the rule, and now the standards for a good shooting are so pathetically low that it is frankly insane.

A good man is dead. Some of you who read this won’t care because he was black. Some won’t care because the cop is looking at mansalughter charges. How the hell does someone enter the wrong apartment, claim it is their own home, and kill the legal and proper occupant, and get charged with merely manslaughter? Really? How about breaking and entering? How about criminal trespassing? How about Murder because the death occurred as a result of the illegal entry?

We brought ourselves here, and we need to get out of where we are. Because the place where we stand, is insane. We have built a foundation of our society on shifting sands.

It's become the mentality. There's too much violence on the streets, so cops are reacting by being trigger happy.

But US politicians in the main won't deal with this because they don't care.
She should be arrested for murder.

If you or I had done this we would be in the iron bar motel tonight.
There is a serious problem with how we are training our cops. The first mistake we make is the idea that the cop has to be in control of the situation from the get go. This mistake means that the cop doesn’t have the few seconds needed to really understand what is going on. It is why a Baltimore Plainclothes officer was shot and killed by two uniformed officers. They saw a man with a gun shooting, but not why. They opened fire and killed a fellow cop. Of course it was justified, but that isn’t the story today.


So a Dallas cop in uniform was going home, and for whatever reason, long shift, tired, or just distracted, walked into the wrong apartment. We don’t know why, but she apparently shot and killed the occupant in his own home. Who is to blame? Well partly it’s all of us. We accepted too many lax shootings over the years, so now cops are taught to shoot if there is any doubt, the alternative is that the cop may die, and it’s way better for innocents to die than the cop. Partly it’s the morons who support the police blindly, no matter what they are doing wrong. Those who argue that if we reform the police so there isn’t any misconduct we will have no cops, because nobody would be a cop if they could’t Break the rules when they wanted.

It’s our fault. We allowed exceptions to become the rule. I know, I was alive and watched it all happen. From not shooting until you saw a gun, to shooting at the first twitch from the “suspect” I’ve watched the changes. They were well intentioned, and they were reasonable at first, but the exceptions became the rule, and now the standards for a good shooting are so pathetically low that it is frankly insane.

A good man is dead. Some of you who read this won’t care because he was black. Some won’t care because the cop is looking at mansalughter charges. How the hell does someone enter the wrong apartment, claim it is their own home, and kill the legal and proper occupant, and get charged with merely manslaughter? Really? How about breaking and entering? How about criminal trespassing? How about Murder because the death occurred as a result of the illegal entry?

We brought ourselves here, and we need to get out of where we are. Because the place where we stand, is insane. We have built a foundation of our society on shifting sands.

It's become the mentality. There's too much violence on the streets, so cops are reacting by being trigger happy.

But US politicians in the main won't deal with this because they don't care.

Not exactly true. One of the truisms of our world is we tend to learn the wrong lesson from events. When Dukakis was defeated, it was said it was because he was “soft on crime”. That was as the pendulum was swinging the other way. So since then, every politician has believed, and still believes, that they have to rush out and love on the cops no matter what or they risk losing the election because they are seen as “soft on crime”.

Look at the Militarization of police as one small example. President Obama decided that it was a little too militarized. So he decided that there were some military equipment that the cops shouldn’t have. This proved he was totally against the cops. Because how could we expect the cops to survive on the streets without that equipment? The equipment in question was grenade launchers and bayonets. Trump made a big play when he was sworn in showing how totally he supported the cops by allowing them to once again draw this equipment from the military.

If saying that the cops don’t need grenade launchers and bayonets is anti cop, what will happen when someone is really pushing reforms? Politicians want to keep their jobs, like most people who get a “good job”.
Tl:dnr duplicate thread. You should be suspended.

Dont know facts. Did he rush the door in the dark? She thought she was under ambush?

Maybe she wanted more boning and he said sorry I'm out? stuff happens, move on.

My first instinct is to fire at sounds in the dark hallway upon arrival too. Can't be too safe.

P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.
Tl:dnr duplicate thread. You should be suspended.

Dont know facts. Did he rush the door in the dark? She thought she was under ambush?

Maybe she wanted more boning and he said sorry I'm out? stuff happens, move on.

My first instinct is to fire at sounds in the dark hallway upon arrival too. Can't be too safe.

P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Drunk?
There is a serious problem with how we are training our cops. The first mistake we make is the idea that the cop has to be in control of the situation from the get go. This mistake means that the cop doesn’t have the few seconds needed to really understand what is going on. It is why a Baltimore Plainclothes officer was shot and killed by two uniformed officers. They saw a man with a gun shooting, but not why. They opened fire and killed a fellow cop. Of course it was justified, but that isn’t the story today.


So a Dallas cop in uniform was going home, and for whatever reason, long shift, tired, or just distracted, walked into the wrong apartment. We don’t know why, but she apparently shot and killed the occupant in his own home. Who is to blame? Well partly it’s all of us. We accepted too many lax shootings over the years, so now cops are taught to shoot if there is any doubt, the alternative is that the cop may die, and it’s way better for innocents to die than the cop. Partly it’s the morons who support the police blindly, no matter what they are doing wrong. Those who argue that if we reform the police so there isn’t any misconduct we will have no cops, because nobody would be a cop if they could’t Break the rules when they wanted.

It’s our fault. We allowed exceptions to become the rule. I know, I was alive and watched it all happen. From not shooting until you saw a gun, to shooting at the first twitch from the “suspect” I’ve watched the changes. They were well intentioned, and they were reasonable at first, but the exceptions became the rule, and now the standards for a good shooting are so pathetically low that it is frankly insane.

A good man is dead. Some of you who read this won’t care because he was black. Some won’t care because the cop is looking at mansalughter charges. How the hell does someone enter the wrong apartment, claim it is their own home, and kill the legal and proper occupant, and get charged with merely manslaughter? Really? How about breaking and entering? How about criminal trespassing? How about Murder because the death occurred as a result of the illegal entry?

We brought ourselves here, and we need to get out of where we are. Because the place where we stand, is insane. We have built a foundation of our society on shifting sands.

It's become the mentality. There's too much violence on the streets, so cops are reacting by being trigger happy.

But US politicians in the main won't deal with this because they don't care.

Not exactly true. One of the truisms of our world is we tend to learn the wrong lesson from events. When Dukakis was defeated, it was said it was because he was “soft on crime”. That was as the pendulum was swinging the other way. So since then, every politician has believed, and still believes, that they have to rush out and love on the cops no matter what or they risk losing the election because they are seen as “soft on crime”.

Look at the Militarization of police as one small example. President Obama decided that it was a little too militarized. So he decided that there were some military equipment that the cops shouldn’t have. This proved he was totally against the cops. Because how could we expect the cops to survive on the streets without that equipment? The equipment in question was grenade launchers and bayonets. Trump made a big play when he was sworn in showing how totally he supported the cops by allowing them to once again draw this equipment from the military.

If saying that the cops don’t need grenade launchers and bayonets is anti cop, what will happen when someone is really pushing reforms? Politicians want to keep their jobs, like most people who get a “good job”.

Being "soft on crime" or "hard on crime" doesn't mean they're being smart on crime, does it?

It's populist nonsense that doesn't actually solve anything.
Dallas has a dire shortage of officers, due to really crappy pay and bennies, and as a 'minority majority' city, its govt is of course corrupt, stupid, and racist, so they have to hire a lot of unqualified candidates. So, you get officers who will never get movies made about them, aren't Hollywood super-men, and aren't Perry Masons or CSI stereotypes.

The city is thousands of officers short, is busy screwing its past officers out of their pensions, and has become a joke of a 'progressive' run city. It is going the way of Baltimore and Detroit.
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P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.
P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.

You're fucking sick.
P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.

You're fucking sick.

lol you're a racist and a running joke.
P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.
Her shift had already ended, she was not on duty just still in uniform.
P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.
Her shift had already ended, she was not on duty just still in uniform.

And this is relevant why? Dallas has its own police academy.
There is a serious problem with how we are training our cops. The first mistake we make is the idea that the cop has to be in control of the situation from the get go. This mistake means that the cop doesn’t have the few seconds needed to really understand what is going on. It is why a Baltimore Plainclothes officer was shot and killed by two uniformed officers. They saw a man with a gun shooting, but not why. They opened fire and killed a fellow cop. Of course it was justified, but that isn’t the story today.


So a Dallas cop in uniform was going home, and for whatever reason, long shift, tired, or just distracted, walked into the wrong apartment. We don’t know why, but she apparently shot and killed the occupant in his own home. Who is to blame? Well partly it’s all of us. We accepted too many lax shootings over the years, so now cops are taught to shoot if there is any doubt, the alternative is that the cop may die, and it’s way better for innocents to die than the cop. Partly it’s the morons who support the police blindly, no matter what they are doing wrong. Those who argue that if we reform the police so there isn’t any misconduct we will have no cops, because nobody would be a cop if they could’t Break the rules when they wanted.

It’s our fault. We allowed exceptions to become the rule. I know, I was alive and watched it all happen. From not shooting until you saw a gun, to shooting at the first twitch from the “suspect” I’ve watched the changes. They were well intentioned, and they were reasonable at first, but the exceptions became the rule, and now the standards for a good shooting are so pathetically low that it is frankly insane.

A good man is dead. Some of you who read this won’t care because he was black. Some won’t care because the cop is looking at mansalughter charges. How the hell does someone enter the wrong apartment, claim it is their own home, and kill the legal and proper occupant, and get charged with merely manslaughter? Really? How about breaking and entering? How about criminal trespassing? How about Murder because the death occurred as a result of the illegal entry?

We brought ourselves here, and we need to get out of where we are. Because the place where we stand, is insane. We have built a foundation of our society on shifting sands.

How about criminal trespassing?

Maybe she was seeking asylum?

Sounds like murder to me. You went into the wrong home and shot the occupant? How the hell does that happen? Got suspicious when your key didn't fit?

Alcohol/speed involved?
Sounds like murder to me. You went into the wrong home and shot the occupant? How the hell does that happen? Got suspicious when your key didn't fit?

Alcohol/speed involved?

Jack Daniels if you please, knock me to my knees...

P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.
Her shift had already ended, she was not on duty just still in uniform.

And this is relevant why? Dallas has its own police academy.
It wasn't an officer-involved shooting. She didn't do this as a Dallas police officer (employee) and there apparently was nothing wrong with her shooting skills as she hit her mark and killed him. I have no idea what you're referring to as far as quotas and racist hiring practices because the officer is a white female who clearly had no problem "defending" herself.
Dallas has a dire shortage of officers, due to really crappy pay and bennies, and as a 'minority majority' city, its govt is of course corrupt, stupid, and racist, so they have to hire a lot of unqualified candidates. So, you get officers who will never get movies made about them, aren't Hollywood super-men, and aren't Perry Masons or CSI stereotypes.

The city is thousands of officers short, is busy screwing its past officers out of their pensions, and has become a joke of a 'progressive' run city. It is going the way of Baltimore and Detroit.

Pfui. You are as ignorant as you are wrong on these assumptions. First, the officer reacted exactly the way she had been trained. Which is to say she did the wrong thing. Training for shoot don’t shoot scenarios used to be based upon the presence or absence of a weapon through the 1970’s. After that, it started to slide downhill. First, we decided that a toy gun in a darkened hallway or apartment could be mistaken for a real gun. So that exception was granted. Then it’s as something that looked like a gun, a wallet was the usual item, and that was grudgingly accepted. Then it became a motion like they were going for a weapon. Every exception leads us to another exception.

Today, the training in question is all about the quick draw and firing lots of rounds as fast as you can. The training tells the officers that they can’t wait to find out what is going on, they can’t wait to see what the guy is going to do, death awaits them when they do that. Certain death.

I’ve seen cops practicing this test at gun ranges.

It’s all about quick draw and how fast you can get the bullets down range. The target is so close that it literally takes longer to draw and fire than it would to step forward and hit the baddie.

Testing reflects the training, and the training is wrong. That is our fault as citizens, every one of us. We allowed these ridiculous exceptions to keep going until now, there is literally a “defense expert” who testifies at police shootings that cops are actually expected to see motion, and weapons, where there are none. Why? Because the cop is trained to expect the motions, and weapons, and when the adrenaline is pumping, you’re going to see what is not actually there. So according to that idiot, our cops have to be delusional, to be good cops.

How they shoot is also evolved, for the worse. In the 1970’s, the technique was called “shoot, shoot, assess”. That meant that the officer would fire his revolver twice at the badde, and then take a moment to determine the need for additional fire. This is a perfectly reasonable technique, allowing you to engage three times with a standard revolver. It is the technique I still use in training today. Because it makes sense, and does not empty the magazine into the first baddie I come across, allowing me to engage a second, or third target as needed.

How the cops are trained has changed, to the stupid. It used to be taught to seek cover, and then engage. Cover meant that the baddie had a much harder time shooting at you. Now, it’s all about rushing in and shooting anything you see. Marksmanship is down, because it’s all about how fast you can empty the magazine, instead of how accurately you can put rounds on target.

Even individuals of average intelligence can do what they are trained to do. The Military has had some difficulties recruiting, but they haven’t changed their rules of engagement or stressing the importance of marksmanship. Tactical doctrine evolves, but does not abandon the old principles of cover, concealment, and thinking before you start shooting.

It isn’t a problem in Democratic run cities. In Llano Texas, 2/3rds of the Police are under indictment. The Chief has been convicted. Rampant misconduct, and that is a county, and town, that broke 80% or so for Republicans.
P.s. there are almost no bad shootings...only bad criminals. She should be on paid 2 weeks leave and counseling for her traumatic experience.

I actually agree with this; she needs more time on the practice range with an instructor. If a city is going to go for the lowest denominator via low pay and crappy working conditions, it's criminal to run around prosecuting its employees for its management failures and incompetence in situations it puts these employees in via quotas and other racist hiring practices. They're prosecuting the wrong person in this case.
Her shift had already ended, she was not on duty just still in uniform.

And this is relevant why? Dallas has its own police academy.
It wasn't an officer-involved shooting. She didn't do this as a Dallas police officer (employee) and there apparently was nothing wrong with her shooting skills as she hit her mark and killed him. I have no idea what you're referring to as far as quotas and racist hiring practices because the officer is a white female who clearly had no problem "defending" herself.

She's an officer 24/7, so you're wrong. The Dallas police has been in the local news for months over losing hundreds of officers at once, and having to hire and train new ones in a rush, and in the process they're hamstrung by having to hire according to quotas, and whether you like it or not that has a dramatic effect on quality of applicants. Her training was faulty in her reaction response, and I'm still curious as to the actual tactical situation, which hasn't come out. I don't know what color she is, I haven't seen her yet and they didn't post her pics or stated her race in news stories I've seen, the last one around 5 am this morning, but when they charged her with manslaughter it was an easy guess she was a white officer, otherwise there wouldn't be all the outcry and silly assed fake tears over this.

She just needs more training, is all. You want witch hunts and mob rule.

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