Daily Cos Writer: Obama Should Make a Benevolent Dictatorship


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Liberal Daily Kos diarist calls for 'benevolent' Obama dictatorship - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

In a diary posted Thursday at the left wing Daily Kos, Michael Alton Gottlieb called for Obama to rule the country as a "benevolent" dictator.

"The American Presidency is a de facto dictatorship," he wrote.

According to Gottlieb, the president "has unprecedented power of Fiat" and "literally has the power of life and death over every citizen in the nation."

So, in Gottlieb's view, the president should use that power for "good."

Echoing Michael Moore, Gottlieb says Obama should "lock up the bankers," without giving any reason why. Apparently, the fact that they work in a bank is reason enough for them to be stripped of their right to due process and tossed in jail.

"Reform the system. Forgive the debt. Reboot," he added. Unfortunately, the economy doesn't work that way, but it probably sounded good to Gottlieb at the time he wrote it.

Obama has been carrying out the setup for a stealth dictatorship for years now.

With the debt ceiling fail he may bring it to open tyranny.
He should. If he declared himself dictator, it would be the first honest act of obama's dissolute existence.
It is clever how worthless pieces of shit like Daily Kos and various other trashy MSM websites even exist. Are they a write-offs for MSNBC? I thought MSNBC was a write-off for NBC with the various lisping, transgender freaks hosting anti-white programs that have extremely low ratings. :lol:
IMHO it's time to clean house. Not just Obama but the whole lot of them up in Washington. Kick them out of power and get some people in there that actually want to serve the people and not just themselves.

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