DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

You hide behind the written law to rationalize your xenophobia and bigotry while demonstration time and again that you have no understanding of moral law.

That you call the United States Constitution "xenophobia and bigotry" well demonstrates how bereft you Stalinists are of integrity and ideas,

Demagoguery is literally the only tool in your belt.
Thank you for confirming just how bizarre and unhinged you really are. I said that the United States Constitution is equivalent to "xenophobia and bigotry? Really? Holy shit you are OUT THERE!

I am merely pointing out how unhinged you are as you spew your mindless hatred.

The nation has borders, it's bummer that you Stalinists seek to destroy them and have not succeeded. Spewing epithets at those who support our laws, crafted under our Constitution might seem clever to you, but merely confirms that you are deranged to the rest of us.

Demagoguery is literally the only tool in your bag. You have nothing else.
"xenophobes" - Liberal buzz word. LMAO

Describing people who want foreigners to come to the US legally = xenophobe Liberals. smh lol
You hide behind the written law to rationalize your xenophobia and bigotry while demonstration time and again that you have no understanding of moral law.

That you call the United States Constitution "xenophobia and bigotry" well demonstrates how bereft you Stalinists are of integrity and ideas,

Demagoguery is literally the only tool in your belt.
Thank you for confirming just how bizarre and unhinged you really are. I said that the United States Constitution is equivalent to "xenophobia and bigotry? Really? Holy shit you are OUT THERE!

I am merely pointing out how unhinged you are as you spew your mindless hatred.

The nation has borders, it's bummer that you Stalinists seek to destroy them and have not succeeded. Spewing epithets at those who support our laws, crafted under our Constitution might seem clever to you, but merely confirms that you are deranged to the rest of us.

Demagoguery is literally the only tool in your bag. You have nothing else.
Demagoguery? You mean exactly what you are doing? You hide behind the laws and borders argument and use them to justify very harsh and hateful punishments. The vast majority of liberals support borders and the rule of law, but they also support practical solutions that fall in line with their values
"xenophobes" - Liberal buzz word. LMAO

Describing people who want foreigners to come to the US legally = xenophobe Liberals. smh lol
Wrong, try again

I'm right. Only a Liberal would use the word "xenophobe" to describe people who want people to come here legally. Makes no sense of course. But I get it's a buzz word to try and win a point.
"xenophobes" - Liberal buzz word. LMAO

Describing people who want foreigners to come to the US legally = xenophobe Liberals. smh lol
Wrong, try again

I'm right. Only a Liberal would use the word "xenophobe" to describe people who want people to come here legally. Makes no sense of course. But I get it's a buzz word to try and win a point.
I'm pretty liberal and I wouldnt do that. Are you accusing somebody specific?
Demagoguery? You mean exactly what you are doing? You hide behind the laws and borders argument and use them to justify very harsh and hateful punishments. The vast majority of liberals support borders and the rule of law, but they also support practical solutions that fall in line with their values

Harsh and hateful punishment of returning people to their country of origin... :lol:

Could you BE any more disingenuous?

The democratic party has failed, Americans have fully rejected this radical party that opposes civil liberty and seeks to install socialism under an authoritarian dicatorship. What to do? So you import millions of foreign national to vote for your party in exchange for transfer payments from American taxpayers.

You democrats are LITERALLY bribing foreign nationals to bring down the Constitutional Republic, an act of treason.
"xenophobes" - Liberal buzz word. LMAO

Describing people who want foreigners to come to the US legally = xenophobe Liberals. smh lol
Wrong, try again

I'm right. Only a Liberal would use the word "xenophobe" to describe people who want people to come here legally. Makes no sense of course. But I get it's a buzz word to try and win a point.
I'm pretty liberal and I wouldnt do that. Are you accusing somebody specific?

You are radical left and do exactly that. You seek to smear those who dare support a secured border by hurling epithets in an attempt to cow them in hopes they will condone the lawlessness of your fascist party.

We have shitty immigration laws, Teddy Kennedy sought to destroy this nation with the 1965 abortion of reason that is our insane immigration policy of putting the least educated and lest productive third world peasants at the top of our list. But even that is too much order for the fascist democrats, you seek to dissolve our borders completely, along with the sovereignty of the nation.

None dare call it treason, but they fucking well better start, because that is exactly what it is.
"xenophobes" - Liberal buzz word. LMAO

Describing people who want foreigners to come to the US legally = xenophobe Liberals. smh lol
Wrong, try again

I'm right. Only a Liberal would use the word "xenophobe" to describe people who want people to come here legally. Makes no sense of course. But I get it's a buzz word to try and win a point.
I'm pretty liberal and I wouldnt do that. Are you accusing somebody specific?

You are radical left and do exactly that. You seek to smear those who dare support a secured border by hurling epithets in an attempt to cow them in hopes they will condone the lawlessness of your fascist party.

We have shitty immigration laws, Teddy Kennedy sought to destroy this nation with the 1965 abortion of reason that is our insane immigration policy of putting the least educated and lest productive third world peasants at the top of our list. But even that is too much order for the fascist democrats, you seek to dissolve our borders completely, along with the sovereignty of the nation.

None dare call it treason, but they fucking well better start, because that is exactly what it is.
Do you get tired of being wrong? It appears that you do because you persist in making up these generalized claims that have nothing to do with anything that i've said. You are fighting a strawman and not engaging on specific detailed debate. It is extremely weak minded of you. To prove my point I will ask you to quote anything that i've said that verifies your claims.

When did I call anybody an xenophobe for supporting legal immigration?
When did I smear anybody who was supporting a secure border? (something I also support)

Come on smart guy, prove me wrong and quote me... When you can't then you are free to shut the fuck up or stay on topic.
Demagoguery? You mean exactly what you are doing? You hide behind the laws and borders argument and use them to justify very harsh and hateful punishments. The vast majority of liberals support borders and the rule of law, but they also support practical solutions that fall in line with their values

Harsh and hateful punishment of returning people to their country of origin... :lol:

Could you BE any more disingenuous?

The democratic party has failed, Americans have fully rejected this radical party that opposes civil liberty and seeks to install socialism under an authoritarian dicatorship. What to do? So you import millions of foreign national to vote for your party in exchange for transfer payments from American taxpayers.

You democrats are LITERALLY bribing foreign nationals to bring down the Constitutional Republic, an act of treason.
Just curious, when the dems win in congress and eventually take back the white house are you going to stand by your same argument that it is America fully rejecting the radical right party and its values? Is that how it works?
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico.
I'm sorry but....are you reading what you're writing?

If she's been here since she was 4,
where else would she have been,
before coming to this country, if not Mexico?

Furthermore, what difference does that make?
What's that have to do with anything?
Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College.
Again, what difference does that make?
The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting
Au contraire

What's disgusting is that you have the fucking audacity
to turn this around and make it about me!

What's disgusting is, the blatant disregard of our laws,
by those who are illegally here and refuse to leave quietly
and by those who should be enforcing our immigration laws

What's disgusting is, instead of coughing up the money,
and begin the process to enter this country legally,
like every immigrant that resides here legally, has done,
they insist on trying to change our laws, while they defy them

The parents already knew and were fully aware
what kind of life and opportunities their children could expect.
I didn't tell them to have kids nor, is it my fucking problem,
they wanted more then they had and Mexico could offer!

Cry me a fucking river!
I'd like more in my life too but, it is what it is
and I'm content because I focus on what I have,
instead of dwelling on what I could have, or feel I should have

You can't always get what you want but,
if you try sometimes, you get what you need!

Selfish, ungrateful, leeches, illegals are
you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country...
Darling, stating it was a win, win, was not an attempt
to justify my stance...being illegal and criminal is justification

Someone has to be the example of the consequences
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there?
Nope, never said nor suggested as much.

I brought that up because of what you stated....
that's it, that's all
Well my point went over your head. Somebody that came here from Mexico as a child doesn't know Mexico. They grew up here, this is he only place they know. It not like they took summer trips down south for spring. The majority came here is a little kid and haven't ever been back. Take a second and imagine yourself as a teenager in high school or a student in college being forced to go live in Mexico without knowing anybody there and without knowing if you will ever be allowed back to the US. Put yourself in their shoes. Something isn't registering in your head
The majority came here is a little kid and haven't ever been back. Take a second and imagine yourself as a teenager in high school or a student in college being forced to go live in Mexico without knowing anybody there and without knowing if you will ever be allowed back to the US. Put yourself in their shoes.
Let me also ask you something....

Why is it, the questions you ask
and the scenarios/situations you pose,
are directed to myself and other posters
to answer and give consideration to?

We didn't place their children in this situation....
their parents did

Frankly, I'm tired of having to
indirectly pay the price for the bad choices of others,
because they are not being allowed the consequences

We reward bad choices....that's fucked up!
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way.

I'm sure that's how people who were selling pot,
got caught and served prison time,
would have liked it to play out for them.

They broke the law but, were able to avoid the consequences
until Congress pulled their head out of their ass and legalized it!

The majority of DACA are adults ass wipe
They already have jobs they just don't want to leave
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Come on now, I know that
and you know what I was driving at

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Not wanting to enter our country legally
doesn't make your consequences our problem
when you're caught and deported back to Mexico

If you're willing to take the risk,
be willing to pay the price

We're not wrong for enforcing our laws,
illegals are wrong for breaking our laws.

They break up their own families, that's not on us,...
trying to place their consequences on our shoulders
still doesn't make it our burden to carry, that's on them

Don't blame others for the consequences of your choices

If a man robs a bank to feed his kids
and move them out of a shelter and into their own home,
is his crime exempt from the consequences of his choices
simply because kids and a sad story are a mitigating factor?

I think not

The consequences dreamers and illegals are facing
are not my problem, not my fault and not my burden to carry!
How many times do I need to repeat myself. The dreamers did not decide to come here illegally! They were not responsible for the crimes of their parents yet you want to impose the same punishments. Why do you keep restating the arguement that they were conscious law breakers? It's simply not the case

And I don't know what you were driving at with the pot analogy, it is a very similar situation. Pot is illegal federally just as being undocumented is. Yet states have passed laws in contrast to both federal laws. So it begs the question of states rights. Do you think all the pot shop owners and smokers should be thrown in federal prison? If not then why the hypocrisy?
How many times do I need to repeat myself. The dreamers did not decide to come here illegally! They were not responsible for the crimes of their parents yet you want to impose the same punishments. Why do you keep restating the arguement that they were conscious law breakers? It's simply not the case
Look, first of all, I never stated nor suggested, as much

Secondly, there are plenty of children here,
who know they shouldn't be and neither should their parents.

Furthermore, why should a child, under the age of 15
be deported because they are illegally here,
but, someone who fulfills DACA requirements
and pays the fee, can stay a little while longer if accepted?

If you deport one, you deport all,
there should be no exceptions to the rules

DACA is not citizenship nor a green card...
its an extension, which comes with no guarantee
your right to stay can be revoked, and it has
Pot is illegal federally just as being undocumented is. Yet states have passed laws in contrast to both federal laws. So it begs the question of states rights.
So, it begs the question, what's the point?
What's the point of laws?

First of all, its all about the money

Secondly, if we are going to make concessions for one
we make them for all...

A lot of people are sitting in jail for their bad choices,
why should they have to pay for the consequences?
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico.
I'm sorry but....are you reading what you're writing?

If she's been here since she was 4,
where else would she have been,
before coming to this country, if not Mexico?

Furthermore, what difference does that make?
What's that have to do with anything?
Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College.
Again, what difference does that make?
The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting
Au contraire

What's disgusting is that you have the fucking audacity
to turn this around and make it about me!

What's disgusting is, the blatant disregard of our laws,
by those who are illegally here and refuse to leave quietly
and by those who should be enforcing our immigration laws

What's disgusting is, instead of coughing up the money,
and begin the process to enter this country legally,
like every immigrant that resides here legally, has done,
they insist on trying to change our laws, while they defy them

The parents already knew and were fully aware
what kind of life and opportunities their children could expect.
I didn't tell them to have kids nor, is it my fucking problem,
they wanted more then they had and Mexico could offer!

Cry me a fucking river!
I'd like more in my life too but, it is what it is
and I'm content because I focus on what I have,
instead of dwelling on what I could have, or feel I should have

You can't always get what you want but,
if you try sometimes, you get what you need!

Selfish, ungrateful, leeches, illegals are
you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country...
Darling, stating it was a win, win, was not an attempt
to justify my stance...being illegal and criminal is justification

Someone has to be the example of the consequences
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there?
Nope, never said nor suggested as much.

I brought that up because of what you stated....
that's it, that's all
Well my point went over your head. Somebody that came here from Mexico as a child doesn't know Mexico. They grew up here, this is he only place they know. It not like they took summer trips down south for spring. The majority came here is a little kid and haven't ever been back. Take a second and imagine yourself as a teenager in high school or a student in college being forced to go live in Mexico without knowing anybody there and without knowing if you will ever be allowed back to the US. Put yourself in their shoes. Something isn't registering in your head
The majority came here is a little kid and haven't ever been back. Take a second and imagine yourself as a teenager in high school or a student in college being forced to go live in Mexico without knowing anybody there and without knowing if you will ever be allowed back to the US. Put yourself in their shoes.
Let me also ask you something....

Why is it, the questions you ask
and the scenarios/situations you pose,
are directed to myself and other posters
to answer and give consideration to?

We didn't place their children in this situation....
their parents did

Frankly, I'm tired of having to
indirectly pay the price for the bad choices of others,
because they are not being allowed the consequences

We reward bad choices....that's fucked up!
I ask personal questions because we are having a personal discussion about our differing views. You are taking a stance that wants to deport 800k dreamers and you are using a law and order argument to back it up. I realize the written laws are in your side, but I am advocating for change, for a law to be passed to protect these people because it is the right thing to do in my opinion. We take in immigrants and refugees in the hundreds of thousands every year because that's how we all got here, that's the spirit of what I identify my country as, an inviting one that provides freedom, opportunity and aid, especially for those who need it most.
The dreamers didn't break laws to come here as it wasn't their choice or responsibility. They grew up here and this country is home to them. They are motivated to learn, work, and contribute... those are the kind of people we want. To me, it is pretty damn heartless to support deporting these kids.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way.

I'm sure that's how people who were selling pot,
got caught and served prison time,
would have liked it to play out for them.

They broke the law but, were able to avoid the consequences
until Congress pulled their head out of their ass and legalized it!

The majority of DACA are adults ass wipe
They already have jobs they just don't want to leave
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Come on now, I know that
and you know what I was driving at

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Not wanting to enter our country legally
doesn't make your consequences our problem
when you're caught and deported back to Mexico

If you're willing to take the risk,
be willing to pay the price

We're not wrong for enforcing our laws,
illegals are wrong for breaking our laws.

They break up their own families, that's not on us,...
trying to place their consequences on our shoulders
still doesn't make it our burden to carry, that's on them

Don't blame others for the consequences of your choices

If a man robs a bank to feed his kids
and move them out of a shelter and into their own home,
is his crime exempt from the consequences of his choices
simply because kids and a sad story are a mitigating factor?

I think not

The consequences dreamers and illegals are facing
are not my problem, not my fault and not my burden to carry!
How many times do I need to repeat myself. The dreamers did not decide to come here illegally! They were not responsible for the crimes of their parents yet you want to impose the same punishments. Why do you keep restating the arguement that they were conscious law breakers? It's simply not the case

And I don't know what you were driving at with the pot analogy, it is a very similar situation. Pot is illegal federally just as being undocumented is. Yet states have passed laws in contrast to both federal laws. So it begs the question of states rights. Do you think all the pot shop owners and smokers should be thrown in federal prison? If not then why the hypocrisy?
How many times do I need to repeat myself. The dreamers did not decide to come here illegally! They were not responsible for the crimes of their parents yet you want to impose the same punishments. Why do you keep restating the arguement that they were conscious law breakers? It's simply not the case
Look, first of all, I never stated nor suggested, as much

Secondly, there are plenty of children here,
who know they shouldn't be and neither should their parents.

Furthermore, why should a child, under the age of 15
be deported because they are illegally here,
but, someone who fulfills DACA requirements
and pays the fee, can stay a little while longer if accepted?

If you deport one, you deport all,
there should be no exceptions to the rules

DACA is not citizenship nor a green card...
its an extension, which comes with no guarantee
your right to stay can be revoked, and it has
Pot is illegal federally just as being undocumented is. Yet states have passed laws in contrast to both federal laws. So it begs the question of states rights.
So, it begs the question, what's the point?
What's the point of laws?

First of all, its all about the money

Secondly, if we are going to make concessions for one
we make them for all...

A lot of people are sitting in jail for their bad choices,
why should they have to pay for the consequences?
Some people are sitting in jail for their crimes and others are sitting on their couch at home because they only got a ticket and had to pay a fine for their crimes. I don't think depeorting the dreamers or trying to deport 10+million people for that matter is a realistic or smart solution/punishment. There needs to be a pathway coupled with better border security if you really want a solution. The pathway for dreamers and the undocumented should include fines, community service, legal status not citizenship. With exception to the dreamers, they did break the law so they should face some form of punishment. But let's get real about doing something that is both practical and morally sound.
Demagoguery? You mean exactly what you are doing? You hide behind the laws and borders argument and use them to justify very harsh and hateful punishments. The vast majority of liberals support borders and the rule of law, but they also support practical solutions that fall in line with their values

Harsh and hateful punishment of returning people to their country of origin... :lol:

Could you BE any more disingenuous?

The democratic party has failed, Americans have fully rejected this radical party that opposes civil liberty and seeks to install socialism under an authoritarian dicatorship. What to do? So you import millions of foreign national to vote for your party in exchange for transfer payments from American taxpayers.

You democrats are LITERALLY bribing foreign nationals to bring down the Constitutional Republic, an act of treason.
Your rhetoric is completely insane......

We oppose civil liberties??

We want an authoritarian dictatorship?

but... we want open boarders and to destroy the union.??

We are Stalinists because some progressives , decades ago, were sucked into the idea-either out of ignorance or wishful thinking- that Stalin would untimely support their goals, while you ignore the fact that they are not the progressives and Democrats of today?

And not a single piece of documentation to support your bizarre and unhinged claims

You're right, we should end birthright citizenship.

If both your parents are non-citizens, you don't become a citizen just because you're born here.

We're the only nation that does this, and we're being taken advantage of.
Dumbed down, simplistic and inaccurate horseshit. Canada also bestows birthright citizenship to all, and while the US and Canada are the only countries that do so for tourists and undocumented people , there is a long list of countries that do so using a variety of criteria Notes and Citations Regarding Birthright Citizenship Laws | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

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