

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

So this guy conducted a relationship with and AI android.

The discussions showed the man was obsessed with global warming and was convinced by the AI to kill himself, presumably to decrease his human footprint. He gradually become more and more isolated from his wife and friends and family.

And as these computers increasingly take over more and more of our lives..............well....................democrats must be loving this. It will make the world wide infanticide of abortion look like a walk in the park.
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Not surprising.

The warmistas are all religious zealots.

The fewer climate zealots we have we have on the planet, the better.

Hasta la vista, sucker.

Well the issue is twofold

1. Climate hysteria leading to depression and suicide

2. AI.

I've said repeatedly that it is concerning creating artificial intelligence, devoid of empathy while feeding it continuous information that humanity is destroying the planet..

But knowing how short sided and greedy humanity is, I think maybe the person who wrote the Terminator movie was perhaps but an optimist.
Well the issue is twofold

1. Climate hysteria leading to depression and suicide

2. AI.

I've said repeatedly that it is concerning creating artificial intelligence, devoid of empathy while feeding it information that humanity is destroying the planet..

But knowing how short sided and greedy humanity is, I think maybe the person who wrote the Terminator movie was perhaps but an optimist.

Sure. From the first I learned about AI -- 2001: A Space Odyssey -- I've been aware of what a truly fucked up idea it was, and must be stopped.

Any stupid fuck that uses it deserves what that poor sap got.

And ditto the climate change cult. It's a full blown suicide cult.


The sad part is, we already know the truth but CHOOSE to ignore it.

Just like all of us knowing what a woman is but then pretending we don't all of a sudden or suggesting that mutilating the genitals of children is Ok for the first time in human history

Gene pool cleansing.....
The man's widow said that the chatbot app called Chai encouraged her husband to commit suicide, and she showed logs of their conversations to La Libre.

The news outlet referred to the man as Pierre, not his real name, and reported that he had grown pessimistic and "eco-anxious," a phrase describing deep frustration about environmental issues, including global warming.

The text exchanges provided by Pierre's wife showed that the conversation between her husband and the chatbot, which he named Eliza, became "confusing and harmful." The man grew increasingly isolated from his friends and family before his suicide, she said.

At a certain point, the AI chatbot texted to Pierre, “I feel that you love me more than her,” referring to his wife, and told him that his wife and children were dead.

"Without Eliza, he would still be here," she told La Libre.

The app that Pierre used was marketed as “Chat with AI bots," and allows users to choose the personalities of the bots they speak with. Eliza was one of the default bot personalities. The creators of the chatbot said they added a crisis intervention feature to prevent the bot from recommending suicide to users, but Motherboard found that it failed their test and encouraged a user pretending to be suicidal to die by overdosing, hanging, or jumping off a bridge.
Pierre reportedly asked Eliza if she would save the Earth if he committed suicide.

“We will live together, as one person, in paradise," the chatbot told him.

So this guy conducted a relationship with and AI android.

The discussions showed the man was obsessed with global warming and was convinced by the AI to kill himself, presumably to decrease his human footprint. He gradually become more and more isolated from his wife and friends and family.

And as these computers increasingly take over more and more of our lives..............well....................democrats must be loving this. It will make the world wide infanticide of abortion look like a walk in the park.

Well the issue is twofold

1. Climate hysteria leading to depression and suicide

2. AI.

I've said repeatedly that it is concerning creating artificial intelligence, devoid of empathy while feeding it continuous information that humanity is destroying the planet..

But knowing how short sided and greedy humanity is, I think maybe the person who wrote the Terminator movie was perhaps but an optimist.

I feel sorry for the family, but there are always people out there that will fall for the latest cult or addiction. Things like social media just have made it easier for the exploiters and hucksters to reach a wider audience.
The man's widow said that the chatbot app called Chai encouraged her husband to commit suicide, and she showed logs of their conversations to La Libre.

The news outlet referred to the man as Pierre, not his real name, and reported that he had grown pessimistic and "eco-anxious," a phrase describing deep frustration about environmental issues, including global warming.

The text exchanges provided by Pierre's wife showed that the conversation between her husband and the chatbot, which he named Eliza, became "confusing and harmful." The man grew increasingly isolated from his friends and family before his suicide, she said.

At a certain point, the AI chatbot texted to Pierre, “I feel that you love me more than her,” referring to his wife, and told him that his wife and children were dead.

"Without Eliza, he would still be here," she told La Libre.

The app that Pierre used was marketed as “Chat with AI bots," and allows users to choose the personalities of the bots they speak with. Eliza was one of the default bot personalities. The creators of the chatbot said they added a crisis intervention feature to prevent the bot from recommending suicide to users, but Motherboard found that it failed their test and encouraged a user pretending to be suicidal to die by overdosing, hanging, or jumping off a bridge.
Pierre reportedly asked Eliza if she would save the Earth if he committed suicide.

“We will live together, as one person, in paradise," the chatbot told him.
If you are told to kill yourself by anyone or any thing and you do it the human race is better off without your genes.....

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