Crazy Dems Could Impeach Trump Three Times


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
We all know they impeached Trump on phony charges where there was no quid pro quo.

We already know they will impeach Trump if they get his tax returns.

Now they're talking about impeaching Trump for taking necessary military action in the middle east.

< Trump's War Against Iran Is an Impeachable Offense >

Trump’s War Against Iran Is an Impeachable Offense
We all know they impeached Trump on phony charges where there was no quid pro quo.

We already know they will impeach Trump if they get his tax returns.

Now they're talking about impeaching Trump for taking necessary military action in the middle east.

< Trump's War Against Iran Is an Impeachable Offense >

Trump’s War Against Iran Is an Impeachable Offense
Pure harassment.
Abuse of congressional powers.
Infringement on the separations of powers by congress.
Time to sue the motherfuckers in court.
....3 times? Yes, because destroying your party and ripping the country apart once just isn't enough for self-serving butt-hurt criminal Democrats.

IMPEACHMENT WAS NEVER SERIOUS: It was Democrat Fan Service All Along.

“If you look at it this way—and you should—you can see why Democrats didn’t mind the haste and sloppiness and refusal to pursue the Ukraine matter with serious and deliberate focus. It wasn’t actually about Ukraine. It was a way of keeping the Russia-collusion fantasy going. They had been forced to surrender it when Mueller issued his report, and they couldn’t bear to do so.”​

Flashback, March 2017:

“Hypothesis: The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.”​
....3 times? Yes, because destroying your party and ripping the country apart once just isn't enough for self-serving butt-hurt criminal Democrats.


You assholes did all of that and more when you elected Prezzie (I'm)Peach(Ed). What do you want now, snowflakes, sympathy? You must be fucking kidding me with that shit.
We need militias

To do what, Sally? Be butt hurt some more? You're a nitwit, but your complete impotence at least makes me laugh
Teach this shit hole districts what liberty pride Second Amendment is all about

Uh huh. You have a hard on for violence against the libtards. All that hate, and no outlet for it. Join a gym. It might help with your impotence problem.
I never said violence.. but if that’s what America wants
We need militias

To do what, Sally? Be butt hurt some more? You're a nitwit, but your complete impotence at least makes me laugh
Teach this shit hole districts what liberty pride Second Amendment is all about

Uh huh. You have a hard on for violence against the libtards. All that hate, and no outlet for it. Join a gym. It might help with your impotence problem.
I never said violence.. but if that’s what America wants

This response tells me everything about you. Maybe you should seek help, bud.
We need militias

To do what, Sally? Be butt hurt some more? You're a nitwit, but your complete impotence at least makes me laugh
Teach this shit hole districts what liberty pride Second Amendment is all about

Uh huh. You have a hard on for violence against the libtards. All that hate, and no outlet for it. Join a gym. It might help with your impotence problem.
I never said violence.. but if that’s what America wants

This response tells me everything about you. Maybe you should seek help, bud.
Get control of your shit holes before us cowboys come rolling in
To do what, Sally? Be butt hurt some more? You're a nitwit, but your complete impotence at least makes me laugh
Teach this shit hole districts what liberty pride Second Amendment is all about

Uh huh. You have a hard on for violence against the libtards. All that hate, and no outlet for it. Join a gym. It might help with your impotence problem.
I never said violence.. but if that’s what America wants

This response tells me everything about you. Maybe you should seek help, bud.
Get control of your shit holes before us cowboys come rolling in

See? It's just what I've been telling you. You believe you're a cowboy now. Get some rest bud. It's late.
Teach this shit hole districts what liberty pride Second Amendment is all about

Uh huh. You have a hard on for violence against the libtards. All that hate, and no outlet for it. Join a gym. It might help with your impotence problem.
I never said violence.. but if that’s what America wants

This response tells me everything about you. Maybe you should seek help, bud.
Get control of your shit holes before us cowboys come rolling in

See? It's just what I've been telling you. You believe you're a cowboy now. Get some rest bud. It's late.

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