Court officers scold defendants: 'Pull up your pants, or get out of court!'


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Never ceases to amaze me how mere dress can get you treated differently in the courtroom.

Every time I've been to court, there are the usual suspects dressed in grubby jeans, t-shirts with the sleeves torn off and the obligatory ball cap that they need to be told to remove by the judge...They also seem to be the ones who get little-to-no leniency from the judge.

I'm here to testify...Next time you end up in court, wear a pair of chinos, a button-up shirt (or at least one with a collar) and a pair of shoes that aren't sneakers, and I can guarantee that you'll get treated much better than those who don't bother with suck trivialities as showing *a little* respect for the venue.

Court officers have become the fashion police, scolding defendants who wear saggy pants and forcing them to cover their rear ends.

Men whose low-hanging jeans expose underwear are regularly chastised or booted from courtrooms.

"That's my right to wear them this way!" one defendant recently said when a court officer in the Bronx hassled him.

"Not in our house," she shot back.

The teen was not allowed to see the judge until his pants came up.

Fed-up court officers say the style may be popular on the street, but it's frowned upon inside the courthouse.

"When they wear their pants that way, it shows a lack of respect for the court system and a total lack of respect for themselves," said Dennis Quirk, president of the New York State Court Officers Association.
Read more: Court officers scold defendants: 'Pull up your pants, or get out of court!'
In a court room.

I remember a time where a suit and tie was required. Unless you were in prison garb of course.

If they decided they will express themselves wearing bikini underwear, that would be alright for you as well? Or with their genitals hanging out?

There is a proper way to dress in various circumstances. In court you are not out on the street, ready to commit another violent crime.
Showing the modicum of respect for the place you are in seems a wise choice in every circumstance and especially wise when you're in court.
Showing the modicum of respect for the place you are in seems a wise choice in every circumstance and especially wise when you're in court.

Makes about as much sense as throwing rocks at police officers...:cuckoo:
We have a Judge who collects hats and cell phones.

And you don't get them back.

She is fair, firm, and funny as hell.

You get one warning, right as she takes to the bench. After that, she will just point at someone and a bailiff or deputy will walk over and take your phone or hat.

People have gone to court just to cheer her on. If you're ever in Elmore County, AL on a Thursday, its the best show in town.
Why on Earth would anyone want to piss off a judge in his/her courtroom?
The same people who like to piss off cops.

Judge Judy often berates defendants who show up in inapprorpiate clothing. They usually just roll their eyes. Dumb dee dumb dumb.
I don't get the pants hanging down fashion.

Of course that exactly WHY kids do it, isn't it?
When I was a kid, if you wore your pants down with your ass hanging out, you were asking for a beat-down on the playground after school.

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