Courageous President Trump on 2nd Whistleblower: "Keep Them Coming!"

It is starting to look like Trump does not want to be president anymore but wants to keep his hardcore followers. Getting impeached would solve all his problems. He gets to still have his vainglorious rallies and be politically active without the crushing responsibility and the unwanted oversight. He could go on for years filling venues with his sheep doing his president act and be happy as a clam.
He knows the Democrats are using the Kavanaugh playbook when they kept calling women out of the woodworks to come forward. This is no difference.

Mark Zaid: Second whistleblower emerges in Trump impeachment inquiry

Calling Trump 'courageous' for tweeting insults and lies is really hilarious.

Reminds me of how Trump boasted that his personal Vietnam was avoiding STD's.

I imagine that Trump will write his own "Profiles in Courage"- but it will be all about himself- bravely avoiding STD's after dodging the draft.
It's the classic democrat strategy at use again. Do they have anything else? It doesn't seem to be working, Trump's approval rating only keeps growing.

Donald J. Trump


The first so-called second hand information “Whistleblower” got my phone conversation almost completely wrong, so now word is they are going to the bench and another “Whistleblower” is coming in from the Deep State, also with second hand info. Meet with Shifty. Keep them coming!


6:17 PM - Oct 5, 2019
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'almost completely wrong'- lol
"The whistleblower's complaint is in alignment with what was released yesterday by the president," the acting director of national intelligence testified before the House Intelligence Committee.
Fact checking the president's claims about the whistleblower
What did the whistle blower claim?
That Trump asked the President of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden? yes
That records of the call were locked away in a system designed to protect America's most important secrets? yes
Trump ~ 2020
Because we care more about our country than your bullshit...

Trump 2020
Because Trumpsters care more about Trump than the security of the United States
We care about both, snowflake! Trump has done everything lawfully. The transcript destroys the Whistleblower.

Poor little snowflake- still supporting your draft dodging, commie loving President.

The transcript backs up almost everything the whistleblower said- amazingly so.

Did the President ask Ukraine to investigate his political rival.


Now Trump has asked the Chinese commies to dig up dirt on Biden.

And you cheer on.

Donald J. Trump


The first so-called second hand information “Whistleblower” got my phone conversation almost completely wrong, so now word is they are going to the bench and another “Whistleblower” is coming in from the Deep State, also with second hand info. Meet with Shifty. Keep them coming!


6:17 PM - Oct 5, 2019
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Nope the 2nd one says he or she has direct knowledge, probably in room or listening in on call.
I feel bad for Mr. Trump.
All his supporters keep expecting him to fight all their fights for them.
Outside of sending money (he already has that) or voting every 4 years (they wouldn't even get out to vote to keep the House last midterms), none are willing to help him at all in any way. He's on his own.

I wouldn't blame the man if he just stepped down and said "F" all this and went back to his personal life.

He's a will be affected....he won't.

Donald J. Trump


The first so-called second hand information “Whistleblower” got my phone conversation almost completely wrong, so now word is they are going to the bench and another “Whistleblower” is coming in from the Deep State, also with second hand info. Meet with Shifty. Keep them coming!


6:17 PM - Oct 5, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Nope the 2nd one says he or she has direct knowledge, probably in room or listening in on call.
Direct knowledge of what?...we all read the transcript of the call...
All his supporters keep expecting him to fight all their fights for them.

^ Exactly what an elected official is suppose to do.

What is happening is the fulfillment of a promise to drain the swap. It entails the gathering of information on swamp dwellers and documentation of what behavior took place.
Trump doesn't have to become a billionaire by way of political chicanery. He was rich before he was a politician. He has been vetted and vilified by the best the Dems had to offer for 3 years now, and nothing.
Lets see what transparency has to offer now that the shoe is on the other foot.

We the people want a team of investigators asking for any proof of any wrong doing by any of our elected officials from any country that has the information.
We have a right to know what they are up to...with our money.

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