Rep Lisa McClain Delivers Best Line of the Day To Deranged Democrats and Then She Brought The Goods on The Biden Crime Family…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


Rep Lisa McClain Delivers Best Line of the Day To Deranged Democrats and Then She Brought The Goods on The Biden Crime Family…

29 Sep 2023 ~~ Patty McMurray

On Wednesday, Republican House Ways and Means Committee members released over 700 pages of IRS whistleblower documents providing more than enough evidence for Republicans to prove the Biden family is an organized criminal operation.
Yesterday, the Democrat clowns on the US House Oversight Committee completely humiliated themselves as they attempted to sweep the Biden Crime Family’s international influence-peddling operation under the rug by repeatedly citing President Trump’s name, who had nothing to do with the inquiry.
During her 5 minutes of questioning, Rep. Lisa McClain (MI), a Republican US House Oversight Committee member, showed exactly why she is among the most badass women in Washington, D.C.
McClain began by asking Professor Gerhard, one of the leftist witnesses, a question, “I love the analogy that you used about the speeding ticket with Hunter Biden. Let me also see if he would agree with his analogy; if a criminal pulls the trigger for a murder, he’s guilty, right? And we can prove it. But don’t you also agree with me if somebody ordered that hit, we would charge him, too? It’s interesting that you don’t use that analogy—that’s number one,” McClain exclaimed.
“I am amazed, and I love the fact that Trump lives rent-free in the Democrat’s heads every day. That is a beautiful thing—even though we’re here talking about the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden!”


It’s curious that so many Democrats are willing to pretend that then-Vice President Joe Biden is innocent of any crimes for selling out America to hostile foreign nations. It’s also interesting to note that so far, neither party has even mentioned the possibility that Barack Obama, whom Joe worked side-by-side with on a regular basis, was aware of his second-in-command’s criminal activities.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden will never be convicted of his crimes. Technically he could virtually kill a person ad remove their head in the middle of Times Square at high noon before thousands of witnesses and the Democrat Socialists of America (CPUSA) would claims there is no evidence and refused to convict Joe.
That said, I'm quite surprised Hunter Biden is still walking and talking. The NWO hates to lose even more than they love their Udays` and Qusays`.
The outcome of this investigation and impeachment Joe Biden and his family name will never be forgotten. Americans are already at the end of their ropes with this Administration`s failed policies. We have tens of millions of illegals crossing the border every year, Record high Inflation, increased cost of gas and food prices, supply shortages, Lowest wages (compared to cost of living) ever, Record crime, and deaths from illegal drugs snuggled in by Mexican Cartels.
Fox Legal Analyst Derides ‘Theatrical’ GOP Biden Impeachment — Designed to Distract from Trump Trials

But then he appeared to ridicule the reason for the entire proceedings, saying, “The reason for doing this, a lot of it is theatrical,” McCarthy said. “A lot of it’s about the 2024 election. And a lot of it is that the faction pushing for this wants to have kind of a parallel proceeding going on while Trump is going through these trials in the criminal justice system. So a lot of this is, you know, performance and politics.”

Even conservative firebrand and former US Attorney Sol Wisenberg agreed with McCarthy, saying, “But it is theater, and there’s not going to be a removal.”

You know it's bad when the talking heads at Faux admit the whole thing is Kabuki theater.
Fox Legal Analyst Derides ‘Theatrical’ GOP Biden Impeachment — Designed to Distract from Trump Trials

But then he appeared to ridicule the reason for the entire proceedings, saying, “The reason for doing this, a lot of it is theatrical,” McCarthy said. “A lot of it’s about the 2024 election. And a lot of it is that the faction pushing for this wants to have kind of a parallel proceeding going on while Trump is going through these trials in the criminal justice system. So a lot of this is, you know, performance and politics.”

Even conservative firebrand and former US Attorney Sol Wisenberg agreed with McCarthy, saying, “But it is theater, and there’s not going to be a removal.”

You know it's bad when the talking heads at Faux admit the whole thing is Kabuki theater.
Politics is theater. I'm surprised you didn't know that already.

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