Could terral be right ?


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Jan 6, 2007

[ame=]CNN Previously Reported of a dwarf star within our solar system! Could Terral be correct? - YouTube[/ame]
It has widely been disputed by reputable astronomers the world over who literally "have a good laugh" about this prediction.
[ame=]New Information on Terral03....His So-Called Leader Speaks Out....My Last Word On Terral03 - YouTube[/ame]
EXPOSED! Terral L Croft, Comet ELEnin and the OZ-ARK Cave Cult Waiting for Rapture from Pole Shift | INFORMedia - during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act

Terrals Guide to Avoiding Child Support Payments and the IRS

An article by Robert J Brush first published Sunday, March 19, 2006 entitled Save my house from the IRS which documents the long ongoing struggle faced by one of Terral's three ex wives, Jennifer and her ongoing struggle to recover long overdue child support payments only to have the judge insist that the IRS must first recover the outstanding tax bill owed by Terral.
Get $100 for getting approved!

"In 1988, Jennifer and Terral Croft divorced. The court awarded Jennifer use of the jointly owned family home and ordered Terral to pay child support for their children.

But Terral was not faithful in making child support payments. In 1992, the state court entered judgments against him for the accruing unpaid child support payments.

In 1996, the Internal Revenue Service filed and recorded a federal tax lien for $73,857 in unpaid federal taxes against Terral.

In 2004, Jennifer obtained a judgment against Terral for $131,495 for unpaid child support payments. The court granted her an equitable lien against Terral's half-interest in the house.
[ame=]Exposing Terral03 for Fraud - YouTube[/ame]
EXPOSED! Terral L Croft, Comet ELEnin and the OZ-ARK Cave Cult Waiting for Rapture from Pole Shift | INFORMedia - during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act

Terrals Guide to Avoiding Child Support Payments and the IRS

An article by Robert J Brush first published Sunday, March 19, 2006 entitled Save my house from the IRS which documents the long ongoing struggle faced by one of Terral's three ex wives, Jennifer and her ongoing struggle to recover long overdue child support payments only to have the judge insist that the IRS must first recover the outstanding tax bill owed by Terral.
Get $100 for getting approved!

"In 1988, Jennifer and Terral Croft divorced. The court awarded Jennifer use of the jointly owned family home and ordered Terral to pay child support for their children.

But Terral was not faithful in making child support payments. In 1992, the state court entered judgments against him for the accruing unpaid child support payments.

In 1996, the Internal Revenue Service filed and recorded a federal tax lien for $73,857 in unpaid federal taxes against Terral.

In 2004, Jennifer obtained a judgment against Terral for $131,495 for unpaid child support payments. The court granted her an equitable lien against Terral's half-interest in the house.

what in gods name does his have to do with terrals hypothesis ?
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this is a request for donations from anyone who is willing it exposes nothing..terral is putting a lot of work with internet radio and hosting chat rooms he has some excellent guest and regardless if you agree with his conclusions he brings a lot of research and facts to the table for open discussion it is not in any way uncommon for people running such sites to request donations this video is pointless
umm, eots, on sept 27th on terral admitted he was wrong - claimed he had to "recalculate," so all the shit he spued about fallout shelters @ ozarks, etc etc ad nauseum? Donations?

Same as all the other doomsdayers - came - passed - recalculate - rinse - recycle - repeat
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and his character has EVERYTHING to do with his predictions - he has a life of being a scam artist. Did you bother to read it all?

I thought you were a bit better than the gullible "believe any and all conspiracies" type dude.

There were NASA guys on here that explained why his claims were rediculous quite eloquently - and in fact - on 9/26/11; look who was proven correct afterall.

smoke - fire - all that.

he's a con artist - smoke
his predictions were wrong - smoke
he claimed he needed to recalculate like all the historic scam artists after his prediction day came and passed - smoke
he does not have a background in the field he's attempting to purvey himself as an expert in - smoke
the experts laugh him off as ridiculous / delusional - smoke
he also claimed to be an expert in a totally unrelated field (engineering) when he frequented 9/11 truther boards - smoke
-his resume? - a groundskeeper / caretaker on his 3rd wife who is big into wild-eyed bible theories; yet doesn't even support his OWN CHILDREN. - smoke

how long before you think "fire" dude.
and his character has EVERYTHING to do with his predictions - he has a life of being a scam artist. Did you bother to read it all?

I thought you were a bit better than the gullible "believe any and all conspiracies" type dude.

There were NASA guys on here that explained why his claims were rediculous quite eloquently - and in fact - on 9/26/11; look who was proven correct afterall.

smoke - fire - all that.

he's a con artist - smoke
his predictions were wrong - smoke
he claimed he needed to recalculate like all the historic scam artists after his prediction day came and passed - smoke
he does not have a background in the field he's attempting to purvey himself as an expert in - smoke
the experts laugh him off as ridiculous / delusional - smoke
he also claimed to be an expert in a totally unrelated field (engineering) when he frequented 9/11 truther boards - smoke
-his resume? - a groundskeeper / caretaker on his 3rd wife who is big into wild-eyed bible theories; yet doesn't even support his OWN CHILDREN. - smoke

how long before you think "fire" dude.

you offer a lot of strawmen but do nothing but use a vague appeal to authority to dispute terrals theory
His life is irrelevant. So is yours if you live in that "everything isn't really what it is" shrooms assed waste of a world. I will go play hoops now, HIGHLY enjoy myself with others, and not give one lick of a fuck if some freak predicts a phony doomsday. That's how to live life. Breathe air, be around loved ones, have great sex, compete. Fuck all that other shit. When someone tries to taake what I love, we'll talk freaks.
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And the apparent appeal to authority is your appeal to terrals. He has no background in the studies he's making outrageous claims in...he asks for donations.....he's proven a fraud time and again. Its more like you might as well suck the guy's fucking dick, speaking of "appeal to authority."
And the apparent appeal to authority is your appeal to terrals. He has no background in the studies he's making outrageous claims in...he asks for donations.....he's proven a fraud time and again. Its more like you might as well suck the guy's fucking dick, speaking of "appeal to authority."

you do nothing to dispute his theory and you clearly are not capebly of grasping the difference between having an incorrect hypothesis and being a fraud and because of these limitation you resort to the use strawmen, appeal to authority and some of your latent pen state type homosexual imaginings as your rebuttal to a hypothesis..terral is providing research,entertainment and information through lively debate and is welcoming to guest that have that strongly disagree with him, he has an excellent radio show that has had up to 200.000 listeners logged on and a couple of excellent chat rooms and has ever right to humbly request donations from those that are willing
His life is irrelevant. So is yours if you live in that "everything isn't really what it is" shrooms assed waste of a world. I will go play hoops now, HIGHLY enjoy myself with others, and not give one lick of a fuck if some freak predicts a phony doomsday. That's how to live life. Breathe air, be around loved ones, have great sex, compete. Fuck all that other shit. When someone tries to taake what I love, we'll talk freaks. mean lol is dat how the wiggers roll in

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