Could Nixon have simply pardoned everyone the instant he found out about the break in?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
What if Nixon had simply put out the word, even visiting the burglars and anyone else in private for personal assurance, that if you lawyer up and plead the fifth, you get a pardon on any conviction they manage to get on you. You do anything other than lawyer up and plead the fifth, no pardon. Could that have shut everyone up and shut down the investigation if every person they talked to simply refused to speak? It would have also changed the contents of the tapes if shutting up was the strategy. Could he stayed in office and preserved his legacy?

Actually, could he have preemptively pardoned everyone in a press announcement? Simply announce to the nation that some individuals performed a break in without his knowledge. It was stupid, they shouldn't have done it, they are pardoned from prosecution for anything regarding the incident.
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Repubs at that time did not know about how vicious the Prog takeover of the Democrat Party was. Repubs were duped. They did not forget it either. They saw a way for impeachment with Clinton and went for it. They would be fools to attempt any impeachments anymore for their own. Progs will never impeach their own. They only jettison as a way to see a possibility for another goal. Its like Repubs are on apologetic mode to Progs all the time that has caused massive rifts in our republic. But our Republic ended in 1913. Democracy began then. Only a thread or two still exists to what a Republic was. Once gone the world is their oyster.
What if Nixon had simply put out the word, even visiting the burglars and anyone else in private for personal assurance, that if you lawyer up and plead the fifth, you get a pardon on any conviction they manage to get on you. You do anything other than lawyer up and plead the fifth, no pardon. Could that have shut everyone up and shut down the investigation if every person they talked to simply refused to speak? It would have also changed the contents of the tapes if shutting up was the strategy. Could he stayed in office and preserved his legacy?

Actually, could he have preemptively pardoned everyone in a press announcement? Simply announce to the nation that some individuals performed a break in without his knowledge. It was stupid, they shouldn't have done it, they are pardoned from prosecution for anything regarding the incident.

His goal was to protect the RNC. Pardons wouldn't have done that. He unfortunately got sucked into a rabbit hole from which there was no escape.
What if Nixon had simply put out the word, even visiting the burglars and anyone else in private for personal assurance, that if you lawyer up and plead the fifth, you get a pardon on any conviction they manage to get on you. You do anything other than lawyer up and plead the fifth, no pardon. Could that have shut everyone up and shut down the investigation if every person they talked to simply refused to speak? It would have also changed the contents of the tapes if shutting up was the strategy. Could he stayed in office and preserved his legacy?

Actually, could he have preemptively pardoned everyone in a press announcement? Simply announce to the nation that some individuals performed a break in without his knowledge. It was stupid, they shouldn't have done it, they are pardoned from prosecution for anything regarding the incident.

His goal was to protect the RNC. Pardons wouldn't have done that. He unfortunately got sucked into a rabbit hole from which there was no escape.

Wouldn't pardoning everyone have effectively ended criminal prosecutions?
Could Nixon have simply pardoned everyone the instant he found out about the break in? Probably. Pardoning people is not limited to the last day of one's presidency.

President Nixon was a very troubled man when his staff got caught sneaking into someone else's private matters. I think if he underwent impeachment, it would have come out he had no knowledge of the Watergate shennigans. Unfortunately, he had enjoyed being Vice President for many years and President for four. I don't think the bold new gotcha politics was easy for him, and his last month in office showed a depressed President who slumped rather than stood up straight. His detractors blamed him for his staff's misconduct. I don't think he knew how to fight them off, because the entire press corps went after him. Maybe he had dark secrets he didn't want his family to know. I was surprised when he cratered to the pressure.
can't pardon someone until they are convicted
this went on for a ''long'' time
that if you lawyer up and plead the fifth, you get a pardon on any conviction they manage to get on you
the above is corruption and would've been just as bad if not worse
Nixon never had a chance. Cowardly republicans abandoned him and the media was dancing in the streets. Imagine a scenario where a news organization uses an unidentified unverified "informant"to bring down a presidential administration who's identity was never revealed until he freaking died and couldn't verify his information? The ironic thing is that LBJ's "black bag" operations were legendary and the media just laughed at it. Goldwater's plane was allegedly bugged. LBJ was a crook and everybody knew about it but the liberal media pretended to be horrified and outraged when Nixon used the same tactics. Nixon couldn't pardon anyone because the fix was in.
Nixon never had a chance. Cowardly republicans abandoned him and the media was dancing in the streets. Imagine a scenario where a news organization uses an unidentified unverified "informant"to bring down a presidential administration who's identity was never revealed until he freaking died and couldn't verify his information? The ironic thing is that LBJ's "black bag" operations were legendary and the media just laughed at it. Goldwater's plane was allegedly bugged. LBJ was a crook and everybody knew about it but the liberal media pretended to be horrified and outraged when Nixon used the same tactics. Nixon couldn't pardon anyone because the fix was in.
My recollection was that a large congressional committee informed him he better leave before he made his decision to abdicate the Oval Office. Since then, the precocious American press has made a butt of itself every time a Republican is sworn into the Presidency. When President Trump took office, reporters from a baker's dozen of top news sources wanted in the worst way to be another Carl Bernstein or Bob Woodward. Jim Acosta practically emasculated himself trying, but it didn't work anyway. Trump persevered because he had a friend in Heaven on his side. No reporter can beat you down when you have God on your side.

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