Cops Quitting All Over Atlanta!

Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?

I have locks on my doors ... there's no "quietly" kicking them in ... if I was that worried, I'd get a dog ... but I'm not that concerned with someone raping my cat ... she can defend herself ...
The police are all that's standing between the criminal left and a furious and fed up citizenry. Without the police the majority of citizens would be plowing through blm like a threshing machine.
Good for them, this cop is being despicably scapegoated by an obviously racist DA...
The liberal loons and BLM are neo-Communists. Their goal is to see this nation fall.
Well, some folks just have to learn the hard way.
it seems the communist have also gotten the news and are starting to rampage .
Good! Let the shooting begin.

Since Atlanta is surely not burning tonight you’ll have to wait to get your race war.

An officer was gunned down. The killer was a ‘boogaloo boy’ using nearby peaceful protests as cover, feds say.
an excerpt::

Now, federal authorities say the man, identified as Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, was an adherent of the “boogaloo boys,” a growing online extremist movement that has sought to use peaceful protests against police brutality to spread fringe views and ignite a race war. Federal investigators allege that’s exactly what Carrillo was trying to do last month.​
YOu filth are already starting it.
When people see that Atlanta is still standing in the morning, that will be one less argument for cops
You're fucking nuts. You're anti civilization and a savage. Get fucked.

A question for you. Is Atlanta still standing this morning?

Civilization can survive multi-ethnic peaceful protest and all reforms that come of it.
You call rioting peaceful. Scum like you are the problem.
You call rioting peaceful. Scum like you are the problem.

I have never called rioting peaceful. Why do you lie?

Atlanta was peaceful last night. There were no reports of rioting in Atlanta overnight.

I was referring to a response to this:

When people see that Atlanta is still standing in the morning, that will be one less argument for cops

Fact for you - Atlanta is standing today and will be standing for a real long time.

So why do you side with idiot haters like this who are so egregiously wrong when it comes to having the facts.

You're fucking nuts. You're anti civilization and a savage. Get fucked.

What is anti-civilization about the US Constitution’s right to protest the Governnent peacefully?
You call rioting peaceful. Scum like you are the problem.

I have never called rioting peaceful. Why do you lie?

Atlanta was peaceful last night. There were no reports of rioting in Atlanta overnight.

I was referring to a response to this:

When people see that Atlanta is still standing in the morning, that will be one less argument for cops

Fact for you - Atlanta is standing today and will be standing for a real long time.

So why do you side with idiot haters like this who are so egregiously wrong when it comes to having the facts.

You're fucking nuts. You're anti civilization and a savage. Get fucked.

What is anti-civilization about the US Constitution’s right to protest the Governnent peacefully?
Chicagos south side is still standing but its a violent shithole.
Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?

I have locks on my doors ... there's no "quietly" kicking them in ... if I was that worried, I'd get a dog ... but I'm not that concerned with someone raping my cat ... she can defend herself ...
A lot of people think they are "safe" in their own homes, until they find out otherwise. Many are the armed public that thought that they wouldn't be victims in their own home, and in the end, wished they had cops to help.
Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?

I have locks on my doors ... there's no "quietly" kicking them in ... if I was that worried, I'd get a dog ... but I'm not that concerned with someone raping my cat ... she can defend herself ...
A lot of people think they are "safe" in their own homes, until they find out otherwise. Many are the armed public that thought that they wouldn't be victims in their own home, and in the end, wished they had cops to help.
Try it here.
Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?

I have locks on my doors ... there's no "quietly" kicking them in ... if I was that worried, I'd get a dog ... but I'm not that concerned with someone raping my cat ... she can defend herself ...
A lot of people think they are "safe" in their own homes, until they find out otherwise. Many are the armed public that thought that they wouldn't be victims in their own home, and in the end, wished they had cops to help.
Try it here.
Last I checked, I'm not a burglar, rioter, looter, thief, murderer, rapist, drug dealer, or drug buyer that needs to steal to feed the habit. Challenge some actual criminals.
Hypothetical scenario: You're comfortably sleeping in your home and your loved one is next to you. Your house is "quietly" broken're beaten unconscious and your loved one raped and beaten unconscious....the masked person leaves. Who are you going to call? The plumber?
You're robbed at gunpoint by multiple attackers. Who are you going to call? The fire department?
You get a call from a family member that your loved one was murdered by an unknown individual. Who are you going to call. Your counselor or social worker?

I have locks on my doors ... there's no "quietly" kicking them in ... if I was that worried, I'd get a dog ... but I'm not that concerned with someone raping my cat ... she can defend herself ...
A lot of people think they are "safe" in their own homes, until they find out otherwise. Many are the armed public that thought that they wouldn't be victims in their own home, and in the end, wished they had cops to help.
Try it here.
Last I checked, I'm not a burglar, rioter, looter, thief, murderer, rapist, drug dealer, or drug buyer that needs to steal to feed the habit. Challenge some actual criminals.
You say I we can't be safe in our homes if we have guns, again loser, try it here.
Total political bullshit that they charged that cop.

They should go on strike and let the inner city burn to the ground.

Government employees — state, local, and federal — do not have a right to strike under the federal law. That said, eight states allow most government employees to strike. Illinois and California, for example, allow teachers to strike. Yet it's illegal for police and firefighters to walk off the job in any state
Chicagos south side is still standing but its a violent shithole.

What’s your point? If cops are told not to shoot a fleeing criminal In the back if they do not pose a threat to the community then all Atlanta cops should go on strike to turn all of Atlanta into a shithole?
Total political bullshit that they charged that cop.

They should go on strike and let the inner city burn to the ground.

Government employees — state, local, and federal — do not have a right to strike under the federal law. That said, eight states allow most government employees to strike. Illinois and California, for example, allow teachers to strike. Yet it's illegal for police and firefighters to walk off the job in any state
What did you think the blue flu was?
Total political bullshit that they charged that cop.

They should go on strike and let the inner city burn to the ground.

Government employees — state, local, and federal — do not have a right to strike under the federal law. That said, eight states allow most government employees to strike. Illinois and California, for example, allow teachers to strike. Yet it's illegal for police and firefighters to walk off the job in any state
What are they going to do, arrest them?
Drunk driver with a taser is a threat.

He was on foot. They had his license. They could have towed his car to the impound lot. The tazer was spent and harmless.

The cops broke APD use of lethal force policy.

You can’t change those facts.
Funny, im seeing cops all over the place.

And you're not running for your life?
He sure should be. Turn on the jets and get safely back to the hood pronto where he’s safe from the cops and only has to worry about the plethora of young black thugs killing each other daily on the streets, along with lots of innocents in their lines of fire.

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