Cop lures, and kills dog


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
So. Animal cruelty is one of the telltale signs of a sociopath. Here is a case where a cop clearly lures a dog to him and then shoots it, later claiming it was acting in an aggressive manner. What should be done in cases such as this?

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So. Animal cruelty is one of the telltale signs of a sociopath. Here is a case where a cop clearly lures a dog to him and then shoots it, later claiming it was acting in an aggressive manner. What should be done in cases such as this?

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String him up and let 2 attack dogs work on him in shifts until he is dead.
Tie him out to a dog house naked for ten years. We can collect donations for monkey chow to keep him fed and fill his water bowl once a week. I'm sure we can get a cheap neuter. If he makes to much noise, shoot him.
Much as I admire the creativity exhibited here..... I am looking for something else.
You are suppose to keep your dog in your own yard. That's a good idea, because people's dogs molest and sometimes kill innocent people. So don't blame the cop for shooting the dog. I really don't understand "dog" people.
So. Animal cruelty is one of the telltale signs of a sociopath. Here is a case where a cop clearly lures a dog to him and then shoots it, later claiming it was acting in an aggressive manner. What should be done in cases such as this?

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Charged with the crime he committed and off the force ,the guy cant shoot for shit ether.
You are suppose to keep your dog in your own yard. That's a good idea, because people's dogs molest and sometimes kill innocent people. So don't blame the cop for shooting the dog. I really don't understand "dog" people.
so any dog thats out should be just killed? You need to understand more than just dog people.
problem is that he can't be sued by the dog owner as the city ends up paying the money . Yeah , looks like he should be fired if he lured it in just to kill it . And yep , terrible shot !! Union will probably protect him .
Much as I admire the creativity exhibited here..... I am looking for something else.

In all seriousness, he should be fired, charged with animal cruelty and perhaps given a pyschological evaluation to determine whether he is competent to have firearms.
I've been thinking on this a lot because I feel it is indicative of the downward spiral of police training/skills/selection that we have witnessed over the years. I am not pointing fingers at why and how this is happening, merely using it to show the results of that agenda.

The reason why this particular video is so good for my purpose is it shows the abject cowardice, unethical behavior, perjurious report writing and testimony that is endemic in law enforcement these days. All in one video.
The cop is an idiot. Some people get very attatched to their pets. This moron is risking someone rolling up next to his car on a highway with a 12 gauge and Bye Bye mr psycho dog killer. The value of a human life is quite a bit higher here in the U S than many parts of the world. There is little sometimes to justify that inbalance. If the dog is truly out of control it got what it had coming..people can't save every animal. If this was a loving and loyal part of some family I wish the dog's owner good luck in making right this sicko's demise.
I've been thinking on this a lot because I feel it is indicative of the downward spiral of police training/skills/selection that we have witnessed over the years. I am not pointing fingers at why and how this is happening, merely using it to show the results of that agenda.

The reason why this particular video is so good for my purpose is it shows the abject cowardice, unethical behavior, perjurious report writing and testimony that is endemic in law enforcement these days. All in one video.

I don't know...I tend to think you might be right but also - has it really gotten worse or has the advent of 24/7 news, instant news, self-recording/reporting devices and social media brought what was normally hidden to the forfront? Regardless - I think this is a good thing in that it calls attention to a problem that needs to be addressed. Dogs are shot to readily, and mentally ill people beaten up. Some police departments have a mental health liason who goes out with officers and helps them deal with a psychotic individual without escalating the situation into a violent confrontation.
They're trained to kill dogs.It's part of the "job". They look for excuses.
Dogs can interfere with "police investigation" and must be eliminated.

cops pin on their "courage" and strap on their "manhood" when they put on their costumes to go to "work" every day.
The police in Seattle are going through an uncomfortable reigning in mandated by the Feds after a series of unwarranted beatings and a few outright murders.

I feel part if not most of the problem is that these commissions that investigate the more serious illegal police actions white wash the findings.

If police were held to the same law as citizens for assault and murder and a few of them spent time in prison for their crimes they would act more responsibly. As it is now they know they will get away with thuggish and sometimes outright sociopathic behavior including murder.
They're trained to kill dogs.It's part of the "job". They look for excuses.
Dogs can interfere with "police investigation" and must be eliminated.

cops pin on their "courage" and strap on their "manhood" when they put on their costumes to go to "work" every day.

One would think that people that apply for the job of policeman could be psychologically tested to find out if they needed "to strap on their manhood".
I've been thinking on this a lot because I feel it is indicative of the downward spiral of police training/skills/selection that we have witnessed over the years. I am not pointing fingers at why and how this is happening, merely using it to show the results of that agenda.

The reason why this particular video is so good for my purpose is it shows the abject cowardice, unethical behavior, perjurious report writing and testimony that is endemic in law enforcement these days. All in one video.

I don't know...I tend to think you might be right but also - has it really gotten worse or has the advent of 24/7 news, instant news, self-recording/reporting devices and social media brought what was normally hidden to the forfront? Regardless - I think this is a good thing in that it calls attention to a problem that needs to be addressed. Dogs are shot to readily, and mentally ill people beaten up. Some police departments have a mental health liason who goes out with officers and helps them deal with a psychotic individual without escalating the situation into a violent confrontation.

No, it has definitely gotten worse. I've been around law enforcement for a long time and have seen the descent into mediocrity. The ACLU is responsible for a great deal of that IMO, but the top brass of law enforcement shares in that as well.
They're trained to kill dogs.It's part of the "job". They look for excuses.
Dogs can interfere with "police investigation" and must be eliminated.

cops pin on their "courage" and strap on their "manhood" when they put on their costumes to go to "work" every day.

One would think that people that apply for the job of policeman could be psychologically tested to find out if they needed "to strap on their manhood".

They do undergo psych tests but those are subjective and as has been recently seen in a court ruling, if you are too smart you are not considered suitable for police work!

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