Consistency in beliefs is not required.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of those things that causes me to grind my teeth is people who are inconsistent in their beliefs. Let me rephrase that. Pundits who are inconsistent in their beliefs. Pundits are busy telling us what we are doing wrong, and never bother to be consistent. Left wing nutters are just as bad, but todays example comes from Hot Air, which I read daily, and their writer Jazz Shaw.

First, Jazz tells us that we can’t empty the jails, because that would lead to this Mad Max Thunder dome reality for the rest of us. The calls to empty the jails continue. Don't be fooled by the hype

Jazz explains that we just need to exercise more control over the prisoners in the jails, no problem. Well Jazz there is a problem. Six feet from that prisoner are five other prisoners. Two to a cell means that he has a room mate, or cell mate. To the left and right, two more prisoners. If he is in a dormitory situation, fairly common, then there could be a hundred. With crowded jails, there is no way to get everyone six feet apart during meal times, or shower time, or anything else. They are sitting on top of one another. To even attempt it would require a doubling or even tripling of the staff. Are you going to pony up the additional tax revenue to pay for that?

So why does it matter if prisoners are exposed? Ok. Let’s play this game. Let’s say your prisoners are exposed, and you end up with a hundred sick people in Jail. That becomes the entire jail being infected in a couple days. Now, you have several hundred, of which perhaps fifty will need ventilators to survive. Paid for by the County who is housing this idiot I might add. Worse, it means a shortage of Ventilators for others. So are you going to tell Grandma that she’s a dead woman because a Suspected Burglar is on a Ventilator first? Or are you going to tell the Suspected Burglar that he is going to die because he’s a criminal? Either way, expect a bunch of lawsuits. If your Prisoner is infected and spends a week in ICU, who do you think pays for that? If you answer taxpayer, you’re absolutely right.

After pushing her soap box aside, Jazz then rants about how we need to evacuate the Air Craft Carrier because the Sailors are in such tight quarters there is no way to contain the Coronavirus infection. Take it from a birdfarm sailor: Get our squids off the Roosevelt

Jazz, make up your mind will you? Either it can be managed, or it can’t be managed. Either the crowded conditions are fine, or they aren’t. Are you saying that the Military can’t manage to control the people on a Ship, but overworked and understaffed deputies in our jails can absolutely manage some prisoners?

The left is just as bad, as I said above. They let their knee jerk responses kick in. Those responses screw up any hope of logical thought. Most of the people being let loose from the jail are people who are serving a short sentence for something silly like Disturbing the Peace or whatever. Misdemeanor Convictions. Minor offenses against good order. They’re doing this to hold onto the more serious criminal folks, the Rapists and Murderers that have Jazz all in a worried state.

By keeping all those people in jail, you are in fact, screwing the rest of us. If the shortage of Ventilators is accurate, and does anyone think it isn’t? Those ventilators are limited, and we should try to reduce to the maximum extent possible any infection from spreading. Logical, and even common sense If you like. But for some reason, Jazz and other knee jerk law and order idiots are willing to swamp the shortage of Ventilators with Inmates from Jail. Why? Are you so concerned that this minor criminal may turn into the Joker if he is turned loose? If that is what you are afraid of, then add a gun to your corona virus dress Code around the house. Mask, gloves, hand sanitizer, and Glock.

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