Conservatives real life we have pitch and inflextion. I can't hear you in here so you have to actually put a question mark, exclamation, etc. if you intend to communicate your thoughts effectively.

I guess code doesn't have any little rules like that huh ? Symbols and such don't really matter, right ? You just leave those out because you don't talk like that ?

Actually ... not really, you make your own if you know what you're doing as a coder ... like accents ... sentence patterns ... grammar ...

Accents ? Wow. How dumb can you be. You understand that accents are heard ? Right ?

You are on the verge of trolling at this point, so I will not address this rather sad attempt to inflame me. Suffice it to say, grammar police are not popular anywhere online and there is a good reason, period.
Actually ... not really, you make your own if you know what you're doing as a coder ... like accents ... sentence patterns ... grammar ...

Accents ? Wow. How dumb can you be. You understand that accents are heard ? Right ?

You are on the verge of trolling at this point, so I will not address this rather sad attempt to inflame me. Suffice it to say, grammar police are not popular anywhere online and there is a good reason, period.

Not the grammar police. I don't care if someone makes a mistake. I make plenty. Divecon doesn't make mistakes. Divecon exhibits disregard for communicating in an effective manner, at all. Tell you what, from now on you can tell me when this idiot is asking a question.
I wonder why liberals, when they were "resilient" and "self-reliant" when they were kids, think it's alright to dictate their wishes through a government through use of force. It would surely be illegal for someone to steal money from his neighbor, but through the blessing of the states, it is legal. You'd think someone who wasn't insecure doesn't feel a need to force their neighbor to do things they'd be otherwise unwilling to do in a free society. There are conservatives that are plainly guilty of this as well, obviously. War on drugs, sexuality, terrorism, privacy, etc is a blatant abuse of power just as much as the war on prosperity waged by the liberals is.

"War on prosperity"?! That is rich!

Since when has paying one's fair share of the cost of maintaining our nation become a "war on prosperity"?

Well-to-do people actually use some government-provided goods and services far more than do poor people. How many poor people need air traffic controllers? Or the US Passport Office? Poor people are also less likely to use federal highways as much as more well-to-do people. Many poor people don't need government-sponsored FDIC protection because they have no bank accounts. Government-provided law enforcement agencies don't have to spend time keeping an eye on poor people's businesses. Poor people are also unlikely to use state and national parks as often as more well-to-do people.

Who says we need a government air traffic controller? Seeing their ineptness at responding to hurricaines or balancing the budget or doing anything for that matter, I'd much rather have private airports maintaining control in their airspace than the government. There was a story of an incompetent government employee causing one plane to land directly on top of another.

Causes of Airplane Accidents | California Aviation Law Attorneys | Runway Incursions Lawyers Pilot Error Negligence

Runway Incursions

Our firm has successfully handled numerous runway incursion accident cases, including one at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in which a federal air traffic controller's negligence resulted in a US Airways plane landing on a SkyWest plane. We also handled the 2000 Alaska airline crash in which the crew attempted to fix a problem with the horizontal stabilizer in the plane's tail while the plane was still in the air. Due to a combination of pilot error and manufacturing defect, the plane went straight down and crashed into the ocean.

More importantly, on the moral issue, why should someone be forced to be laid off because the capital that would've hired him be directed somewhere else?

Everyone can name government-provided goods and services they don't think the government should provide because they themselves don't need them or because they think private enterprise can provide them more cheaply or more efficiently.

However, the point of government-provided services is to ensure that everyone who needs them has access to them.

Think about why the government got involved in a number of programs. Take electrical service, for example. Sure, private enterprise provided electricity in areas where a large number of people made providing electricity profitable.

But would they expand into rural areas?

No. It would have cut into profits too deeply.

Hence, the government-sponsored REA. real life we have pitch and inflextion. I can't hear you in here so you have to actually put a question mark, exclamation, etc. if you intend to communicate your thoughts effectively.

I guess code doesn't have any little rules like that huh ? Symbols and such don't really matter, right ? You just leave those out because you don't talk like that ?

Actually ... not really, you make your own if you know what you're doing as a coder ... like accents ... sentence patterns ... grammar ...

Accents ? Wow. How dumb can you be. You understand that accents are heard ? Right ?
the great grammar police puts a space before his "?"
Start over or not, this thread is dead and killed with forethought.
Start over or not, this thread is dead and killed with forethought.

Honestly ... it is now yes, but at first there was a little discussion that was even much like a debate ... even though the original post was pretty much a biased study based on very little fact and with almost no scientific backbone, but it was a discussion for a moment.

This time I blame it on the grammar cop wannabe.
1)Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in private morality and these differ for each person. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses. While I may or may not believe this, I don't think the government should be passing or enforcing laws that coincide with my personal belief system, anymore than they should for those I don't agree with.

2)Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke). I'd have to disagree. My folks marched and so did my brother and I for Civil Rights. I'd do the same in a minute today. While I disagree with the concept of same-sex marriage, I'd support any laws needed to allow civil partnerships so that a loved one can bequeath their estate to whom they want. Not to mention medical care. It's only right and may or may not involve sex, that's NOT the business of the state.

3)Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society. Maybe or not, doesn't say anything about conservatives.

4)Conservatives believe in the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity. Under conservative principles, there will be differences in class, material condition and other inequalities. The only uniformity will be before the law. Society will not be perfect. Consider the results of the rule of ideologues of the last century.If you mean the 'opportunity' to succeed, we agree. We are not all born with same talents or drive. Many a liberal has both, ask Bill Gates. ;)

5)Freedom and property are linked. Private property results in a more stable and productive society. Private property and retaining the fruits of one’s labor has been proven successful from the Puritan’s Bradford, to the Stakhanovite Revolution! Agree.

6)Conservatives believe in voluntary community and charity, based on duties to each other, as opposed to involuntary collectivism. This explains why conservative give more charity than liberals. Agree. I also believe that is the most direct and efficient way to go. If government needs to be involved, it should be as close to the source as possible, not Federal.

7)Conservatives view people as both good and bad, and for this reason believe on restraints on power, as in checks and balances, while liberals see power as a force for good, as long as the power is in their hands. Agreed.

8)Liberals and Conservatives differ in the way to proceed. For Conservatives, data informs policy. (“More Guns, Less Crime” and“Mass murderers apparently can’t read, since they are constantly shooting up ‘gun-free zones.’”- Coulter) We use Conservative principles to the best of our ability, but when confronting new and original venues, we believe in testing, and analysis of the results of the tests. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing; it is based on emotion often to the exclusion of thinking. When it comes to gun control, your argument, agree. However there are too many instances of the 'right' trying to impose their version of 'science' on many who are liberal and conservative, ie. Intelligent Design and the insanity over evolution. One is science, the other not. There's a place in ethics for discussion, not science.

9)Conservatives view results differently from Liberals. Liberals respond to success and material wealth with envy and hostility, encourage class warfare and an attempt to obviate any chance that it might happen again. The exception is when it is a Liberal with the wealth. Conservatives see success as the validation and culmination of the application of Conservative principles, most prominently Liberty. I think that argument holds in political arena, not life. The Democrats successfully court wealth today, better than GOP.

10)Since Liberals see their view as a higher calling that that of Conservatives, they mistakenly believe that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects. Notice how the Liberal replaces intellect with emotion. This is, no doubt, based on a medieval concept of recognizing witches and demons. In fact, Liberals attempt to deal with opponents in similar fashion: recall Clarence Thomas’ “High Tech Lynching.” While certainly true with many, I've seen some on the right do the same. Whichever political direction it comes from, it's a losing argumentative tactic of a weak source.

That's the whole problem with trying to put up a 'manifesto' from any political persuasion. If the left did the same, they'd find some that agree and disagree. Truth is, we speak for ourselves, with our own prejudices and special interests.

Nicely done. Just a few comments.

In item #1, what types of laws do we want? Few, I hope, and when necessary. I don't believe in special laws to empower one group over another. Nor laws to tax AIG execs 90% of the bonuses they were contractually promised.

Item #2, 'change should be gradual," to avoid unintended consequences. Nowhere do I say that there should be no change. Although I do not have an opinion about gay 'rights,' many gay individuals would argue with you unless their right to marriage as they define it.

Item #8, Data informs policy. Feeling is not knowing. What science is being imposed? In the northeast, there is no question of whether or not to teach evolution. My science teacher explained "creationism" and said it was our choice what to believe, but he would make sure we were conversant with the evidence for evolution. And he did. It is not the 'right' imposing versions of science, global warming is leftist nonsense. And they will brook no disagreement from 'deniers.'

Item #9, you are incorrect vis-a-vis wealth: Taxation. It is the left's policy to tax, the answer to every problem, and the hallmark of the Democrat party. Have you asked yourself this question: when has a 'stimulus' historically worked on a recession, and were is the money going to come from in the next decade?

...when has a 'stimulus' historically worked on a recession ... ?

During the 1930's
I wouldn't say "worked" ... perhaps helped, but recessions happen, they can't be stopped, as long as we have some kind of surplus and strength to our currency we can use money to soften the blow, but we can never stop it or speed up the process.
Actually ... not really, you make your own if you know what you're doing as a coder ... like accents ... sentence patterns ... grammar ...

Accents ? Wow. How dumb can you be. You understand that accents are heard ? Right ?
the great grammar police puts a space before his "?"

Like I said, I'm not the grammar police. I'm just trying to make heads or tails of your post. You could try to let us know when you're asking a question.
Hey Republicans--why not make a DVD called "HOW TO BE A CONSERVATIVE"

No seriously. Really! This is not a joke! Make an informational DVD on conservative principles and how to implement and apply them to everyday situations!!

From Justin Quinn, the Guide to Conservative Politcs, the most important conservative issues.

1) Traditional family values and the sancticty of marriage.

2) A small, non-invasive government.

3) A strong national defense focused on protection and the fight against terrorism.

4) A commitment to faith and religion.

5) The right to life for every human being.

Why would you need 4?

A commitment to unprovable hypotheses and the idea that feeling it in your heart is good enough even without evidence.

That sounds like something you should keep away from public policy.

I agree, Father Time.

Of course, Sassy didn't list conservative principles, just GOP wedge issues.
From Justin Quinn, the Guide to Conservative Politcs, the most important conservative issues.

1) Traditional family values and the sancticty of marriage.

2) A small, non-invasive government.

3) A strong national defense focused on protection and the fight against terrorism.

4) A commitment to faith and religion.

5) The right to life for every human being.

Why would you need 4?

A commitment to unprovable hypotheses and the idea that feeling it in your heart is good enough even without evidence.

That sounds like something you should keep away from public policy.

I agree, Father Time.

Of course, Sassy didn't list conservative principles, just GOP wedge issues.

But then again, you're assuming the GOP is conservative. :lol:
Accents ? Wow. How dumb can you be. You understand that accents are heard ? Right ?
the great grammar police puts a space before his "?"

Like I said, I'm not the grammar police. I'm just trying to make heads or tails of your post. You could try to let us know when you're asking a question.
i do, asshole
so fuck off

do you see a question mark there?
NO, so its NOT a fucking question
I am believing that the original poster is confusing the right wingnuts with conservatives, much how many conservatives confuse left wingnuts with liberals.
Why would you need 4?

A commitment to unprovable hypotheses and the idea that feeling it in your heart is good enough even without evidence.

That sounds like something you should keep away from public policy.

I agree, Father Time.

Of course, Sassy didn't list conservative principles, just GOP wedge issues.

But then again, you're assuming the GOP is conservative. :lol:

Not a bit!

And that's one of the points being made in this thread.
I like that DiveCon ... pondering saving the link for future references.

Grammar police ... well ... suck ... because I hate ... grammar. We don't talk like that IRL, shy should we post like that here. Seriously. As for the topic, even I can see it's biased, and I am *gasp* middle of the road, in other words, not a Republican supporter. The study is clearly not complete. real life we have pitch and inflextion. I can't hear you in here so you have to actually put a question mark, exclamation, etc. if you intend to communicate your thoughts effectively.

I guess code doesn't have any little rules like that huh ? Symbols and such don't really matter, right ? You just leave those out because you don't talk like that ?

Normally I wouldn't correct another's post but since you're playing gammar Nazi.. the word is INFLECTION.
I like that DiveCon ... pondering saving the link for future references.

Grammar police ... well ... suck ... because I hate ... grammar. We don't talk like that IRL, shy should we post like that here. Seriously. As for the topic, even I can see it's biased, and I am *gasp* middle of the road, in other words, not a Republican supporter. The study is clearly not complete. real life we have pitch and inflextion. I can't hear you in here so you have to actually put a question mark, exclamation, etc. if you intend to communicate your thoughts effectively.

I guess code doesn't have any little rules like that huh ? Symbols and such don't really matter, right ? You just leave those out because you don't talk like that ?

Normally I wouldn't correct another's post but since you're playing gammar Nazi.. the word is INFLECTION.

Again, I don't play grammar nazi. I generally understand what people are getting at, even if there are words spelled wrong, etc. Divecon tends to write things that could be a question or just a statement and has some aversion to the punctuation that distinguishes the two. So, I don't care about it so much until it actually affects the effectiveness of the communication. If you know that the word is inflection, then you got it. Sorry if the spelling threw you off. With this guy, you just can't tell.

Can't tell.

Can't tell?

can't tell
I agree, Father Time.

Of course, Sassy didn't list conservative principles, just GOP wedge issues.

But then again, you're assuming the GOP is conservative. :lol:

Not a bit!

And that's one of the points being made in this thread.

And completely shot down by quotes from Krauthammer and LimpBoy in 2006 I posted earlier. Are you calling them lying sore losers when they proclaimed a CON$ervative victory in the 2006 elections?????

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