Megan McCains Disgrace Proves The Point Conservatives Are Prone To Submission


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives, who hold the projection of strength above all else. This is likely due to their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better—it’s okay to submit to them.

To liberals, who always stand up to power, this is bizarre and sickening behavior. We can’t comprehend why they constantly humiliate and degrade themselves, but the core of our being is the opposite—we live to fight oppression. That’s why you’ll see a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, or a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, or unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and Trump rallies.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. We liberals can’t fathom conservative submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Meghan McCain's Disgrace Proves the Point: Conservatives Are Prone to Submission
This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives, who hold the projection of strength above all else. This is likely due to their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better—it’s okay to submit to them.

To liberals, who always stand up to power, this is bizarre and sickening behavior. We can’t comprehend why they constantly humiliate and degrade themselves, but the core of our being is the opposite—we live to fight oppression. That’s why you’ll see a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, or a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, or unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and Trump rallies.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. We liberals can’t fathom conservative submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Meghan McCain's Disgrace Proves the Point: Conservatives Are Prone to Submission

Actually it is left wingers who will worship despots.
Liberal philosophies produce poverty and misery.
In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives

The crazy Kos rant doesn't even make any sense except maybe to offer a daily dose of hatred to the increasingly unstable left. You don't want to be around these people.
This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives, who hold the projection of strength above all else. This is likely due to their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better—it’s okay to submit to them.

To liberals, who always stand up to power, this is bizarre and sickening behavior. We can’t comprehend why they constantly humiliate and degrade themselves, but the core of our being is the opposite—we live to fight oppression. That’s why you’ll see a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, or a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, or unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and Trump rallies.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. We liberals can’t fathom conservative submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Meghan McCain's Disgrace Proves the Point: Conservatives Are Prone to Submission

Why do I feel I should be moving this to Humor?
Dude, that general deserves a salute just for that hat.

You have to respect the hat.

Besides, as you get told on the first day, you salute the rank, not the man.
This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives, who hold the projection of strength above all else. This is likely due to their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better—it’s okay to submit to them.

To liberals, who always stand up to power, this is bizarre and sickening behavior. We can’t comprehend why they constantly humiliate and degrade themselves, but the core of our being is the opposite—we live to fight oppression. That’s why you’ll see a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, or a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, or unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and Trump rallies.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. We liberals can’t fathom conservative submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Meghan McCain's Disgrace Proves the Point: Conservatives Are Prone to Submission
That most on the right are attracted authoritarian strongmen is because they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent; most conservatives fear change and diversity – the authoritarian despot is sought out by the right in an effort to restore the order and conformity conservatives crave.
Dude, that general deserves a salute just for that hat.

You have to respect the hat.

Besides, as you get told on the first day, you salute the rank, not the man.
Drumpf was never in the military. Something about a medical defferement. He was saluting the man because he is submissive to dictators.
Drumpf was never in the military. Something about a medical defferement. He was saluting the man because he is submissive to dictators.

Neither were you or you'd know as CIC when a foreign officer salutes you, you salute him back, especially when he has's a courtesy salute, not one of respect.
This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives, who hold the projection of strength above all else. This is likely due to their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better—it’s okay to submit to them.

To liberals, who always stand up to power, this is bizarre and sickening behavior. We can’t comprehend why they constantly humiliate and degrade themselves, but the core of our being is the opposite—we live to fight oppression. That’s why you’ll see a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, or a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, or unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and Trump rallies.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. We liberals can’t fathom conservative submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Meghan McCain's Disgrace Proves the Point: Conservatives Are Prone to Submission

Why do I feel I should be moving this to Humor?
Wouldn't it have to be funny to be put in humor? The rubber room would be more fitting.
This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, submission is a trait common amongst conservatives, who hold the projection of strength above all else. This is likely due to their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better—it’s okay to submit to them.

To liberals, who always stand up to power, this is bizarre and sickening behavior. We can’t comprehend why they constantly humiliate and degrade themselves, but the core of our being is the opposite—we live to fight oppression. That’s why you’ll see a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, or a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, or unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and Trump rallies.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. We liberals can’t fathom conservative submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Meghan McCain's Disgrace Proves the Point: Conservatives Are Prone to Submission

Why do I feel I should be moving this to Humor?

You should be locking it for a lack of original content...
Dude, that general deserves a salute just for that hat.

You have to respect the hat.

Besides, as you get told on the first day, you salute the rank, not the man.

We’re still at war with North Korea.

And the commander in chief saluted the enemy
Dude, that general deserves a salute just for that hat.

You have to respect the hat.

Besides, as you get told on the first day, you salute the rank, not the man.

We’re still at war with North Korea.

And the commander in chief saluted the enemy

If that's all you have to be irate over ... consider yourself a fortunate man.

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