Conservatives, keep this in mind and plan.

BHO was every bit as qualified as AL or GWB to be president of the US.

Conspiracy theory entertains, it informs, but rarely educates.
Two more books to add to the list:

The Ultimate Obamacare Survival Guide

Gate's new book on his time in the Obama Cabinet.

We need to preserve the truth for future generations because the Progressives will attempt to change history.
For the OP: Plan for what? You can't fix this. You still live under the delusion that you live in a functional republic by holding on to fantasies. There is no political solution. The system is going to crash and it will be ugly, a bloodbath. No stopping it.

You misunderstand. My point of this thread is for conservatives to collect the truth now, for when the SHTF, the powers that be will write the history and the truth will disappear. I'm saying that I agree with you so let's preserve history.

It's the same reason that some took pics of the Holocaust, because they knew some would eventually claim it didn't happen. The truth gets wiped out and replaced with fiction.

The old school books would be worth hanging onto. I mean the ones that actually talked about the great people of history before the left reduced them to a mere mention and replaced them with exaggerated and twisted versions of history. The left also teaches now that the Dem party is good and the Repubs are greedy wealthy whites. They also teach global warming as a fact rather than a theory. It remains unproven, not that proof ever stopped them. They likely will omit the global cooling theory from the 70's since it didn't pan out.

If you see old school books at thrift stores, grab them. Same with old encyclopedias. Old newspapers are also good for remembering facts. I mean from the 60's or earlier. I also recommend 'Atlas Shrugged' as a guide to see what is taking place.

Everyone should have a copy of the constitution and Bill of Rights.
Not a good idea to have a copy The U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and especially not a copy of Atlas Shrugged when you try to get on an airplane.

Unless you like being groped and have a thing for cavity searches.
Ok, here are the updated books for all Americans to hold onto so that future American will know the truth:

"The Way to Wealth" Ben Franklin.
The Original Argument
"Sacred Fire" George Washington
"Liberty and Tyranny" Mark Levin.
"Killing Jesus" Bill O'Reilly
"Control" Glenn Beck
"Guilty" Ann Coulter
"The American Patriot's Almanac" William J. Bennett
"The Religious Beliefs of America's Founders: Reason, Revelation, Revolution"
"Duty: The Memoirs of a Secretary at War" Robert Gates
"Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims" Rush Limbaugh
"The Ultimate Obamacare Survival Guide"

What we need right now is books about the economic collapse of 2007, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Ben Ghazi, and other recent events. THESE are the times where it will be most adventageous for the left to hide the truth.
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It seems now that every other day there is a story about the misinformation and revisionist history being taught in our schools via Common Core.

I guarantee you that each successive generation graduating from schools are going to be more ignorant, and more indoctrinated to the left wing propaganda that the truth will be buried too deeply to be retrieved. Unless someone or some people gather it together and preserve it for future generations.

Imagine at time in the very near future where accepted history says that Barack Hussein Obama was the best president the country ever had. It's going to happen people. What ate we who know the truth going to do about that?

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