Conservatives: Do You Give

Please show me where a man is not able to marry another man.
What I am opposed to is the state sanctioning such "marriages" and giving the partners benefits. This confers extra benefits on some people, favoring them at the expense of other solely based on their sexual preference of the moment. This would appear to fail the constitutional provisions of the 14th Amerndment.

Simple question: Are you in favor of giving tax breaks to people because of whom they like to fuck?

No no, it wouldn't be "extra benefits." Straight men would be allowed to marry other men as well and reap the same benefits.

You are exactly right!
So lets say Cuyo and I are old college friends. I lost my job and need medical care (this is supposing Obamacare hasn't eliminated employer sponsored coverage). He and I can just declare ourselves "married" and bango-- I get the benefit of his coverage. We don't have to touch dicks or anything.

Remind me how this is supposed to be good for society?

Who cares? A marriage is a partnership among individuals. If we're old college friends, even if we're straight but un-interested in marrying, what's wrong with us pooling our assets and liabilities the same as a traditional married couple? Why must it always be a sexual relationship?

2 brothers, a spinster and her Aunt, two life-long, confirmed bachelor friends - Why can't anyone participate in this partnership among individuals?
Agreed. Government should get out of marriage altogether. Civil unions for all from the State; Marriage from the private institution from which you seek it, if such institution is willing to provide it to you.

That is my stance as well...

What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

Civil union would be a government recognized family pairing for the simple means of easier census, taxation, legal inheritance, etc...

Keeping the government out of any recognition of marriage keeps the government from forcing others to accept behavior they don't believe in... when held in the hands of the religious institutions, it keeps it a personal choice of acceptance, tolerance, or neither... I don't agree with the choice of catholics to pray to saints, nor with the polygamist mormon sects choice to accept men with multiple wives... and I am not forced to accept them no matter what others think or believe... but the moment government gets involved in the aspect of marriage, it does bring forced acceptance of a chosen behavior... not something I am keen on
Agreed. Government should get out of marriage altogether. Civil unions for all from the State; Marriage from the private institution from which you seek it, if such institution is willing to provide it to you.

That is my stance as well...

What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

It's separating the legal aspect from the cultural/religious aspect. The legal aspect in a secular society should be available to any two people who want it. The religious aspect is to be decided by the institution from which the marriage is sought.

Incidentally, in that scenario I could "Marry" my girlfriend in church, but have no partnership/civil union status recognized by the government. I fail to see a problem with that. If approval of the "God" of your choosing and your family/community is important, but you're not willing to make the contractual leap for whatever reason, two people should have the ability to do so.
I would ask how you possibly got that out of anything I wrote. But I am dealing with a mental midget who cannot do simple math, so what can anyone expect?

LOL! Are you really going to bring up the fact again that you don't know how to calculate a basic percentage increase. Shall I link to that post where you put your ignorance on full display, just so you can ignore it, AGAIN?

Sure, go ahead and show what a tool bag you are and incapable of telling how much different 85 and 90 are.

hahaha, this should be good.

Basic Math Question

Here comes the deflection in 3,2,1.....
Please show me where a man is not able to marry another man.
What I am opposed to is the state sanctioning such "marriages" and giving the partners benefits. This confers extra benefits on some people, favoring them at the expense of other solely based on their sexual preference of the moment. This would appear to fail the constitutional provisions of the 14th Amerndment.

Simple question: Are you in favor of giving tax breaks to people because of whom they like to fuck?

No no, it wouldn't be "extra benefits." Straight men would be allowed to marry other men as well and reap the same benefits.

You are exactly right!
So lets say Cuyo and I are old college friends. I lost my job and need medical care (this is supposing Obamacare hasn't eliminated employer sponsored coverage). He and I can just declare ourselves "married" and bango-- I get the benefit of his coverage. We don't have to touch dicks or anything.

Remind me how this is supposed to be good for society?

I don't derive a benefit from your marriage to Mrs. Rabbi. Does that mean it should not be recognized legally?
Agreed. Government should get out of marriage altogether. Civil unions for all from the State; Marriage from the private institution from which you seek it, if such institution is willing to provide it to you.

That is my stance as well...

What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

Gays do not want to marry because of tax incentives, hospital benefits or other financial incentives. Neither do most heterosexuals. They want to be able to stand up in front of society, publicly declare their love for one another and have society recognize their union. They want to call their partner their husband or wife.

Mostly, they want society to treat them like they treat any other couple
That is my stance as well...

What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

Gays do not want to marry because of tax incentives, hospital benefits or other financial incentives. Neither do most heterosexuals. They want to be able to stand up in front of society, publicly declare their love for one another and have society recognize their union. They want to call their partner their husband or wife.

Mostly, they want society to treat them like they treat any other couple

So you want government to force acceptance of a chosen behavior because it fits your agenda... got it

Sorry... but I'll take freedom over government forced acceptance

I could choose to tattoo my face like a baboon and put 75 piercings in it... and with that choice comes the possibility of one or many or all people not accepting it.... too bad, too sad.... it's not a job of government to make other people accept your personal choices
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

As long as they do not make demands to be allowed to 'marry', are kept out of positions in public schools and otherwise keep their perversions private and in the closet, no.
I want people to live in dignity and peace.

Ergo, I care.

Right on.

There is an odd flavor to tolerance of the sort demonstrated in this thread. It is a complicated emotion in which some hide from their real feelings about gays. Respect and consideration, as well as equal rights, trump tolerance when tolerance is only an excuse for the status quo.

"...the exact same experience can mean two totally different things to two different people, given those people's two different belief templates and two different ways of constructing meaning from experience. Because we prize tolerance and diversity of belief, nowhere in our liberal arts analysis do we want to claim that one guy's interpretation is true and the other guy's is false or bad. Which is fine, except we also never end up talking about just where these individual templates and beliefs come from. Meaning, where they come from INSIDE the two guys. As if a person's most basic orientation toward the world, and the meaning of his experience were somehow just hard-wired, like height or shoe-size; or automatically absorbed from the culture, like language. As if how we construct meaning were not actually a matter of personal, intentional choice. Plus, there's the whole matter of arrogance..." David Foster Wallace
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Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

As long as they do not make demands to be allowed to 'marry', are kept out of positions in public schools and otherwise keep their perversions private and in the closet, no.

:clap2: :cuckoo: :lol: :eusa_eh:
Gays do not want to marry because of tax incentives, hospital benefits or other financial incentives. Neither do most heterosexuals. They want to be able to stand up in front of society, publicly declare their love for one another and have society recognize their union.

So perverting the institution of marriage is going to accomplish that? I don't think so.

They want to call their partner their husband or wife.

So let them. I will try to cover my face when I laugh.

Mostly, they want society to treat them like they treat any other couple

Then they can act like any other couple.
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

Nope, could care less about homosexuals.

Homosexuals are always announcing to the world they are gay and want special attention and special rights, when no one gives a shit.
Still not one person opposed to homosexuals being married is able to say how gays being legally married actually impact their life in any way.
Still not one person opposed to homosexuals being married is able to say how gays being legally married actually impact their life in any way.

I think its about being "more special". Some conservative dinosaurs fear recognizing the rights and dignity of GLBT people will lessen the admiration we all have for them.

They can relax....I could not possibly admire them less.
Do you give a flying fuck about homosexuals and how they live their lives?

This is a spin off of Dr House's comment to Jerkbert in the thread on conservative homosexuals.

Nope, could care less about homosexuals.

Homosexuals are always announcing to the world they are gay and want special attention and special rights, when no one gives a shit.

I give a shit. I like most of the GLBT people I have met.

On the other hand if you are straight, I do not care. I wish all you old cons would become asexual, not reproduce and your bigotry would die off with you.
That is my stance as well...

What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

Gays do not want to marry because of tax incentives, hospital benefits or other financial incentives. Neither do most heterosexuals. They want to be able to stand up in front of society, publicly declare their love for one another and have society recognize their union. They want to call their partner their husband or wife.

They already have that ability and right. No state outlaws gay marriages. True conservatives like myself would oppose any such law because government can't ban religious ceremonies. Any gay person can go to a church that performs "gay marriages", slip rings on each other's fingers, and call their partner "my husband" or whatever. NOTHING prevents this now.

Mostly, they want society to treat them like they treat any other couple
There, now you are actually telling some truth. This whole debate about "gay marriage" is really about gays trying to force the rest of society into treating them like "any other couple". The Thought Police are out!
What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

Gays do not want to marry because of tax incentives, hospital benefits or other financial incentives. Neither do most heterosexuals. They want to be able to stand up in front of society, publicly declare their love for one another and have society recognize their union. They want to call their partner their husband or wife.

Mostly, they want society to treat them like they treat any other couple

So you want government to force acceptance of a chosen behavior because it fits your agenda... got it

Sorry... but I'll take freedom over government forced acceptance

I could choose to tattoo my face like a baboon and put 75 piercings in it... and with that choice comes the possibility of one or many or all people not accepting it.... too bad, too sad.... it's not a job of government to make other people accept your personal choices

You are still free to hate anyone you choose.

The difference is that Government is not obligated to adhere to your petty biases and hatreds of those who are different from you.
Still not one person opposed to homosexuals being married is able to say how gays being legally married actually impact their life in any way.

It doesn't impact my life, and by the way there is nothing preventing homos from getting married. You're talking about state recognition of such marriages. What does it effect you or any other homo if myself or the rest of society doesn't recognize their "gay marriage"?
Still not one person opposed to homosexuals being married is able to say how gays being legally married actually impact their life in any way.

It doesn't impact my life, and by the way there is nothing preventing homos from getting married. You're talking about state recognition of such marriages. What does it effect you or any other homo if myself or the rest of society doesn't recognize their "gay marriage"?

O, health care decisions, inheritance laws, employer benefits, child custody, etc. etc. etc. Yanno....all the benefits you get from your marriage?
What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage" under that scenario?

Gays do not want to marry because of tax incentives, hospital benefits or other financial incentives. Neither do most heterosexuals. They want to be able to stand up in front of society, publicly declare their love for one another and have society recognize their union. They want to call their partner their husband or wife.

They already have that ability and right. No state outlaws gay marriages. True conservatives like myself would oppose any such law because government can't ban religious ceremonies. Any gay person can go to a church that performs "gay marriages", slip rings on each other's fingers, and call their partner "my husband" or whatever. NOTHING prevents this now.

Mostly, they want society to treat them like they treat any other couple
There, now you are actually telling some truth. This whole debate about "gay marriage" is really about gays trying to force the rest of society into treating them like "any other couple". The Thought Police are out!

The issue is having a legally accepted marriage that acknowledges your relationship. The same as heterosexuals have.

Nobody is forcing you, as an individual, to accept gay marriage. You are free to hate whoever you please. You do not have to accept any straight marriage either. If someone chooses to marry a fat, hunchbacked, do not have to accept it, but society does

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