Conservative thought is not Diverse.


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
Professor Victor Ray

Ray’s article was focused on calls for broadening ideological diversity on campus, as Republican students have frequently been silenced or unable to host speakers who share their views.

In his piece, Ray lays out “three faulty premises” of support for diversity of thought. He claims that people on the right are not supporting the freedom of ideas in “good faith,” that that conservative ideas are not marginalized in higher education, and that it “should be strongly questioned is the very idea that conservative thought is diverse.”

Ray also claims that “the majority of people advocating for [diversity of thought] are white men.”
University of Tennessee Professor Claims 'Diversity of Thought' is Racist
He claims diversity of thought is racist. So everyone must conform to the Liberal ideal or be called out as a racist?
Professor Victor Ray

Ray’s article was focused on calls for broadening ideological diversity on campus, as Republican students have frequently been silenced or unable to host speakers who share their views.

In his piece, Ray lays out “three faulty premises” of support for diversity of thought. He claims that people on the right are not supporting the freedom of ideas in “good faith,” that that conservative ideas are not marginalized in higher education, and that it “should be strongly questioned is the very idea that conservative thought is diverse.”

Ray also claims that “the majority of people advocating for [diversity of thought] are white men.”
University of Tennessee Professor Claims 'Diversity of Thought' is Racist
He claims diversity of thought is racist. So everyone must conform to the Liberal ideal or be called out as a racist?
Here's the key:

The people who have taken over the Democratic Party are NOT liberal.
Professor Victor Ray

Ray’s article was focused on calls for broadening ideological diversity on campus, as Republican students have frequently been silenced or unable to host speakers who share their views.

In his piece, Ray lays out “three faulty premises” of support for diversity of thought. He claims that people on the right are not supporting the freedom of ideas in “good faith,” that that conservative ideas are not marginalized in higher education, and that it “should be strongly questioned is the very idea that conservative thought is diverse.”

Ray also claims that “the majority of people advocating for [diversity of thought] are white men.”
University of Tennessee Professor Claims 'Diversity of Thought' is Racist
He claims diversity of thought is racist. So everyone must conform to the Liberal ideal or be called out as a racist?
Here's the key:

The people who have taken over the Democratic Party are NOT liberal.
Sorry I overuse that word. I actually consider myself a Thomas Payne Liberal or Libertarian.
Should've said Progressives, or Democrat.
I think the problem is that nobody ever defines what conservatism actually is. Though, many do arbitrarily identify as such.

Conservatism means smaller government and more liberty.

To that extent, 'conservatives' have completely lost their way. They expand the government just like the Democrats do. People complain about Dodd-Frank, but 'conservatives' gave us Sarbanes-Oxley. Conservatives put the nation in debt equally as arbitrary.

If conservatism means limited government, then, you have to ask what the basic role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, had a Revolution, and wrote a Constitution. They said the role of government should be to protect liberty. Not run a welfare state, which both sides do, and not to be the policemen of the world.

How can you be conservative and cut food stamps, but then turn around and not cut a single cent of spending overseas? We're broke. 21 trillion in debt, a 4 cent dollar, tax increases disguised as tax cuts, and they're willing to start more wars and print more money.

If we're intellectually honest about our conservatism and we want smaller, limited, government, and personal liberties protected, then, we have a pretty good guide to what being a good conservative actually means. It's called the Constitution.
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I think the problem is that nobody ever defines what conservatism actually is. Though, many do arbotrarily identify as such.

Conservatism means smaller government and more liberty.

To that extent, 'conservatives' have completely lost their way. They expand the government just like the Democrats do. People complain about Dodd-Frank, but 'conservatives' gave us Sarbanes-Oxley. Conservatives put the nation in debt equally as arbitrarily.

If conservatism means limited government, then, you have to ask what the basic role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, had a Revolution, and wrote a Constitution. They said the role of government should be to protect liberty. Not run a welfare state, which both sides do, and not to be the policemen of the world.

How can you be conservative and cut food stamps, but then turn around and not cut a single cent of spending overseas? We're broke. 21 trillion in debt,a 4 cent dollar, and they're willing to start more wars and print more money.

If we're intellectually honest about our conservatism and we want smaller, limited, government, and personal liberties protected, then, we have a pretty good guide to what being a good conservative actually means. It's called the Constitution.
I'm not a conservative, though I voted for Trump.
I believe everyone has the right to do any damn thing they want to do as long as it does not interfere with another ones rights.
I believe whoever needs the least of their income to survive, should give to those who barely eek out survival needs. But I also believe it should not be a bottomless pit of need. If you can't afford to feed yourself you should not be allowed to produce more to feed.
I don't actually believe in protecting Freedom of Religion. Anything can be called a religion and therefore such a law can and will be proven to be dangerous to have. How do we fix our Muslim problem who want to use our own rights against us to conquer us. But I do believe in freedom of association for everyone regardless of reason. We should be free to be racist or homophobic if that is what we want to be.
And because I am a month away from becoming homeless along with my family I believe in safety nets. I went to college got an AA degree. Nobody cares. I'm a Vet, nobody cares. I type 85 wpm, nobody cares. I worked the same job for 20+ years, nobody cares. Everything I trained for is obsolete and no longer done. COBOL Programmer. 31M10 Multi-Channel Radio Operator, Bank courier. All are obsolete due to technology improvements. And I can't even hold a flag for a living because I would pass out from the exertion in the first hour. But I have to be homeless before they'll give me disability. So yes I believe in safety nets.
I think the problem is that nobody ever defines what conservatism actually is. Though, many do arbotrarily identify as such.

Conservatism means smaller government and more liberty.

To that extent, 'conservatives' have completely lost their way. They expand the government just like the Democrats do. People complain about Dodd-Frank, but 'conservatives' gave us Sarbanes-Oxley. Conservatives put the nation in debt equally as arbitrarily.

If conservatism means limited government, then, you have to ask what the basic role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, had a Revolution, and wrote a Constitution. They said the role of government should be to protect liberty. Not run a welfare state, which both sides do, and not to be the policemen of the world.

How can you be conservative and cut food stamps, but then turn around and not cut a single cent of spending overseas? We're broke. 21 trillion in debt,a 4 cent dollar, and they're willing to start more wars and print more money.

If we're intellectually honest about our conservatism and we want smaller, limited, government, and personal liberties protected, then, we have a pretty good guide to what being a good conservative actually means. It's called the Constitution.
I'm not a conservative, though I voted for Trump.
I believe everyone has the right to do any damn thing they want to do as long as it does not interfere with another ones rights.
I believe whoever needs the least of their income to survive, should give to those who barely eek out survival needs. But I also believe it should not be a bottomless pit of need. If you can't afford to feed yourself you should not be allowed to produce more to feed.
I don't actually believe in protecting Freedom of Religion. Anything can be called a religion and therefore such a law can and will be proven to be dangerous to have. How do we fix our Muslim problem who want to use our own rights against us to conquer us. But I do believe in freedom of association for everyone regardless of reason. We should be free to be racist or homophobic if that is what we want to be.
And because I am a month away from becoming homeless along with my family I believe in safety nets. I went to college got an AA degree. Nobody cares. I'm a Vet, nobody cares. I type 85 wpm, nobody cares. I worked the same job for 20+ years, nobody cares. Everything I trained for is obsolete and no longer done. COBOL Programmer. 31M10 Multi-Channel Radio Operator, Bank courier. All are obsolete due to technology improvements. And I can't even hold a flag for a living because I would pass out from the exertion in the first hour. But I have to be homeless before they'll give me disability. So yes I believe in safety nets.

The States have the power to distribute welfare. The Constitution allows them the power, and they should help their citizens in that regard because it's the right thing to do.

As far as Religion, our very system of government is religious in nature. That's an entirely other topic, brother. Far too deep for here.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's true that technology makes an honest trade and years of education worthless. I have a Masters degree in planetary science and physics. It sits in my drawer under a bunch of junk. lol.

I'm not a regular arounfdd here. Ijust pop in occasionally for acouple weeks. In my circles, we try to take care of one another when situations arise. It's always worked out well and people have been helped tha tway to kind of get a re-jumpstart. Perhaps you might ask for donations here. Or start a go fund me .Perhaps people here might help you spread it around. It's worth a shot.

I could probably help out a little. It's not much, but it's something. I need a virtual assistant for my better half. She's a web designer.She builds sites for people all over the world. But she also has her own web store. She was just saying she needs someone to tweet, manage facebook, twitter, check the stock on online inventory and stuff like that. It's pretty much computer based.
I posted comment below on the site in OP. Mea culpa mea culpa, I too am guilty of throwing stones.

I think the word conservative is misused, we are all conservative in certain areas of our lives and liberal in others. In America, political conservatism is a 'dark money' funded source of control of ideas and values. Read 'Invisible Hands' or 'Dark Money' if you doubt that. Trouble is money muddies the waters and makes the issues us against them. That works fine because the elites gain power and prestige and the working class throws stones at each other. Meanwhile resentment grows and workable, productive solutions fade into the distance. See "White Trash'

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
Professor Victor Ray

Ray’s article was focused on calls for broadening ideological diversity on campus, as Republican students have frequently been silenced or unable to host speakers who share their views.

In his piece, Ray lays out “three faulty premises” of support for diversity of thought. He claims that people on the right are not supporting the freedom of ideas in “good faith,” that that conservative ideas are not marginalized in higher education, and that it “should be strongly questioned is the very idea that conservative thought is diverse.”

Ray also claims that “the majority of people advocating for [diversity of thought] are white men.”
University of Tennessee Professor Claims 'Diversity of Thought' is Racist
He claims diversity of thought is racist. So everyone must conform to the Liberal ideal or be called out as a racist?

Well, not in the same sense as leftists advocating for white genocide.

But in the sense that all views and opinions should be heard.

I personally prefer this diversity of views to the diversity of white genocide, but each to their own.
I think the problem is that nobody ever defines what conservatism actually is. Though, many do arbitrarily identify as such.

Conservatism means smaller government and more liberty.

To that extent, 'conservatives' have completely lost their way. They expand the government just like the Democrats do. People complain about Dodd-Frank, but 'conservatives' gave us Sarbanes-Oxley. Conservatives put the nation in debt equally as arbitrary.

If conservatism means limited government, then, you have to ask what the basic role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, had a Revolution, and wrote a Constitution. They said the role of government should be to protect liberty. Not run a welfare state, which both sides do, and not to be the policemen of the world.

How can you be conservative and cut food stamps, but then turn around and not cut a single cent of spending overseas? We're broke. 21 trillion in debt, a 4 cent dollar, tax increases disguised as tax cuts, and they're willing to start more wars and print more money.

If we're intellectually honest about our conservatism and we want smaller, limited, government, and personal liberties protected, then, we have a pretty good guide to what being a good conservative actually means. It's called the Constitution.
Liberalism also means small government and more liberty... so would you say that liberal and conservative mean the same thing? I think it’s worth exploring the differences...

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Conservatism - Wikipedia
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