Conservative News Objectivity on Display


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
As noted in a link from Drudge, sometimes conservative news services take the Republicans to task, too.

It would have been easy, cheesy and false to just take the headline and use it as a blunt instrument against the Administration of The ONE: Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House

But instead, they took the GOP CONTROLLED HOUSE to task.

And I think that's not only fair, but appropriate.

I would ADD the current Administration into the mix as well. But at the very least, let us not shy away from chastising the miserable waffling Republicans.
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Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House—More in 15 Months Than First 97 Congresses Combined
By Terence P. Jeffrey
June 1, 2012

John Boehner, Eric Cantor

( - The Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which took office in January 2011, has enacted federal spending bills under which the national debt has increased more in less than one term of Congress than in the first 97 Congresses combined.

In the fifteen months that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives--led by Speaker John Boehner--has effectively enjoyed a constitutional veto over federal spending, the federal government’s debt has increased by about $1.59 trillion. * * * *
Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House

Good. Hold their toesies to the fire.
Yes, we should not forget that the GOP bears significant responsibility as well.
I didn't think we had any reporters like this left. Used to be no one on either side was given a free pass from the press. I thought it was bad enough when the liberals started tossing softball questions to their guys. Now they go as far as to cover up or twist. I expect that from the talk shows, like Hannity, et al, but not from programs that actually call themselves news.
As noted in a link from Drudge, sometimes conservative news services take the Republicans to task, too.

It would have been easy, cheesy and false to just take the headline and use it as a blunt instrument against the Administration of The ONE: Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House

But instead, they took the GOP CONTROLLED HOUSE to task.

And I think that's not only fair, but appropriate.

I would ADD the current Administration into the mix as well. But at the very least, let us not shy away from chastising the miserable waffling Republicans.

You're gonna ruin your partisan hack reputation with such threads. :)
Did you guys watch Fox News Sunday today?

Wallace hammered the Romney record over and over.

But you know its Fox so the libs will pretend it never happened.
As noted in a link from Drudge, sometimes conservative news services take the Republicans to task, too.

It would have been easy, cheesy and false to just take the headline and use it as a blunt instrument against the Administration of The ONE: Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House

But instead, they took the GOP CONTROLLED HOUSE to task.

And I think that's not only fair, but appropriate.

I would ADD the current Administration into the mix as well. But at the very least, let us not shy away from chastising the miserable waffling Republicans.

You're gonna ruin your partisan hack reputation with such threads. :)

A rep I enjoy only with unobservant libs anyway.
Did you guys watch Fox News Sunday today?

Wallace hammered the Romney record over and over.

But you know its Fox so the libs will pretend it never happened.

Unbalanced. Wallace is a HACK I tells ya!

/Tongue-in-cheek retort.
As noted in a link from Drudge, sometimes conservative news services take the Republicans to task, too.

It would have been easy, cheesy and false to just take the headline and use it as a blunt instrument against the Administration of The ONE: Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House

But instead, they took the GOP CONTROLLED HOUSE to task.

And I think that's not only fair, but appropriate.

I would ADD the current Administration into the mix as well. But at the very least, let us not shy away from chastising the miserable waffling Republicans.

You're gonna ruin your partisan hack reputation with such threads. :)

A rep I enjoy only with unobservant libs anyway.

If those same unobservants would engage now?

Nowhere to be seen...Damn! Truth really IS a bane to Statists, isn't it?

Nice move Liabilty...masterful stroke to illustrate a point.
Oh, they will be here eventually to twist shit up T. Count on it.

I read, and watch, differing media outlets. FOXnews has too much entertainment focus for me, but I watch it on occasion. I'll read Drudge, and even suffer through Coulter's attempts at writing. George Will remains the best of conservative thought today.
Oh, they will be here eventually to twist shit up T. Count on it.

I read, and watch, differing media outlets. FOXnews has too much entertainment focus for me, but I watch it on occasion. I'll read Drudge, and even suffer through Coulter's attempts at writing. George Will remains the best of conservative thought today.

Actually, it's Levin.

Mark Levin.
Oh, they will be here eventually to twist shit up T. Count on it.

I read, and watch, differing media outlets. FOXnews has too much entertainment focus for me, but I watch it on occasion. I'll read Drudge, and even suffer through Coulter's attempts at writing. George Will remains the best of conservative thought today.

Actually, it's Levin.

Mark Levin.

I don't really listen to the talk radio bunch much. And to be honest I only watch Fox for about 20 minutes a night. Usually just the intros or promos to see what the topic of the day is. I used to watch MSNBC but their on air people all suck now. Used to try to watch Olberman just to see what the left was spewing buy all the constant hate was a turn off.
I read, and watch, differing media outlets. FOXnews has too much entertainment focus for me, but I watch it on occasion. I'll read Drudge, and even suffer through Coulter's attempts at writing. George Will remains the best of conservative thought today.

Actually, it's Levin.

Mark Levin.

I don't really listen to the talk radio bunch much. And to be honest I only watch Fox for about 20 minutes a night. Usually just the intros or promos to see what the topic of the day is. I used to watch MSNBC but their on air people all suck now. Used to try to watch Olberman just to see what the left was spewing buy all the constant hate was a turn off.

I don't listen to Hannity much anymore. His style kind of grates on me. And I only listen to Rush over occasional lunch breaks, usually, time permitting.

I enjoy listening to Levin. But ... what I was responding to was the Peach comment. George Will is a vacillating kinda guy. I am often irritated by his sanctimonious waffling crap. The reason I cited Mark Levin is because I have read several of his books. He's brilliant.

He is principled. And he is consistent. He, too, is more than willing to take the Republicans to task. And the reason for that is because the man has such consistent and principled positions premised on a true study of political philosophy and the Constitution.
Oh, they will be here eventually to twist shit up T. Count on it.

I read, and watch, differing media outlets. FOXnews has too much entertainment focus for me, but I watch it on occasion. I'll read Drudge, and even suffer through Coulter's attempts at writing. George Will remains the best of conservative thought today.

Actually, it's Levin.

Mark Levin.

WILL! :lol: I don't care for talk radio, I like to read. The book I read by Stossel seemed unorganized. Buckley set a high standard, Lowry is no replacement. Brent Bozell is just Buckley's nephew. His writing is good, but when he veered off into social issues, I lost interest.

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