Conservatism: Screw Blacks, Screw Women, White! White! White!

Everyone just keep in mind that by the year 2056, whites will be in the minority and then...what goes around, comes around.

Wont be much coming around. Everyone will be living in section 8 housing and eating off food stamps.
Just take a gander at mexico and all the other third world shitholes. Thats the future Americans have to look forward to.
Black, Hispanic and female Americans all had it much better when Republicans ran things. in the 8th straigh year of Progressive majority Rule and obama's 6th year minorities and women have higher rates of unemployment than they did under Republicans; and the sam lame left-wing losers are still making excuses
Everyone just keep in mind that by the year 2056, whites will be in the minority and then...what goes around, comes around.

What exactly do you expect to "come around"?

dont you love left-wing idiots trying to paing themselves as victims?

what goes around comes around? imagine a "minority" that is larger than any other single group? or even in 2056 still numbers well a hundred million or so?

just what does this idiot think he's going t do to the "minority' white group that is 100 million strong?

sorry little brown-shirt fascist-wannabe left-wing nutjob; but be careful what you ask for

You are wrong mother lover!

I am Black and I'm proud to be a Conservative.

You may think you're a conservative, but actual conservatives are rich, old, and white. Middle class conservatives are actually CHEAP, and not in the good way.

Thank you for revealing your belief in your own cartoonish, stereotypical propaganda.

You have swallowed the Kool Aide.

Despite the honest, genuine evidence on these pages that should better inform your views you prefer clinging to a clunky, formulaic lie.

You just torpedoed yourself for all to see.

I'm as Conservative as America once was.

Hasta la Vista, Baby.
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