Congressional Payouts for Sexual Harrasment the Past 20 Years


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
2007 was a busy year for Congress.
Remember: You need to pay more taxes because the government needs it.

Shame we dont' have a list of names to go with the numbers.
2007 was a busy year for Congress.
Remember: You need to pay more taxes because the government needs it.

View attachment 160999

Sheesh... it would be cheaper and more efficient just to buy each of our Congress Critters their own set of hookers.
dude, this just means there is at least five times this going on. both sides are scum and the donald called them out. They were revolting and now they will go down with this shit.
Note the first year this sexual harassment slush fund became law was 1997, during Bill Clinton's second term. Was this a bill or an EO? Apparently there are Congressmen who didn't even know this fund existed.

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