Congressional approval rating drops to 11%


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

Before Harry Reid was reelected his approval rating in Nevada was at 9%.

He won anyway

Nest theory.
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

Before Harry Reid was reelected his approval rating in Nevada was at 9%.

He won anyway

Nest theory.

Well, let's be honest. Look who ran against him. BTW, Reid is gone.
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

Before Harry Reid was reelected his approval rating in Nevada was at 9%.

He won anyway

Nest theory.

Well, let's be honest. Look who ran against him. BTW, Reid is gone.

What about his own party?

No one in his own party dare oppose the great Harry Reid.

Just ask Bernie Sanders about opposing the appointed ones.
What we need here is to end the elite rule of career politicians. Trump has forever shattered the notion that only the elite can rule and reign over us. Now Oprah wants to be President. Hilarious, and I say more power to her! What do we have to lose? Those that are deemed "qualified" for the position have created an exponentially increasing debt of over $20 trillion and never ending wars abroad and a country bitterly divided. What the hell do we have to lose!

The Founders never intended on career politicians who have a lavish lifestyle and retirement package. There are a myriad of tricks and traps to become entrenched. Enough is enough. In fact, when the Grim Reaper comes for McCain to pry his hands from his power grip in Congress, my money is on McCain. RIP Grim Reaper.

What we need is a government body that has just come from the ranks of the common man to take office, and while in office seek to create a world that they will soon be back in.

Or do we want a government body to continue to impose such things as health care on the nation which they opt out of?

We need fresh innovative ideas and faces. We also need a greater representation of the American people in government instead of a select few who are on the corporate dole.
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

I detest mine. All Democrat rubber-stampers.
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

I detest mine. All Democrat rubber-stampers.

Do you remember this scandal?

Issa: Sestak scandal could be Obama's 'Watergate'

Obama tried to lure Joe Sestak out of running against Specter in the DNC primary with various "jobs" because Specter was vulnerable in the polls. Obama wanted Specter because he already knew he was in his back pocket. This should have ended the Obama administration in terms of a major scandal because it was highly illegal.

However, we live in a post Constitutional world.
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

I detest mine. All Democrat rubber-stampers.

Do you remember this scandal?

Issa: Sestak scandal could be Obama's 'Watergate'

Obama tried to lure Joe Sestak out of running against Specter in the DNC primary with various "jobs" because Specter was vulnerable in the polls. Obama wanted Specter because he already knew he was in his back pocket. This should have ended the Obama administration in terms of a major scandal because it was highly illegal.

However, we live in a post Constitutional world.

The problem is apathy among rank-and-file Americans. Those on the right work for a living, and too many noses are stuck to smartphones and assholes.

The Democrats can get the welfare and illegal alien hordes into the streets on 24 hr. notice, setting up the big media whine. As we know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Multi millionaires and billionaires are what most all Americans consider the ruling class elites and as long as they have full control things will never change and party affiliation makes zero difference
Multi millionaires and billionaires are what most all Americans consider the ruling class elites and as long as they have full control things will never change and party affiliation makes zero difference

Barak Obama disagrees. He did everything he could to keep his stooge Specter in power in Congress.

Which is more daunting, buying the souls of a hand full of career politicians or an ever changing number us US Congressman?

I think the later is far better.
So only those on the right it. Lmao

Do you want a Congress that is so out of touch with society that they are no longer able to relate to them? Do you want them to create a world they feel no obligation to participate in?

Case in point is Obamacare. Congress opted out. If you had members that would soon have to participate in Obamacare, I say the legislation never passes.
The real problem is us, we keep voting the same mfers in even though they have repeatedly shown they don't give an F about us. Looks to me like we need a 3rd party, at least as far as Congress is concerned. 2 choices isn't enough. Don't know if a 3rd party would fix the problem, but I think it's worth a shot.
The real problem is us, we keep voting the same mfers in even though they have repeatedly shown they don't give an F about us. Looks to me like we need a 3rd party, at least as far as Congress is concerned. 2 choices isn't enough. Don't know if a 3rd party would fix the problem, but I think it's worth a shot.

A third party is pointless. The issue is continual institutional corruption. We need to flush out the corrupt politicians every so often so you don't wind up with the same governing body secretly paying women sexually assaulted over decades to the tune of some $17 million.

Get new people in there continuously that may actually object to such practices instead of ignoring them.

Website for those interested.

Close to 80% of the American people favor terms limits for Congress.

As we all know, Congress will never support this. A convention of the states is the only way.

Do people support democracy or don't they?
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Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

Before Harry Reid was reelected his approval rating in Nevada was at 9%.

He won anyway

Nest theory.

Harry Reid never had a 9% approval rating
The real problem is us, we keep voting the same mfers in even though they have repeatedly shown they don't give an F about us. Looks to me like we need a 3rd party, at least as far as Congress is concerned. 2 choices isn't enough. Don't know if a 3rd party would fix the problem, but I think it's worth a shot.

A third party is pointless. The issue is continual institutional corruption. We need to flush out the corrupt politicians every so often so you don't wind up with the same governing body secretly paying women sexually assaulted over decades to the tune of some $17 million.

Get new people in there continuously that may actually object to such practices instead of ignoring them.

A 3rd party = new people, don't you think? Give the voters another choice between a Dem scumbag and a Repub scumbag.

But I think there's another reason, maybe a better one. Say you have a 3rd party out there that could garner 10-20 House seats and a Senate seat or 2, maybe not in 2018 but 2020. That 3rd party wouldn't be robust enough to have a real shot at the WH, but they could at least win a few seats in congress and thereby make themselves valuable to one party or the other to get legislation passed or defeated. If that 3rd party is more interested in passing good legislation for us than getting involved in partisan politics, well that's a good thing.
Congress' approval rating drops to 11 percent

Is this really surprising? No. Congressional approval rating has hovered below 20% for decades.

So if the nation is a thriving democracy, what gives?

I say that the system has become far too dysfunctional to continue as is. America is no longer a democracy, not with below 20% approval rating spanning decades, yet the same idiot hate filled faces reappear year after year.

Term limits anyone? To get that done, we need an outside intervention, for none of these criminal Congressmen will impose term limits on themselves. What we need are people to stand up and support your local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution for the first time in US history. It was a provision placed in the Constitution by the Founders for a time such as this.

Will we heed their wisdom?

Term limits are in place. They are called elections.

The problem in Congress is that I like my representatives, but the rest of Congress sucks!

Before Harry Reid was reelected his approval rating in Nevada was at 9%.

He won anyway

Nest theory.

Harry Reid never had a 9% approval rating

I once read an article that said he only had 9% of the support of voters. For whatever reason I can't find it again, but have found a great number of articles showing his support was in the 30% range.

Either way his support was very low. I don't see how this changes my point in the least.
I once read an article that said he only had 9% of the support of voters. For whatever reason I can't find it again, but have found a great number of articles showing his support was in the 30% range.

Either way his support was very low. I don't see how this changes my point in the least.

Yes, his approval did drop into the 30s and he probably would have lost reelection in 2010 had the Republicans not nominated a lunatic named Sharron Angle who became more disliked than him.

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