Condi Rice Blasts Obama on Weakness, Leadership

There is one thing very clear to me after reading the answers of the left here on this thread...the hatred shown towards black conservatives by the liberals is nothing short of shocking!

And very sad too.

"Condi" is a brain dead idiot who was part of the George W Bush administration. I get it that she would rather not talk about happened when her guy was in office.

You and your pathetic and miserable ilk probably consider the following "brain dead idiot":

Clarence Thomas
Colin Powell
J. C. Watts
Dr. Ben Carson
Deneen Borelli
Alan West
Herman Cain
Thomas Sewell
Juan Williams
Tim Scott

and many, many, many more black conservatives. But of course you insist that you are not racists.

But let a conservative ideologically disagree with the likes of:

Al Sharpton
Barack Obama
Charlie Rangel
Jesse Jackson
Jeremiah Wright
Sheila Jackson Lee
Clarence Page

and many, many more black progressives, you would accuse them of being racists.

Colin Powell was the only one with any sense or military experience and his advice was ignored by George W Bush. He also happened to support Obama. Also, I think Juan Williams is a Democrat.

"Condi" is an idiot regardless of her race.
There is one thing very clear to me after reading the answers of the left here on this thread...the hatred shown towards black conservatives by the liberals is nothing short of shocking!

And very sad too.

Or how moronic people like you are
There is one thing very clear to me after reading the answers of the left here on this thread...the hatred shown towards black conservatives by the liberals is nothing short of shocking!

And very sad too.

There is only one "black conservative" being discussed and she was "blasting" the president. Is it some kind of secret weapon where she can say whatever she wants because she is black and it is supposedly racist to point out how bad things were when she was part of George W Bush's administration? That is just weak.
I love it when the republicans want to make a big deal about having some "blacks". I remember Romney's concession speech and when the showed the crowd, there didn't seem to be any blacks there.
There is one thing very clear to me after reading the answers of the left here on this thread...the hatred shown towards black conservatives by the liberals is nothing short of shocking!

And very sad too.

There is only one "black conservative" being discussed and she was "blasting" the president. Is it some kind of secret weapon where she can say whatever she wants because she is black and it is supposedly racist to point out how bad things were when she was part of George W Bush's administration? That is just weak.

Welcome to the club!:badgrin:
warmonger - one of the most overused political catchwords of the last decade.

Did you forget she worked for the Great Bush War Machine?

Yeah but she is so "admirable". Why do you want to spoil the party? Nobody cares if people's children and grand parent's got blown up or burn alive right before their eyes. That isn't important. What is important is that "Condi" plays the "piano" and speaks "languages". She is so fucking wonderful. America would be such a great place if George W Bush could have just stayed in power because then we would still have "Condi" and Dick Cheney and advising our president and we could all sleep so much better.

Oh quit with the crying. Not one mention of what Saddam did. Not one word from you regarding both Dems & Reps all voted on both actions. Not one word that Afghanistan had pretty much all industrialized nations support. No, Bush, Rice, et al are the big boogie man. Grow up why don't you and take your faux outrage somewhere else. All 2 of ya.
There is one thing very clear to me after reading the answers of the left here on this thread...the hatred shown towards black conservatives by the liberals is nothing short of shocking!

And very sad too.

There goes that brilliant argument again!

Der de der der der.......

Do you think we'd love Condi Rice if she was white? Like we love Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan. You know, those white conservatives who are universally loved by liberals!

You present as an idiot lacking thinking skills.
If we show strength and Putin instead attacks a Nato state. History shows that this is quite possible, so her opinion could kill millions.

Strange, but when we did show strength, Putin never attacked any NATO countries. How do you explain that? How do you explain the fact that neither Russia, nor China, has made any moves to take Japanese islands in the Sea of Japan, that they claim are theirs? Do you think they are afraid of a war with Japan?

Do you left wingers ever do any real thinking on these subjects, or do you just regurgitate the party line and call people warmongers?

Neither Russia, nor China have any desire to take on the USA, head to head in a shooting war. They would lose, and they know it? They still remember WWII. However, once Obama finishes reducing our military back to pre WWII levels, one or both might decide that the outcome would be different.
She's great. But she fucked up when she was Sec. of State. You can admire her.....but you ought not ignore her incredible incompetence and failures.

How did she allegedly "fuck up"?

OK....let me double check. You are asking me to explain how Condi Rice fucked up?

Yes I am; keep in mind that I am totally against her foreign policy ideology. I just don't see how she "fucked up", she was following orders and supporting her administration; rightly or wrongly. I am disappointed that she is entrenched in that ideology, because I respect her for her accomplishments and I do think barring her foreign policy, she is a reasonable person who does want to do good for the world.
Oh my Lord!

How the poison of Liberalism drips......

How did she allegedly "fuck up"?

OK....let me double check. You are asking me to explain how Condi Rice fucked up?

Yes I am; keep in mind that I am totally against her foreign policy ideology. I just don't see how she "fucked up", she was following orders and supporting her administration; rightly or wrongly. I am disappointed that she is entrenched in that ideology, because I respect her for her accomplishments and I do think barring her foreign policy, she is a reasonable person who does want to do good for the world.

Her fuck up was being entrenched in that ideology. It caused her to lie to the American people in the build up to war. That is a fuck up. A big fuck up.
If we show strength and Putin instead attacks a Nato state. History shows that this is quite possible, so her opinion could kill millions.

Strange, but when we did show strength, Putin never attacked any NATO countries. How do you explain that? How do you explain the fact that neither Russia, nor China, has made any moves to take Japanese islands in the Sea of Japan, that they claim are theirs? Do you think they are afraid of a war with Japan?

Do you left wingers ever do any real thinking on these subjects, or do you just regurgitate the party line and call people warmongers?

Neither Russia, nor China have any desire to take on the USA, head to head in a shooting war. They would lose, and they know it? They still remember WWII. However, once Obama finishes reducing our military back to pre WWII levels, one or both might decide that the outcome would be different.
What NATO country has Russia attacked recently?
How did she allegedly "fuck up"?

OK....let me double check. You are asking me to explain how Condi Rice fucked up?

Yes I am; keep in mind that I am totally against her foreign policy ideology. I just don't see how she "fucked up", she was following orders and supporting her administration; rightly or wrongly. I am disappointed that she is entrenched in that ideology, because I respect her for her accomplishments and I do think barring her foreign policy, she is a reasonable person who does want to do good for the world.

Wow, that is some cold shit there. Foreign policy was her job. She was the Secretary of State during the Iraq invasion:

United States Secretary of State - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Secretary of State is a senior official of the federal government of the United States of America heading the U.S. Department of State, principally concerned with foreign affairs and is considered to be the U.S. government's equivalent of a Minister for Foreign Affairs.[1][2]

I've long been a staunch admirer of hers. I read Condi, the biography. What an accomplished adult parents can rear when they devote their lives to their children, through role-modeling and determination. Condoleezza Rice was a success in many endeavors all of her life. She started piano very young and was classically trained. Her first name, Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness".

Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama, the only child of Angelena (née Ray) Rice, a high school science, music, and oratory teacher, and John Wesley Rice, Jr., a high school guidance counselor and Presbyterian minister. Her name, Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness". Rice has roots in the American South going back to the pre-Civil War era, and some of her ancestors worked as sharecroppers for a time after emancipation. Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots that she is of 51% African, 40% European and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent, while her mtDNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon. Rice grew up in the Titusville neighborhood of Birmingham, and then Tuscaloosa, Alabama, at a time when the South was racially segregated.

Rice began to learn French, music, figure skating and ballet at the age of three.[10] At the age of fifteen, she began piano classes with the goal of becoming a concert pianist.

While Rice ultimately did not become a professional pianist, she still practices often and plays with a chamber music group. She accompanied cellist Yo-Yo Ma playing Brahms's Violin Sonata in D Minor at Constitution Hall in April 2002 for the National Medal of Arts Awards.

much more at link

Condi apparently was the first African-American woman to serve as National Security Adviser...hers is indeed a very interesting life!Thank you for that AquaAthena! :)
OK....let me double check. You are asking me to explain how Condi Rice fucked up?

Yes I am; keep in mind that I am totally against her foreign policy ideology. I just don't see how she "fucked up", she was following orders and supporting her administration; rightly or wrongly. I am disappointed that she is entrenched in that ideology, because I respect her for her accomplishments and I do think barring her foreign policy, she is a reasonable person who does want to do good for the world.

Wow, that is some cold shit there. Foreign policy was her job. She was the Secretary of State during the Iraq invasion:

United States Secretary of State - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Secretary of State is a senior official of the federal government of the United States of America heading the U.S. Department of State, principally concerned with foreign affairs and is considered to be the U.S. government's equivalent of a Minister for Foreign Affairs.[1][2]

But nothing about War is part of their responsibility. Look, I've said it before on this thread that I am against her foreign policy ideology, but I do think that her position (as well as other SOS's) is that of a mouth piece and pawn for the decision makers.

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