Condi Rice Blasts Obama on Weakness, Leadership

I've long been a staunch admirer of hers. I read Condi, the biography. What an accomplished adult parents can rear when they devote their lives to their children, through role-modeling and determination. Condoleezza Rice was a success in many endeavors all of her life. She started piano very young and was classically trained. Her first name, Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness".

Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama, the only child of Angelena (née Ray) Rice, a high school science, music, and oratory teacher, and John Wesley Rice, Jr., a high school guidance counselor and Presbyterian minister. Her name, Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness". Rice has roots in the American South going back to the pre-Civil War era, and some of her ancestors worked as sharecroppers for a time after emancipation. Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots that she is of 51% African, 40% European and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent, while her mtDNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon. Rice grew up in the Titusville neighborhood of Birmingham, and then Tuscaloosa, Alabama, at a time when the South was racially segregated.

Rice began to learn French, music, figure skating and ballet at the age of three.[10] At the age of fifteen, she began piano classes with the goal of becoming a concert pianist.

While Rice ultimately did not become a professional pianist, she still practices often and plays with a chamber music group. She accompanied cellist Yo-Yo Ma playing Brahms's Violin Sonata in D Minor at Constitution Hall in April 2002 for the National Medal of Arts Awards.

much more at link

Condi apparently was the first African-American woman to serve as National Security Adviser...hers is indeed a very interesting life!Thank you for that AquaAthena! :)

If you saw one of your family members burned alive or getting a part of their body blown off during the Iraq war, then would you still feel the same way? Would you call it "very interesting" ?
Rice is smart, disciplined, hard-working and the model of an inspiring modern American. She personifies the American Dream. She is living inspiration for a young person trying to accomplish great work no matter what the barriers. And in Rice’s generation there were some serious barriers starting with her race and gender.

Her life is more than interesting. her life is ground breaking!
Rice is smart, disciplined, hard-working and the model of an inspiring modern American. She personifies the American Dream. She is living inspiration for a young person trying to accomplish great work no matter what the barriers. And in Rice’s generation there were some serious barriers starting with her race and gender.

Her life is more than interesting. her life is ground breaking!

This is very accurate and not overstated. While I may not agree with her stance on all issues, I respect what she has done and accomplished in her life.
Rice is smart, disciplined, hard-working and the model of an inspiring modern American. She personifies the American Dream. She is living inspiration for a young person trying to accomplish great work no matter what the barriers. And in Rice’s generation there were some serious barriers starting with her race and gender.

Her life is more than interesting. her life is ground breaking!

I find what she has done and stood for to be repulsive. They had to break a lot of ground to bury all of the people that died in Iraq. There is no way to quantitatively measure human suffering but if there was, then the chicken-hawks could really have something to brag about.
Rice is smart, disciplined, hard-working and the model of an inspiring modern American. She personifies the American Dream. She is living inspiration for a young person trying to accomplish great work no matter what the barriers. And in Rice’s generation there were some serious barriers starting with her race and gender.

Her life is more than interesting. her life is ground breaking!

I find what she has done and stood for to be repulsive. They had to break a lot of ground to bury all of the people that died in Iraq. There is no way to quantitatively measure human suffering but if there was, then the chicken-hawks could really have something to brag about.

To each his /her own.

I find what Hillary Clinton did or rather did not do to protect those 4 Americans who died in Benghazi abhorrent!

I've long been a staunch admirer of hers. I read Condi, the biography. What an accomplished adult parents can rear when they devote their lives to their children, through role-modeling and determination. Condoleezza Rice was a success in many endeavors all of her life. She started piano very young and was classically trained. Her first name, Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness".

Condoleezza Rice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama, the only child of Angelena (née Ray) Rice, a high school science, music, and oratory teacher, and John Wesley Rice, Jr., a high school guidance counselor and Presbyterian minister. Her name, Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness". Rice has roots in the American South going back to the pre-Civil War era, and some of her ancestors worked as sharecroppers for a time after emancipation. Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots that she is of 51% African, 40% European and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent, while her mtDNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon. Rice grew up in the Titusville neighborhood of Birmingham, and then Tuscaloosa, Alabama, at a time when the South was racially segregated.

Rice began to learn French, music, figure skating and ballet at the age of three.[10] At the age of fifteen, she began piano classes with the goal of becoming a concert pianist.

While Rice ultimately did not become a professional pianist, she still practices often and plays with a chamber music group. She accompanied cellist Yo-Yo Ma playing Brahms's Violin Sonata in D Minor at Constitution Hall in April 2002 for the National Medal of Arts Awards.

much more at link

This is not that performance, but still... :eusa_clap:

Rice is smart, disciplined, hard-working and the model of an inspiring modern American. She personifies the American Dream. She is living inspiration for a young person trying to accomplish great work no matter what the barriers. And in Rice’s generation there were some serious barriers starting with her race and gender.

Her life is more than interesting. her life is ground breaking!

I find what she has done and stood for to be repulsive. They had to break a lot of ground to bury all of the people that died in Iraq. There is no way to quantitatively measure human suffering but if there was, then the chicken-hawks could really have something to brag about.

To each his /her own.

I find what Hillary Clinton did or rather did not do to protect those 4 Americans who died in Benghazi abhorrent!

Over 4,000 Americans died in Iraq. That makes what the Bush Administration 1,000 times worse if you really care about Americans who have died.

There is no living group of individuals who have done more to undermine these sorts of crucial values than those who worked in the Bush Jr. White House. Truth in government, due process in the Justice System, personal protection from official spying, regulating economic greed and corruption, and a general respect for the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, you name it and they managed to trash it.

And, of course, Condoleezza Rice was there throughout the entire eight-year assault on those sorts of values. Not surprisingly, in her Charlotte address Rice avoided these topics and instead focused on the value found in equal opportunity.

“The idea that you can come from humble circumstances and also do great things” seems to her beyond the reach of today’s American youth, which is one of the ways America has “gone bad.” Ms. Rice seemed to be suggesting that she is one of the last to be able to make this leap, coming as she did “from segregated Birmingham to the highest reaches of government.”
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This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider

Is that an American poll or international poll?

"Americans disapprove of how President Barack Obama" see the link

Then it's not relevant to what we were discussing...
Is that an American poll or international poll?

"Americans disapprove of how President Barack Obama" see the link

Then it's not relevant to what we were discussing...

Of course it is...

1) She didn't blast him at all
2) She wants America to continue on its war-mongering ways - who'd a thunk!
3) One thing I do agree with, she would certainly make it interesting if she ran for the WH

Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

So the more people die the worse the President is?

then Roosevelt must be a monster in your eyes!

is that how your mind works? you are so wrong I can not even begin to tell you!
"Americans disapprove of how President Barack Obama" see the link

Then it's not relevant to what we were discussing...

Of course it is...

1) She didn't blast him at all
2) She wants America to continue on its war-mongering ways - who'd a thunk!
3) One thing I do agree with, she would certainly make it interesting if she ran for the WH

Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

How Americans see themselves perceived overseas is irrelevant to how they are actually are perceived. 99.9% of Americans could think that the rest of the world see them as weak. So what? It only matters if the rest of the world ACTUALLY think that. Thus the survey is meaningless...

So the more people die the worse the President is?

then Roosevelt must be a monster in your eyes!

is that how your mind works? you are so wrong I can not even begin to tell you!

Me the one who is wrong?.....:(

So the more people die the worse the President is?

then Roosevelt must be a monster in your eyes!

is that how your mind works? you are so wrong I can not even begin to tell you!

So Roosevelt started WWII? Who knew..

BTW, I think Blues etc were missing your point. I think you were saying that the lefties bring up race almost straight away when Obama is criticised, whereas righties rarely do when Condi or Powell are mentioned. I think that true to a degree...
Then it's not relevant to what we were discussing...

Of course it is...

Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

How Americans see themselves perceived overseas is irrelevant to how they are actually are perceived. 99.9% of Americans could think that the rest of the world see them as weak. So what? It only matters if the rest of the world ACTUALLY think that. Thus the survey is meaningless...

Try again....all information is taken into account and given a weight as to the influence. I read. Unless you are suggesting that no one outside of the Unites States has had access to this or even the foreigners in the US did not have access to this information.
Try again....all information is taken into account and given a weight as to the influence. I read. Unless you are suggesting that no one outside of the Unites States has had access to this or even the foreigners in the US did not have access to this information.

I think you're the one that needs to try again. Let me get this straight, as an example: you interview 1000 Yanks and 99 percent of them say that the rest of the world think the US is weak. You then interview 1000 foreigners and 99 per cent of them say that the US is strong and gives them the shits and it's like poking a bear with a sore head if you piss them off. Yet your conclusion is that the rest of the world thinks the US is weak??

Try reading what you're saying. I'll restate - it is irrelevant how Americans see America as to whether it is weak or not. The survey was American. It only matters if the rest of the world ACTUALLY think that. And the vast majority of us don't. Trust me...
Try again....all information is taken into account and given a weight as to the influence. I read. Unless you are suggesting that no one outside of the Unites States has had access to this or even the foreigners in the US did not have access to this information.

I think you're the one that needs to try again. Let me get this straight, as an example: you interview 1000 Yanks and 99 percent of them say that the rest of the world think the US is weak. You then interview 1000 foreigners and 99 per cent of them say that the US is strong and gives them the shits and it's like poking a bear with a sore head if you piss them off. Yet your conclusion is that the rest of the world thinks the US is weak??

Try reading what you're saying. I'll restate - it is irrelevant how Americans see America as to whether it is weak or not. The survey was American. It only matters if the rest of the world ACTUALLY think that. And the vast majority of us don't. Trust me...

First show that report all I have read is that you think the US is strong. Beyond that because you deem it of no value does not make it so.

So the more people die the worse the President is?

then Roosevelt must be a monster in your eyes!

is that how your mind works? you are so wrong I can not even begin to tell you!

During WW2, the presidential quote was "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

During the lead up to the invasion of Iraq the cowardly message from the white house was "be afraid". "Code Orange"... "Code Yellow"... that was all just bullshit to scare and control.

Roosevelt didn't lie to the American Public and enter into a war of choice. Also, in WW2, there was much better advance planning for the post war. In Iraq, the planning during and after the war was dismal. The Bush Administration was clueless. They promised "parades" as a reaction but when they got there and took out the government, it became a lawless place and the only thing we protected was the oil fields. We didn't even protect the munitions supplies and the ammunition fell in to the hands of what turned out to be the resistance after the Bush admin made the decision to fire all of the Iraqi military and create a huge pool of unemployed and pissed of professional soldiers.

Also, the Bush administration promoted torture in the name of liberty. How stupid is that? Torturing to preserve freedom. It was a low point in American History.
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^^^^ I've had enough of you

all the best cheerio.

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