Condi Rice Blasts Obama on Weakness, Leadership

If Obama was acting the way this endless parade of clowns are implying he should be acting,

the same exact crowd would be attacking him for being recklessly belligerent and risking us getting into an all out war with Russia.

condi? Isn't she the one who met and worked with Muammar Gaddafi, when bush re established diplomatic ties with Libya?

U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice poses with Muammar Gaddafi before a meeting in Tripoli in September 2008.


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If Obama was acting the way this endless parade of clowns are implying he should be acting,

the same exact crowd would be attacking him for being recklessly belligerent and risking us getting into an all out war with Russia.

This would probably NOT have happened if we had a sitting president that is admired for strength AND a bit of fear just from respect. He has neither. He is just a smooth talking car salesman and everyone knows it now. Those who voted him in can see the mistake they made...(speaking from experience here)...and the rest of the world sees him the same way. Because if they didn't see him as weak, this would not be happening.
Imagine this shit going down with Kennedy in office. It wouldn't. Putin would have thought twice.

We are fucked for 3 more years. If we last that long.
1) She didn't blast him at all
2) She wants America to continue on its war-mongering ways - who'd a thunk!
3) One thing I do agree with, she would certainly make it interesting if she ran for the WH

Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

Says who? I think you are still a strong country. I like it that you interfere less in others affairs...

This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider
I am curious to see how this would play out with condi vs russia since she is an expert on the nation.
That's what I mean.

Not one cs, traitor rw, not one R politician can come up with even one constructive suggestion.

Please explain, on other than religious grounds, why you feel the idea is not constructive?

(Liberalism IS a religion....of sorts)

I thought that many "conservatives" claim that Liberals are Secular Humanists, so how can Liberalism be a religion?
Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

Says who? I think you are still a strong country. I like it that you interfere less in others affairs...

This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider

Any time now, expect leftists question the validity of Business Insider.
Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

Says who? I think you are still a strong country. I like it that you interfere less in others affairs...

This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider

Wow! That proves it! America is seen as weak the world over! We are going to be attacked any day now. Any number of nations could just walk all over us!
She could have done something, like resign in protest, when Halliburton (Big Dick) & William Kristol (PNAC & now Fox News) were being pro-war cheer leaders. We all see how that worked out.
Read it..more neocon stump speeches...where she wants to spend more on military and blames obama for AQ returing to iraq (they never left moron).
She qants us to be a world police and leader....that costs a lot of money.the rest pf her speech was just jerk off material for neocons....sad that she is doing this.
That's what I mean.

Not one cs, traitor rw, not one R politician can come up with even one constructive suggestion.

Please explain, on other than religious grounds, why you feel the idea is not constructive?

(Liberalism IS a religion....of sorts)

I thought that many "conservatives" claim that Liberals are Secular Humanists, so how can Liberalism be a religion?
Because henry uses twisted logic.
If he were respected, he wouldn't be in this position. The world laughs at him. We are no longer the USA we were.

what position?

I'd say we're in a better position not rushing blindly into long & costly conflicts w/ dubious outcomes. What are your foreign policy bona fides anyway???
She's great. But she fucked up when she was Sec. of State. You can admire her.....but you ought not ignore her incredible incompetence and failures.

How did she allegedly "fuck up"?

Good question. To bad we can't ask all the "allegedly" dead people who died in the Iraq war. Maybe we could send a video of her playing piano to all the families of the people who died in Iraq. That would be so "admirable".

Did she issue orders for the Iraq invasion?
Says who? I think you are still a strong country. I like it that you interfere less in others affairs...

This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider

Any time now, expect leftists question the validity of Business Insider.

Business Insider's Editor, Henry Blodget, a Yale graduate who previously worked on Wall Street, then was fined $2,000,000 as part of a civil suit for fraud, and another $2,000,000 in disgorgement, and being censured and barred from the securities industry by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Business Insider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But I don't care and I have used Business Insider myself as a resource. :D But being you asked,,,,,,!:lol:
If he were respected, he wouldn't be in this position. The world laughs at him. We are no longer the USA we were.

Totally untrue. I am in the outside world, and you are a lot more liked by those that count - a lot more - than you were under Bush.

FYI - Russia and Libya are in the 'don't count' column. Nothing but shit hole countries with shithead leaders...
Dr., the man just keeps on pulling the rug out from under the American people. We are not perceived as the strong country that we once were. This speaks to Obama's foreign policy, in part.

Says who? I think you are still a strong country. I like it that you interfere less in others affairs...

This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider

Is that an American poll or international poll?
Says who? I think you are still a strong country. I like it that you interfere less in others affairs...

This poll illustrates how Obama's foreign policy is viewed.

"According to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, 46% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the Ukrainian crisis, while just 38% approve. Perhaps more importantly, 43% of respondents to the poll said they think the nation's image has gotten worse under Obama and only 32% said it has gotten better.

This is an incredible 59-point shift from when Obama first came into office. In July 2009, six months into his presidency, 60% of respondents in the poll said America's image had improved. At that time, only 12% said it had gotten worse."


Poll: Obama Foreign Policy Approval Rating Plunges - Business Insider

Is that an American poll or international poll?

"Americans disapprove of how President Barack Obama" see the link

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