Condell: The Great Palestinian Lie

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
[ame=]The great Palestinian lie - YouTube[/ame]

Condel is a ridiculous ignoramus..

By 1920... there were many Jewish immigrants in Palestine.. They were escaping the progroms and ghettos of Europe.

They were Bolshevics and Socialists... They were barelegged and bare armed.. they believed in Free Love... all of that was very offensive and insulting to the existing Arab culture.. That included Arab Jews, Muslims and Christians.

They told the Arabs that Britain was going to give them the land and that the Arabs would work for them as their slaves.

They marched and demonstrated against each other in the streets and talked endlessly about Lenin and Marx...neither of which the Arabs had ever heard of.

And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture.

They got off to a very bad start.. and things deteriorated from there.
Condel is a ridiculous ignoramus..
And YOU are what exactly?

Sharona said:
By 1920... there were many Jewish immigrants in Palestine.. They were escaping the progroms and ghettos of Europe.
There were also many Arab immigrants in 'palestine'

Sharona said:
They were Bolshevics and Socialists... They were barelegged and bare armed.. they believed in Free Love... all of that was very offensive and insulting to the existing Arab culture.. That included Arab Jews, Muslims and Christians.
"Free love" :^)
LOL, you Freak.

Sharona said:
They told the Arabs that Britain was going to give them the land and that the Arabs would work for them as their slaves.
A Ridiculous LIE.
We both know your problem with pulling this type of Outrageous Crap from your crazy derriere.

And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture.

They got off to a very bad start.. and things deteriorated from there.
Jews were the largest component of the population in places Like Jerusalem since app 1840.

abu afak/mbig ... YUP, it's me who always Porks your wacky/outrageous LIES.
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And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture..

The rest of your post is pure garbage, but I selected this line to comment on; when are you going to start protesting the millions of mexicans illegally storming into the US, the black africans illegally storming into Europe via Italy and Greece, the Chinese illegally storming into eastern russia, etc.

You seem to have a problem with immigration, so when are you going to complain about those actions?

Oh that's right, you won't - because there's no jews involved.... :cuckoo: You seem rather....mentally ill.
And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture..

The rest of your post is pure garbage, but I selected this line to comment on; when are you going to start protesting the millions of mexicans illegally storming into the US, the black africans illegally storming into Europe via Italy and Greece, the Chinese illegally storming into eastern russia, etc.

You seem to have a problem with immigration, so when are you going to complain about those actions?

Oh that's right, you won't - because there's no jews involved.... :cuckoo: You seem rather....mentally ill.

The poster sharrona reminds me of another poster from another board who used the name sha, he used to get ripped a new one everytime he posted his Islamic LIES. In this case the filistans have increased 10 fold so hardly a problem having 250,000 Jews coming into Isreal to live on Israeli soil. I would have thought the massive increase in muslims on barren soil would be stretching the resources by now.
Condell III
Israel and the UN

[ame=]Israel and the United Nations - YouTube[/ame]

On second thought, why not expand my response....

They told the Arabs that Britain was going to give them the land and that the Arabs would work for them as their slaves.

Really idiot? Where did they say that? Show us the proof.

They marched and demonstrated against each other in the streets and talked endlessly about Lenin and Marx...neither of which the Arabs had ever heard of.

So why are so many arab nations and leaders claiming to be marxist/socialist? Did the jews magically brainwash them, you chimp?

And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture.

Yeah, unlike all other humans, jews are not allowed to move to another area - and what "existing culture" was there? There was no country at the time, it was an ottoman province.

Since you seem to dislike immigration, how long have you been protesting mexicans/south americans/chinese/koreans moving into the US, changing that culture? Oh that's right - no jews involved, so no complaints to be made there... :eusa_whistle: You're a worthless chimp.

They got off to a very bad start.. and things deteriorated from there.

So funny how stupid people are with claims like this; when a rational human looks at places like afghanistan, iraq, iran, egypt, and a dozen other places across the mideast, africa and asia and sees endless wars, terrorism, violence and minority oppression, they realize that even if israel was never even created these areas would be aflame. But that is obvious to the rational and intelligent, of which you are neither.
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Condell continues; pointing out Western Hypocrisy on the Palestinkians:

[ame=]Patronising the Palestinians - YouTube[/ame]
Condell continues; pointing out Western Hypocrisy on the Palestinkians:

Patronising the Palestinians - YouTube

It seems that so many have fallen for this lie, but there are those who write the truth.

Palestinian Myths

Palestine is a Geographical Area, Not a Nationality

By the way, they must have had a good laugh over at the State Department when the Palestinians came into being. As a retired State Department employee once posted:

Sure there was a Palestine. It was invented in the 1960s in a conference room at 1 Lubyanka, Dzershinsky Place, Red Square, Moscow, CCCP. It came complete with a "Palestinian people" too. In fact, its legacy leader was trained east of Moscow at the legendary Balashikha special-ops school.
Condel is a ridiculous ignoramus..

By 1920... there were many Jewish immigrants in Palestine.. They were escaping the progroms and ghettos of Europe.

They were Bolshevics and Socialists... They were barelegged and bare armed.. they believed in Free Love... all of that was very offensive and insulting to the existing Arab culture.. That included Arab Jews, Muslims and Christians.

They told the Arabs that Britain was going to give them the land and that the Arabs would work for them as their slaves.

They marched and demonstrated against each other in the streets and talked endlessly about Lenin and Marx...neither of which the Arabs had ever heard of.

And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture.

They got off to a very bad start.. and things deteriorated from there.
Becacse he tells the truth, Condell is an ignoramus? You should be a judge on Ayrab Idol.
Condel is a ridiculous ignoramus..

By 1920... there were many Jewish immigrants in Palestine.. They were escaping the progroms and ghettos of Europe.

They were Bolshevics and Socialists... They were barelegged and bare armed.. they believed in Free Love... all of that was very offensive and insulting to the existing Arab culture.. That included Arab Jews, Muslims and Christians.

They told the Arabs that Britain was going to give them the land and that the Arabs would work for them as their slaves.

They marched and demonstrated against each other in the streets and talked endlessly about Lenin and Marx...neither of which the Arabs had ever heard of.

And, they kept coming .. more and more European Jews in a frontal assault against the existing culture.

They got off to a very bad start.. and things deteriorated from there.
Becacse he tells the truth, Condell is an ignoramus? You should be a judge on Ayrab Idol.

I think the one here who is the ignoranous is Shaarona. Miss Know-it-all just throws stuff out without any back-up. Say, maybe Shaarona is projecting and wishes that she had had free love all across the Middle East while half naked with Arabs who all looked like Omar Sharif.
Condell, a bogus, phony, zionist saying that the native tribes of Palestine are bogus and phony. Condell said the MSM is anti-zionist regime. :cuckoo: The bogus and phony factor of the middle east is the Old Testament Yahweh cult which was based on race, and the bizarre New Testament cults, also based on race. But there is really no evidence of any of the Biblical activity. So zionism is a mental illness, and a profitable one.
Condell, a bogus, phony, zionist saying that the native tribes of Palestine are bogus and phony. Condell said the MSM is anti-zionist regime. :cuckoo: The bogus and phony factor of the middle east is the Old Testament Yahweh cult which was based on race, and the bizarre New Testament cults, also based on race. But there is really no evidence of any of the Biblical activity. So zionism is a mental illness, and a profitable one.
Condell a Zionist?

Oh, and Adolph... what IS a 'Zionist'?
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Condell, a bogus, phony, zionist saying that the native tribes of Palestine are bogus and phony. Condell said the MSM is anti-zionist regime. :cuckoo: The bogus and phony factor of the middle east is the Old Testament Yahweh cult which was based on race, and the bizarre New Testament cults, also based on race. But there is really no evidence of any of the Biblical activity. So zionism is a mental illness, and a profitable one.

So everyone who doesn't kiss Palestinian ass is a Zionist? LOL

You're an idiot. Do you ever post anything informative or are all your posts so hateful ?
Condell, a bogus, phony, zionist saying that the native tribes of Palestine are bogus and phony. Condell said the MSM is anti-zionist regime. :cuckoo: The bogus and phony factor of the middle east is the Old Testament Yahweh cult which was based on race, and the bizarre New Testament cults, also based on race. But there is really no evidence of any of the Biblical activity. So zionism is a mental illness, and a profitable one.

So everyone who doesn't kiss Palestinian ass is a Zionist? LOL

You're an idiot. Do you ever post anything informative or are all your posts so hateful ?

Just IMMATURE NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED, if faced by a real person he would kick his feet and look at the floor sheepishly

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