Communist Party And Civil Rights


May 23, 2014
Hidden from history Communists and civil rights peoplesworld
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Jim Crow Stories . Communist Party USA PBS
How Communism Brought Racial Equality To The South NPR
It is historical fact that the Communist Party affiliates around the world were controlled by the Comintern, which was controlled by the Supreme Soviet in order to export communist revolution around the globe in an effort to have a a one world Marxist government. (Although the true aim of Marx was no government) History of the Communist International
It is also fact that the Communist Party USA helped found the NAACP as a tool in the move to foment revolution in the United States. JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
So why are there those who deny the connection or try to dismiss it as a ploy be men like J.Edgar Hoover to discredit Civil Rights Movement...when in fact the connection between communism and civil rights was both very strong and very real. fact the connection between communism and civil rights was both very strong and very real.

Somebody call the Spooky Hollows Lunatic Asylum, quick! One of their inmates escaped and he's back on the keyboard again! These online political forums have existed for over 20 years now. Where are the communists? I don't mean all these nattering Western faux communists. I mean, where are the billion+ people on this planet who live under the yoke of communist dictatorships? Why aren't their voices online? Hey President Obama! Fuck You!! See, I can do that here. Try doing that in any communist polity where the government murdered its way into power. Communism and civil rights. You're out of your f***ing mind.
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Communism and civil rights. You're out of your f***ing mind.

Let me guess. You're totally ignorant about this topic, you didn't click on one link he provided, but you felt that your opinion was worthy of sharing. Am I right? You don't jack about this:

The Sixth Congress of the Comintern held in 1928 changed the party's policy drastically; it claimed that blacks in the United States were a separate national group and that black farmers in the South were an incipient revolutionary force. The Comintern therefore ordered the party to press the demand for a separate nation for blacks within the so-called "Black Belt", a swath of counties with a majority black population extending from eastern Virginia and the Carolinas through central Georgia, Alabama, the delta regions of Mississippi and Louisiana and the coastal areas of Texas. The party leadership, deeply divided into rival factions, each eager to show its fealty to the Comintern's understanding of conditions in the United States, complied. . .

The party sent organizers to the Deep South for the first time in the late 1920s. The party focused its efforts, for the most part, on very concrete issues: organization of miners, steelworkers and tenant farmers, utility shutoffs, evictions, jobs, unemployment benefits, lynchings, and the pervasive system of Jim Crow.

The party's attempt to organize sharecroppers in Camp Hill, Alabama in 1931 provoked a violent response from vigilantes, who murdered one leader of the group, and local authorities, who put those farmers who had tried to fight off the mob on trial for murder. Attorneys with the International Labor Defense succeeded in having the charges dropped against all of the defendants.
What are you going to tell us next, that Communists had no part to play with Labor Unions in the US?
Exactly, to cause civil unrest in the United States and overthrow the government of the new capitalist power in the world.
="Rikurzhen, post: 9852209, member: 50157"
Let me guess. You're totally ignorant about this topic...blah, blah, blah.

I spent some time shooting communists. Doesn't that get me a few chits in the "life experience" piggy bank? In fact it was probably the most socially redeeming activity in which I've ever engaged. Communists and labor unions. Now there's a fucking laugh. Tell us about Lenin's, Stalin's, Mao's, Che's, Castro's, and Pol Pot's "labor unions". Or tell us about labor unions in any other polity where communism ever murdered its way into power.

"Communism & civil rights". That'd be an even a bigger fucking laugh than "communism & labor unions" if it weren't so completely insidious. Gulags and internal passports. Executions by the tens of millions. Slavery. Rule by terror. Dissolution of family & religion. Dissolution of political opposition. Dissolution of democracy. Dissolution of the ballot box. Dissolution of life, liberty, and happiness. That's the "human rights" legacy of communism.

"Oh but no!" says Rikurzhen. "Not in America. Not if we communists prevailed here. It'd be a warmer, sweeter, nicer, puppy and kitty kind of communism. It'd'd be...well, it be a worker's paradise. That's what it'd be." fact the connection between communism and civil rights was both very strong and very real.

Somebody call the Spooky Hollows Lunatic Asylum, quick! One of their inmates escaped and he's back on the keyboard again! These online political forums have existed for over 20 years now. Where are the communists? I don't mean all these nattering Western faux communists. I mean, where are the billion+ people on this planet who live under the yoke of communist dictatorships? Why aren't their voices online? Hey President Obama! Fuck You!! See, I can do that here. Try doing that in any communist polity where the government murdered its way into power. Communism and civil rights. You're out of your f***ing mind.
You are a typical head in the sand liberal. Read the info I posted? I even used...for the sake of you liberals...a post from PBS and another from NPR Morning Edition.
="Rikurzhen, post: 9852209, member: 50157"
Let me guess. You're totally ignorant about this topic...blah, blah, blah.

I spent some time shooting communists. Doesn't that get me a few chits in the "life experience" piggy bank? In fact it was probably the most socially redeeming activity in which I've ever engaged. Communists and labor unions. Now there's a fucking laugh. Tell us about Lenin's, Stalin's, Mao's, Che's, Castro's, and Pol Pot's "labor unions". Or tell us about labor unions in any other polity where communism ever murdered its way into power.

"Communism & civil rights". That'd be an even a bigger fucking laugh than "communism & labor unions" if it weren't so completely insidious. Gulags and internal passports. Executions by the tens of millions. Slavery. Rule by terror. Dissolution of family & religion. Dissolution of political opposition. Dissolution of democracy. Dissolution of the ballot box. Dissolution of life, liberty, and happiness. That's the "human rights" legacy of communism.

"Oh but no!" says Rikurzhen. "Not in America. Not if we communists prevailed here. It'd be a warmer, sweeter, nicer, puppy and kitty kind of communism. It'd'd be...well, it be a worker's paradise. That's what it'd be."
I'm posting this just for you, because you did shoot communist, apparently you did not know "who" or "what" you were shooting.
Communist Party of the United States of America CPUSA political party United States -- Encyclopedia Britannica
How Communism Brought Racial Equality To The South NPR fact the connection between communism and civil rights was both very strong and very real.

Somebody call the Spooky Hollows Lunatic Asylum, quick! One of their inmates escaped and he's back on the keyboard again! These online political forums have existed for over 20 years now. Where are the communists? I don't mean all these nattering Western faux communists. I mean, where are the billion+ people on this planet who live under the yoke of communist dictatorships? Why aren't their voices online? Hey President Obama! Fuck You!! See, I can do that here. Try doing that in any communist polity where the government murdered its way into power. Communism and civil rights. You're out of your f***ing mind.
You are a typical head in the sand liberal. Read the info I posted? I even used...for the sake of you liberals...a post from PBS and another from NPR Morning Edition.

Do you sleep with the light on an check for commies under the bed every night .
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="Rikurzhen, post: 9852209, member: 50157"
Let me guess. You're totally ignorant about this topic...blah, blah, blah.

I spent some time shooting communists. Doesn't that get me a few chits in the "life experience" piggy bank? In fact it was probably the most socially redeeming activity in which I've ever engaged. Communists and labor unions. Now there's a fucking laugh. Tell us about Lenin's, Stalin's, Mao's, Che's, Castro's, and Pol Pot's "labor unions". Or tell us about labor unions in any other polity where communism ever murdered its way into power.

"Communism & civil rights". That'd be an even a bigger fucking laugh than "communism & labor unions" if it weren't so completely insidious. Gulags and internal passports. Executions by the tens of millions. Slavery. Rule by terror. Dissolution of family & religion. Dissolution of political opposition. Dissolution of democracy. Dissolution of the ballot box. Dissolution of life, liberty, and happiness. That's the "human rights" legacy of communism.

"Oh but no!" says Rikurzhen. "Not in America. Not if we communists prevailed here. It'd be a warmer, sweeter, nicer, puppy and kitty kind of communism. It'd'd be...well, it be a worker's paradise. That's what it'd be."

Your reading comprehension is shot to shit. No one here is cheering on communists or patting them on the back, we're pointing out their infiltration and how they set out to do harm to America by corrupting from within. fact the connection between communism and civil rights was both very strong and very real.

Somebody call the Spooky Hollows Lunatic Asylum, quick! One of their inmates escaped and he's back on the keyboard again! These online political forums have existed for over 20 years now. Where are the communists? I don't mean all these nattering Western faux communists. I mean, where are the billion+ people on this planet who live under the yoke of communist dictatorships? Why aren't their voices online? Hey President Obama! Fuck You!! See, I can do that here. Try doing that in any communist polity where the government murdered its way into power. Communism and civil rights. You're out of your f***ing mind.
You are a typical head in the sand liberal. Read the info I posted? I even used...for the sake of you liberals...a post from PBS and another from NPR Morning Edition.

Do you sleep with the light on an check for commies under the be every night .
Care to respond to the evidence I posted, or are you too feeble of mind to say anything intelligent? This is the "History" forum, not politics.
John Birch Society nonsense interpretations revisited.

Since most of conservative America was opposed to blacks (including a good portion of liberal America), the civil rights groups took help from everyone they could, including commies and the few unionists that would help.

This is taught in American's high schools and universities.
John Birch Society nonsense interpretations revisited.

Since most of conservative America was opposed to blacks (including a good portion of liberal America), the civil rights groups took help from everyone they could, including commies and the few unionists that would help.

This is taught in American's high schools and universities.
It's fact. The civil rights movement accepted help from, what was at that time, the ISIS threat of its day.
John Birch Society nonsense interpretations revisited.

Since most of conservative America was opposed to blacks (including a good portion of liberal America), the civil rights groups took help from everyone they could, including commies and the few unionists that would help.

This is taught in American's high schools and universities.
And the communists succeeded in setting up a legal regime which attacks the human rights of Americans. That's nothing to cheer.
In fact, USSR possessed enough nukes to destroy the United States and kill every man, woman, and child. High treason. So civil rights leaders affiliated with communist were committing high treason.
John Birch Society nonsense interpretations revisited.

Since most of conservative America was opposed to blacks (including a good portion of liberal America), the civil rights groups took help from everyone they could, including commies and the few unionists that would help.

This is taught in American's high schools and universities.
It's fact. The civil rights movement accepted help from, what was at that time, the ISIS threat of its day.

Yup, they were beheading American black hating social conservatives on the white house lawn.

Question: did you oppose ( and do you) oppose the civil rights movement for all Americans to reeive due process and equal treatment under the law?
Any one who opposes the civil rights movement and its goals were anti-American and guilty of crimes against humanity.

And that is taught in school as well.
Any one who opposes the civil rights movement and its goals were anti-American and guilty of crimes against humanity.

And that is taught in school as well.
Your a nut. Crimes against humanity :blahblah:spoken like a true communist.
Any one who opposes the civil rights movement and its goals were anti-American and guilty of crimes against humanity.

And that is taught in school as well.
Anyone who opposed might very well have had good reason to do so based on the Cold War context under which the movement took place.
Spoken like a true Nazi.

Anyone who opposed the civil rights movement and claims that it was not a crime against humanity is Nazi-like in his or her understanding of human rights.

The Klan, the White Citizen Councils, the John Birch Society, and other such movements were and are hate organizations.

We see Rik and Bush, haters of minorities, hiding behind anti-communism as a shield for their conspiracy against human rights.
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