Coming Out as a Fag

I don't believe Zack is gay but he is a fag nevertheless. lol
Zack's original point got lost here. Why wouldn't a gay guy protect all that is dear to him and just suppress his "urges"? Human nature is such that we just do not have that capacity to do that over a whole life time. Denying a part of you like that is a huge struggle. I know.

I know because my brother fought it for years and years. He married his partner late last year. Took years to find a church that let him be religious and gay. Took years to feel the family was accepting enough for him to continue down the path. Took years to feel he could defend his choices to others. From the outside it looked like he had to choose living gay or death.

I have no problem with civil unions, I still do not feel marriage is an option, but I do not make the rules, so it is my brother and God on that one. I felt bad, not being more accepting, but see my BIL's family is even less accepting, so at least we make a good effort.
My father was a closeted gay man. He married my mother and fathered two children with her knowing he was gay. He became addicted to anonymous sex with men in public places. Being in the closet contributed to his mental health problems and alcoholism. Sadly, he committed suicide.

I promised myself I would live openly partly because of watching my father self-destruct.
So, you are a homo?
I think the numbers are overstated. Constant bombardment in the news, movies and message boards make it seem larger.

I swear people here talk about homos more than Out Magazine. :lol:

Cause deep down, everyone's gay ;)
Or, maybe they are "wannabes"!!??
That's nonsense. Sexuality is on a continuum. Some are strictly het or homo, and many fall in between, at least in their attractions. Not necessarily in choice of partners.

I guess this means you are not going to send me a pic of your boobs then huh?
Aww, sorry. I keep them for my wife's exclusive view.
Gross. Saggy dyke tits. Probably tattooed. Blech... Visit runs down my chin...

[this goddamn auto correct is driving me insane.... Not "visit", vommit.
Some people live for themselves
Some for others

We all make our own decisions. I'm not sure if pretending to be someone you are not is good or bad.

I think it's great if you do it for God.

But to be honest, you are lying everyday to people around you. Pretending to be someone you are not.
If you are OK with that, more power to you.

If you don't act on those impulses how are you being someone you are not?
Some people live for themselves
Some for others

We all make our own decisions. I'm not sure if pretending to be someone you are not is good or bad.

I think it's great if you do it for God.

But to be honest, you are lying everyday to people around you. Pretending to be someone you are not.
If you are OK with that, more power to you.

If you don't act on those impulses how are you being someone you are not?

I didn't say anything about "impulses" however........
I did talk about pretending to be someone you are not, and how that is a form of lying to people you are close to.
If you are married, but, really prefer to be with someone else, and stop loving your spouse, are you not living a lie?
I swear people here talk about homos more than Out Magazine. :lol:

Cause deep down, everyone's gay ;)
Or, maybe they are "wannabes"!!??
That's nonsense. Sexuality is on a continuum. Some are strictly het or homo, and many fall in between, at least in their attractions. Not necessarily in choice of partners.

I guess this means you are not going to send me a pic of your boobs then huh?
Aww, sorry. I keep them for my wife's exclusive view.
Gross. Saggy dyke tits. Probably tattooed. Blech... Visit runs down my chin...

[this goddamn auto correct is driving me insane.... Not "visit", vommit.
Gross is your mind constantly in the gutter.
Adolescence was pretty colorful. I lived in an apartment behind my dad's hair salon with his partner and my grandmother.
He'll be irreverent and offensive about SOMETHING, that is for certain.

Something along the lines of jacking off into a sock and throwing it out the window....

"Something along the lines of jacking off into a sock and throwing it out the window...."

This is why you should never stand next to windows :smoke:
I swear people here talk about homos more than Out Magazine. :lol:

Cause deep down, everyone's gay ;)
Or, maybe they are "wannabes"!!??
That's nonsense. Sexuality is on a continuum. Some are strictly het or homo, and many fall in between, at least in their attractions. Not necessarily in choice of partners.

I guess this means you are not going to send me a pic of your boobs then huh?
Aww, sorry. I keep them for my wife's exclusive view.
Gross. Saggy dyke tits. Probably tattooed. Blech... Visit runs down my chin...

[this goddamn auto correct is driving me insane.... Not "visit", vommit.

"Gross. Saggy dyke tits. Probably tattooed."

There's no picture of the boobies, so how do you know?

no-i-swear-im-not-i-think-man-gay-closet-naked-sports-demotivational-posters-1331744624 (1).jpg

I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family.

I know that this goes against the grain - the whole "be who you are" bullshit. But there was a time when the family came first and your selfish needs and desires were secondary. Today there is what could be described as an epidemic of narcissism whereby individuals will damn everything that does not further their desired ends.

I don't think I would feel differently if I was a fag either. I'd keep that shit to myself and feel like I had a duty to do so. Even if I had to act on it I would feel a duty to protect my family. After all, I have no right to impose my views and lifestyle on anyone else. I'd keep the boy toys under wraps if I had any and just tell the family that they are neighbors or some shit. For me personally, I probably would not even act on a homo desire. I would just quietly bare that burden. Why? Because I love my family and I am not a selfish, drama queen, prick.
Doth protest too much

Just put your button on no one will ask any questions.

I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family.

I know that this goes against the grain - the whole "be who you are" bullshit. But there was a time when the family came first and your selfish needs and desires were secondary. Today there is what could be described as an epidemic of narcissism whereby individuals will damn everything that does not further their desired ends.

I don't think I would feel differently if I was a fag either. I'd keep that shit to myself and feel like I had a duty to do so. Even if I had to act on it I would feel a duty to protect my family. After all, I have no right to impose my views and lifestyle on anyone else. I'd keep the boy toys under wraps if I had any and just tell the family that they are neighbors or some shit. For me personally, I probably would not even act on a homo desire. I would just quietly bare that burden. Why? Because I love my family and I am not a selfish, drama queen, prick.
Interesting. Would you break up with the opposite sex love of your life because your parents, siblings, nieces and nephews didn't think she was appropriate for you? If she was a different religion or denomination and your family or church didn't approve?

I have a very good friend who is Hispanic and he it's dating a black woman. His parents don't approve. So is he being selfish by loving her?

Is the line only at being gay? Why pick such an arbitrary point at which to limit yourself?
Insecure. Who cares who or what you have a weakness for?

everyone cares.... why wouldn't they? well the men with muscles care anyway ;)
Why are you trying to pick up men on a messageboard? I thought you were married?

Look as an effort to show my good will and sensibilities, I took my pics out of the gallery.
What more do you want from me? I should hide my stunning personality as well????
Get a clue. You don't have to hide your personality but you might wake up to how insecure you're coming across.

I'm trying my best to understand what this thread is about. Is OP closet gay or repressed gay or what?
What the op is trying to say is that he would stay in the closet to appease his family and anybody that doesn't make that same choice is selfish.
I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family.

I know that this goes against the grain - the whole "be who you are" bullshit. But there was a time when the family came first and your selfish needs and desires were secondary. Today there is what could be described as an epidemic of narcissism whereby individuals will damn everything that does not further their desired ends.

I don't think I would feel differently if I was a fag either. I'd keep that shit to myself and feel like I had a duty to do so. Even if I had to act on it I would feel a duty to protect my family. After all, I have no right to impose my views and lifestyle on anyone else. I'd keep the boy toys under wraps if I had any and just tell the family that they are neighbors or some shit. For me personally, I probably would not even act on a homo desire. I would just quietly bare that burden. Why? Because I love my family and I am not a selfish, drama queen, prick.
You're a bisexual who leans straight so your urges are weak so you can refrain.

I bet you do doggy a lot.
everyone cares.... why wouldn't they? well the men with muscles care anyway ;)
Why are you trying to pick up men on a messageboard? I thought you were married?

Look as an effort to show my good will and sensibilities, I took my pics out of the gallery.
What more do you want from me? I should hide my stunning personality as well????
Get a clue. You don't have to hide your personality but you might wake up to how insecure you're coming across.

I'm trying my best to understand what this thread is about. Is OP closet gay or repressed gay or what?
What the op is trying to say is that he would stay in the closet to appease his family and anybody that doesn't make that same choice is selfish.
To be honest I could never tell my guy friends, dad, brother or nephews if I was gay. I would just sneak around.
Why are you trying to pick up men on a messageboard? I thought you were married?

Look as an effort to show my good will and sensibilities, I took my pics out of the gallery.
What more do you want from me? I should hide my stunning personality as well????
Get a clue. You don't have to hide your personality but you might wake up to how insecure you're coming across.

I'm trying my best to understand what this thread is about. Is OP closet gay or repressed gay or what?
What the op is trying to say is that he would stay in the closet to appease his family and anybody that doesn't make that same choice is selfish.
To be honest I could never tell my guy friends, dad, brother or nephews if I was gay. I would just sneak around.
That really eats at you. I think the only reason people come out is because they can't stand lying any more.
Why are you trying to pick up men on a messageboard? I thought you were married?

Look as an effort to show my good will and sensibilities, I took my pics out of the gallery.
What more do you want from me? I should hide my stunning personality as well????
Get a clue. You don't have to hide your personality but you might wake up to how insecure you're coming across.

I'm trying my best to understand what this thread is about. Is OP closet gay or repressed gay or what?
What the op is trying to say is that he would stay in the closet to appease his family and anybody that doesn't make that same choice is selfish.
To be honest I could never tell my guy friends, dad, brother or nephews if I was gay. I would just sneak around.
Of course you wouldn't. Part of the fag agenda is to divide and disrupt; to destroy the traditional family. That is pure leftist cancer - destruction of traditional institutions.

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