Comer Drops $5 Million Biden Bribe Bombshell in Letter Threatening Wray with Contempt Over Subpoenaed FBI Whistleblower Document


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Comer Drops $5 Million Biden Bribe Bombshell in Letter Threatening Wray with Contempt Over Subpoenaed FBI Whistleblower Document​

25 May 2023 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday threatening Wray with being held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over a subpoenaed FBI form FD-1023 that a whistleblower claims documents intelligence that then Vice President Biden took a cash bribe from a foreign national in exchange for favorable policy decisions. Comer expressed dissatisfaction with Wray’s response so far and gave a May 30 deadline to comply with the subpoena. (Update at end: Wray and Comer to meet soon.)
Comer dropped two bombshell’s in Tuesday’s letter. In discussing the FBI’s complaint that the search terms for the document request are too broad, Comer added the term “five million” (or variations of 5 million), saying that was the dollar amount of the alleged bribe paid to Biden. The other bombshell was that the FBI told the committee it had “many” CHS (confidential human source) reports on Biden in the period in question of the subpoenaed document, June 2020.
“…to narrow the breadth of the subpoena, we are providing additional terms based on unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the FD-1023 form: “June 30, 2020” and “five million.”6 These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome.”
UPDATE: Wray contacted Comer this evening and the two agreed to meet soon about the document.
Comer indicated he might seek a House vote hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress should he ultimately refuse to provide House investigators with the desired form. The Kentucky lawmaker said that Wray had reached out to him hours prior to his appearance on Fox News’s “Hannity” but insisted he would not change his stance on demanding the document.​
“Nothing’s going to change with respect to holding him in contempt of Congress if he doesn’t turn over the document,” he insisted.​
CNN got confirmation from the FBI.

CERTAINLY, we Conservatives need to stop referring to these corrupt conspirators in letters with: " To the honorable...."
These people have never or will never know what "honorable" means and I suspect they'll have an eternity to consider that whilst "their thirst is never quenched and their WORM never dies". But , I'd still like to stomp them into the dirt just for good measure.
Then there's all the corrupt Judges we've witness shredding our Constitution, the election process, and the Constitutional rights of people involved in calling out the cheating in the elections, and the J6 political prisoner trials. Congress should pass a law that removes the word "Honorable" and "Your Honor". Honor is earned, not given to people. Honor is judged by people, not the Judges themselves. If they don't act in an Honorable and Honest way, they certainly don't deserve to be called Honorable. It's like giving the Pulitzer to the fake journalists who won them on the fake Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion hoax. It cheapens the word, and the award.
Any arrests and/or prosecutions of Biden, Wray and all the others including Obama, Comey et al., will not reasonably take place under the Garland Dept of Just-us.. Garland as become complicit in all the sedition created by te Maoist Democrats.

Comer Drops $5 Million Biden Bribe Bombshell in Letter Threatening Wray with Contempt Over Subpoenaed FBI Whistleblower Document​

25 May 2023 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday threatening Wray with being held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over a subpoenaed FBI form FD-1023 that a whistleblower claims documents intelligence that then Vice President Biden took a cash bribe from a foreign national in exchange for favorable policy decisions. Comer expressed dissatisfaction with Wray’s response so far and gave a May 30 deadline to comply with the subpoena. (Update at end: Wray and Comer to meet soon.)
Comer dropped two bombshell’s in Tuesday’s letter. In discussing the FBI’s complaint that the search terms for the document request are too broad, Comer added the term “five million” (or variations of 5 million), saying that was the dollar amount of the alleged bribe paid to Biden. The other bombshell was that the FBI told the committee it had “many” CHS (confidential human source) reports on Biden in the period in question of the subpoenaed document, June 2020.
“…to narrow the breadth of the subpoena, we are providing additional terms based on unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the FD-1023 form: “June 30, 2020” and “five million.”6 These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome.”
UPDATE: Wray contacted Comer this evening and the two agreed to meet soon about the document.
Comer indicated he might seek a House vote hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress should he ultimately refuse to provide House investigators with the desired form. The Kentucky lawmaker said that Wray had reached out to him hours prior to his appearance on Fox News’s “Hannity” but insisted he would not change his stance on demanding the document.​
“Nothing’s going to change with respect to holding him in contempt of Congress if he doesn’t turn over the document,” he insisted.​
CNN got confirmation from the FBI.

CERTAINLY, we Conservatives need to stop referring to these corrupt conspirators in letters with: " To the honorable...."
These people have never or will never know what "honorable" means and I suspect they'll have an eternity to consider that whilst "their thirst is never quenched and their WORM never dies". But , I'd still like to stomp them into the dirt just for good measure.
Then there's all the corrupt Judges we've witness shredding our Constitution, the election process, and the Constitutional rights of people involved in calling out the cheating in the elections, and the J6 political prisoner trials. Congress should pass a law that removes the word "Honorable" and "Your Honor". Honor is earned, not given to people. Honor is judged by people, not the Judges themselves. If they don't act in an Honorable and Honest way, they certainly don't deserve to be called Honorable. It's like giving the Pulitzer to the fake journalists who won them on the fake Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion hoax. It cheapens the word, and the award.
Any arrests and/or prosecutions of Biden, Wray and all the others including Obama, Comey et al., will not reasonably take place under the Garland Dept of Just-us.. Garland as become complicit in all the sedition created by te Maoist Democrats.
Its congress...just ignore them. Worked for the last guy.
Wray is a traitor.
Traitors are a threat to our nation's Constitution that gives the common man an equal say in government coming clean and stopping the madness the Democrat President has brought onto this nation with a little help from others who got ushered in by well-paid precinct chairpersons. Those who lied about President Trump need to spend a little time behind bars with a badass roommate who likes MAGA voters because they tell the truth when told to explain themselves. Democrats wouldn't think of it nor allow government employees to come clean without punishing them in one way or another. I think if Wray continues to ignore Congress requests for information, he should be put behind bars until he decides to account for his crimes against the Constitution if that is the case. He took an oath when he took a high office. He has to tell the truth, and he has no incentive to tell the truth with getting under-the-table money from George Soros who also should be put in the slammer for hate crimes against the Constitution and Republican conservatives who will not accept wealth to lie for the bum and do dirty tricks against America's leaders he hates. The public has had enough of Soros' wrongful interventions just because he's a rich man. He destroyed Great Britain who couldn't be bought. We've already got banks in trouble on account of politics. George Soros needs to be told he can't do that to the people's banks here.

Joe Biden bribery allegations involve Ukraine, first raised with FBI in 2017, key investigator says​

Informant was deemed reliable enough to be paid $200,000 by bureau over several years.
6 Jun 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

Allegations that Joe Biden partook in a $5 million bribery scheme involve Ukraine where his son scored a lucrative energy job and were first presented to the FBI by a reliable and well-paid informant back in 2017, House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer told Just the News on Tuesday evening.
Comer made the bombshell revelation just a day after reviewing an FBI FD-1023 form that memorialized the informant’s allegations, and two days before he plans to hold a vote in Congress to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt for failing to provide a copy to his committee as demanded by a subpoena. He said the version of the informant report he was allowed to review by Wray had about 10% of information redacted and made clear the allegations were first reported to the FBI back in 2017 as Donald Trump was beginning his term as president.
“Partisan media, most likely in conjunction with the Biden FBI, have misleadingly reported the 1023 is from a tranche of information provided by Rudy Giuliani. News reports last week dispel that notion and make clear the 1023 information that we request is independent of Giuliani,” Grassley stated in a speech given on the Senate floor.

Christopher Wray and the seventh floor of the FBI are in a dither over these revelations.
No wonder there's a concern about the informant being offed.
Tis specifically brings up a lot of questions about a compromised person in the Oval Office, embroiling us in a war in which there is no national interest, corruption, despotism and sedition.
Also, the FBI KNEW this and hid it in the runup to 2020, which now includes a conspiracy within the agency.
Strange, isn’t it? The same corrupt outfit whose ex-chief Comey this week endorsed Biden, and which invades innocent Americans’ homes with dozens or agents dressed in SWAT gear after tipping off the press, is just too incompetent to protect a single American.
Yes, but Trump once got a free cup of coffee from a foreign worker at a convenience store. Just thought I would try to placate the leftists that read this thread.

Comer Drops $5 Million Biden Bribe Bombshell in Letter Threatening Wray with Contempt Over Subpoenaed FBI Whistleblower Document​

25 May 2023 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday threatening Wray with being held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over a subpoenaed FBI form FD-1023 that a whistleblower claims documents intelligence that then Vice President Biden took a cash bribe from a foreign national in exchange for favorable policy decisions. Comer expressed dissatisfaction with Wray’s response so far and gave a May 30 deadline to comply with the subpoena. (Update at end: Wray and Comer to meet soon.)
Comer dropped two bombshell’s in Tuesday’s letter. In discussing the FBI’s complaint that the search terms for the document request are too broad, Comer added the term “five million” (or variations of 5 million), saying that was the dollar amount of the alleged bribe paid to Biden. The other bombshell was that the FBI told the committee it had “many” CHS (confidential human source) reports on Biden in the period in question of the subpoenaed document, June 2020.
“…to narrow the breadth of the subpoena, we are providing additional terms based on unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the FD-1023 form: “June 30, 2020” and “five million.”6 These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome.”
UPDATE: Wray contacted Comer this evening and the two agreed to meet soon about the document.
Comer indicated he might seek a House vote hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress should he ultimately refuse to provide House investigators with the desired form. The Kentucky lawmaker said that Wray had reached out to him hours prior to his appearance on Fox News’s “Hannity” but insisted he would not change his stance on demanding the document.​
“Nothing’s going to change with respect to holding him in contempt of Congress if he doesn’t turn over the document,” he insisted.​
CNN got confirmation from the FBI.

CERTAINLY, we Conservatives need to stop referring to these corrupt conspirators in letters with: " To the honorable...."
These people have never or will never know what "honorable" means and I suspect they'll have an eternity to consider that whilst "their thirst is never quenched and their WORM never dies". But , I'd still like to stomp them into the dirt just for good measure.
Then there's all the corrupt Judges we've witness shredding our Constitution, the election process, and the Constitutional rights of people involved in calling out the cheating in the elections, and the J6 political prisoner trials. Congress should pass a law that removes the word "Honorable" and "Your Honor". Honor is earned, not given to people. Honor is judged by people, not the Judges themselves. If they don't act in an Honorable and Honest way, they certainly don't deserve to be called Honorable. It's like giving the Pulitzer to the fake journalists who won them on the fake Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion hoax. It cheapens the word, and the award.
Any arrests and/or prosecutions of Biden, Wray and all the others including Obama, Comey et al., will not reasonably take place under the Garland Dept of Just-us.. Garland as become complicit in all the sedition created by te Maoist Democrats.
Biden is more corrupt than Trump ever was.

The Biden family makes the Trumps look like angels.

The only reason the leftards keep talking about Trump, is to distract from Biden.

After all the hullaballoo and all the let's get Trump because he:s so corrupt, the leftards installed someone even more corrupt than Trump.

Leftards are gigantic hypocrites.
Its congress...just ignore them. Worked for the last guy.


Grassley to DOJ, FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

To the Biden Justice Department and FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

June 6, 2023 ~~

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Grassley to DOJ, FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

To the Biden Justice Department and FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

June 6, 2023 ~~

Thanks for sharing this loving and healing speech by Senator Grassley for people who didn't realize they were being lied to about Trump. I hope they hear him as a concerned member of Congress who seems as sad as me that demands were demanded of the DOJ and the FBI by the lies of the media that were sellouts against every citizen in this country who loves America, has never entered the Capitol like me. I did get to go see the sights in DC by way of the Smithsonian Institute that hosted a quilt show while I was there, and it was so totally wonderful to see that and the giant skeleton of some prehistoric vegetarian that filled up a room as big as a high school gymnasium just to be sure there was enough room for its long tail bone, and as tall as the top seating in my high school stadium. So much for my trip to DC in the summer of America's bicentennial year, and my son and daughter were in the second grade and kindergarden, 1976. The discussion in the car went like this: "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" And "Let's go back home." Kids! :huddle:

If anyone here knows Senator Grassley, please tell him thanks for me for doing what he can on a podium to get us off our cloud and into the understanding that many were fooled by the antics the press pulled in obedience to their alliance with the Deep State Constitution destroyers who reward the people who voted for them and forever redress their political adversaries with harsh penalties against those who knew all along they weren't telling the truth about President Trump. I see people here every day interested only in holding Trump's feet to the fire for denying he didn't do what they claimed, because frankly, he didn't break any laws, but he did keep his promises to do all he could to make America the same great place it was when my parent's generation did all they could to provide the rest of Europe freedom from the fascists in the Nazi Party in Germany that tried to get even with countries who silenced them in WWI.

I'm glad Grassley is demanding that the FBI fulfill their oaths to the Constitution of the United States that gave them their jobs for the oath that they would follow the Constitution and bless the American people. Putting peaceful protesters in jail for years who really didn't do any more than walk into the Capitol Building that is supposed to be "the people's House," but much ado about nothing was claimed by the Deep State Democrats who tried to put teeth into human curiosity of people who hated hearing lie after lie fed to the press by Deep State Democrats who were truly pissed off that a Republican won the Presidency in the election of 2016. He won in spite of the pathetic lies Hillary Clinton's salacious "Steele Dossier" claimed that He peed on a bed that Hillary slept in in Russia, when in fact, he wasn't there when they said he was, and he colluded with no hostile countries whatsoever other than to try to keep the peace. I mourn the America Hillary Clinton has tried over and over and over to destroy by way of being the power inside the Deep State and supervising Obama as his Secretary of State, and now is more omerta-secretive than ever, still funneling fiction to the leftists in the lockstep press, owned by wannabe powermongers that the billionaire boys club think the Democrats are sacrosanct when they're tearing down the Constitution.

Grassley to DOJ, FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

To the Biden Justice Department and FBI: Quit Playing Games with the American People

June 6, 2023 ~~

its congress
just ignore them
worked for the last guy
Traitors are a threat to our nation's Constitution that gives the common man an equal say in government coming clean and stopping the madness the Democrat President has brought onto this nation with a little help from others who got ushered in by well-paid precinct chairpersons. Those who lied about President Trump need to spend a little time behind bars with a badass roommate who likes MAGA voters because they tell the truth when told to explain themselves. Democrats wouldn't think of it nor allow government employees to come clean without punishing them in one way or another. I think if Wray continues to ignore Congress requests for information, he should be put behind bars until he decides to account for his crimes against the Constitution if that is the case. He took an oath when he took a high office. He has to tell the truth, and he has no incentive to tell the truth with getting under-the-table money from George Soros who also should be put in the slammer for hate crimes against the Constitution and Republican conservatives who will not accept wealth to lie for the bum and do dirty tricks against America's leaders he hates. The public has had enough of Soros' wrongful interventions just because he's a rich man. He destroyed Great Britain who couldn't be bought. We've already got banks in trouble on account of politics. George Soros needs to be told he can't do that to the people's banks here.
Trump was a traitor.
This so called blackmail came from Giuliani.

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