Come to Bundyfest!


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008

Come celebrate TOTAL FREEDOM at BUNDYFEST, just across the street from the Cliven Bundy Ranch, in Bunkerville, Nevada! 240 bands, 24 hours a day, for a SOLID ROCKIN’ MONTH!!!!
*PENIS ERECTION CONTEST: Erect the largest penis in the open desert, win valuable prize! (tbd)

BACKGROUND: For years, we paid permitting fees to hold Burning Man on the beautiful Playa in Northern Nevada. But now, Cliven Bundy has shown us a NEW WAY! ABSOLUTE FREEDOM! Bundy has declared the entire area surrounding Bundy Ranch as a TOTALLY RULES-FREE ZONE! ANYTHING GOES! WOO-HOO!!!
Why should Burning Man end on September 1st? Swing down to Vegas for a few days for some R&R, a few good buffets, and then HEAD ON UP TO BUNDYFEST! All 50,000+ Burning Man participants are invited to attend — and as many more as can make the trip from anywhere in the world! 100,000? 250,000? THE SKY IS THE LIMIT AT BUNDYFEST! The desert surrounding Bundy’s ranch is LIMITLESS!
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Yup, it is going to happen.

Hey, Cliven, you will get to meet your 30,000 new best friends in just five months.
Everyone should pull what Tea Party Wildman Ted Nugent pulled before he hit the Draft board.

Shit and piss your pants for 2 weeks and not bathe.

Gee, I wonder if Bundy has any teen aged daughters so we can all do what Ted Nugent does with them.

Be like TED!!

Come celebrate TOTAL FREEDOM at BUNDYFEST, just across the street from the Cliven Bundy Ranch, in Bunkerville, Nevada! 240 bands, 24 hours a day, for a SOLID ROCKIN’ MONTH!!!!
*PENIS ERECTION CONTEST: Erect the largest penis in the open desert, win valuable prize! (tbd)

BACKGROUND: For years, we paid permitting fees to hold Burning Man on the beautiful Playa in Northern Nevada. But now, Cliven Bundy has shown us a NEW WAY! ABSOLUTE FREEDOM! Bundy has declared the entire area surrounding Bundy Ranch as a TOTALLY RULES-FREE ZONE! ANYTHING GOES! WOO-HOO!!!
Why should Burning Man end on September 1st? Swing down to Vegas for a few days for some R&R, a few good buffets, and then HEAD ON UP TO BUNDYFEST! All 50,000+ Burning Man participants are invited to attend — and as many more as can make the trip from anywhere in the world! 100,000? 250,000? THE SKY IS THE LIMIT AT BUNDYFEST! The desert surrounding Bundy’s ranch is LIMITLESS!

LOL "1 percenters" advertising their event to make even more money. They charge an incredible 380-650 dollars per ticket, plus another $40 each, "plus applicable fees". They make 25 to 30 million per event. ( those 380 tickets are for income limited people and are a small amount of the tickets sold)

Burning Man

( and forget the fact they have been bitching about fee charged by BLM yearly per person for destruction of public lands and the fact they bitch about the cap BLM puts on attendees and they fact they have sued surrounding counties for charging them for use of police personnel.)
Oh boy that's gonna be fun. Full anarchy just a couple of hours from Las Vegas. Three hours or so from Los Angeles. It will make Deltopia look like a Sunday school picnic. The hundred milers will be piling in by the carload. The hundred milers will become 500 milers. I certainly hope that someone takes lots of pictures.

It is doubtful that this is going to particularly bother the Bundys. I'm sure the Bundy family is familiar with animals fucking. There isn't anything to suggest they have any opinion on gays one way or the other.

But the predators. They might outnumber the people who just went to attend. I can hardly wait. When is it? Sept 6. Oh joy. This is going to one hell of an event.
Early September can be pretty brutal in that open desert. I do hope they don't cancel just because it's hot.
Everyone should pull what Tea Party Wildman Ted Nugent pulled before he hit the Draft board.

Shit and piss your pants for 2 weeks and not bathe.

Gee, I wonder if Bundy has any teen aged daughters so we can all do what Ted Nugent does with them.

Be like TED!!

If he does have a daughter, she'll be with her mom - protecting those he-mans from getting shot.
Make sure to pack your garbage!


Garbage doesn't last long in the desert. I used to live in rural Nevada. The first thing I learned is in the desert everything bites.

Including the plants. :D

You got that right. The fire ants can make you wish you were dead. Not even the scorpions. Just the ants. I hope the event goers don't lose their nerve for full nudity. It will be the movable feast.

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