Colleges admit blacks get bonus 230 points on SAT test. Hispanics get 185

That's all you got?

You were talking about you playing basketball, right? Look, maybe I am not basketball tall, since I am only 6'2" and beside I'm white, I also hold a masters. Now, if affirmative action applied to sports the way it did in ivy league universities and the job market, I'd be playing in the NBA. Right?
Thats all you got? A deflection about AA?

I'm 6'2" as well and could have made the NBA if I had not quit after getting injured. I have a BA. in Computer Science and Engineering. I'm well rounded and put the same effort into education as I did at one point regarding basketball.

You sure you don't have degree in criminal justice? I bet you earned it.

Gotta love this imgur on black privilege that hits the nail right on the freaking head. If blacks get accepted to a good university, they say it's because they earned it even though it was affirmative action at work. If they get denied, it's because the university is racist, not because they're inherently retarded.

Now, from your angle there is no black privilege, only white. I don't think I should feel guilty, nor my kids, for having two loving parents.
Why would I have a degree in criminal justice? That should be more up your alley even though we know you didnt earn it.

There is Black privilege. You get to be Black. Lots of people envy your style and how you hold yourself especially white women. White privilege is the head start you get on life in a socioeconomic sense. Since whites own all the resources and the jobs unqualfied whites are hired all the time over better qualified Blacks.
Hey einstein. All of africa is third world except for South Africa and that is headed that way. Why is africa so backward.? It's not racism since all of africa is controlled by blacks and has been for decades. THINK THINK THINK

Because European countries exploited them and set up no system for governance after they left. They got want they wanted and left them to fend for themselves. THINK THINK THINK.

They didn't leave. The whites were thrown out. Stupid blacks thought they could run the country and maintain the infrastructure!! Blacks found out only whites can do technology. THINK

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