Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Colin Powell shows his true colors.

1. Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.


a. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell — who split with the Republican Party to endorse President Barack Obama two times — said Sunday there are some clearly racial elements within the GOP.

b. “There’s also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

c. While not mentioning former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin or former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu by name, Powell referenced past comments from each about Obama as evidence of racism in the party."
Colin Powell: There?s a ?Dark Vein of Intolerance? in the Republican Party | Video |

4. Seems it’s time to give the general a bit of instruction….and, perhaps, see who the real racist is.

5. A rule of life, that all would do well to learn early on, is that reality is defined by actions….not words. Perhaps some examples? “The check is in the mail,” or “I’ll respect you in the morning.”

6. In fact, 'the reality lesson' shows up as a major difference between Liberals, for whom “feeling passes for knowing,” and conservatives, for whom data informs policy.

7. Now, the general, who avows to be a Republican, but has voted for the most Liberal President we’ve ever had, twice, now gives cover- again- to Obama’s failure to cut spending by dangling this ‘racist’ red herring.

8. Seems to me that the general has become the race-card croupier,

9. Could not the phrases that Powell points to as indicia of racism be, merely, common phrases? Could not the racism be a figment of Powell’s psychology, or an attempt to ingratiate himself in other precincts?

a. Show me the actions….don’t babble!

10. Let’s go back to #5, above, and demand data rather than conjecture: : He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State. All due to Republicans.

a. Looks to me like some ‘racism’ lots of folks would like directed at them!

Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.
Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.

a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data....

...where's yours?
Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.

a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data....

...where's yours?

Save your breath PC, bullshit, i.e. conjecture, is all they have. ;)
Who is Colin Powell? He's the guy that gave it to you straight and then was attacked as a traitor and a RINO for it, that's who.

At this point in time he is an ingrate who doesn't even have the grace to use the cliché "what have you done for me lately?'

He is no more than an apologist/ stooge for the Obama cultists, and you believe you can use him as a cudgel to beat the Right with.

No dice.
Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.

a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data.

There was no data in that post. Nothing that backs up your charge anyway. He was a big part of the Republican party, so who should know better than an insider? That may not be data, but it is logic. I'll take that any day over what you gave us.
a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data....

...where's yours?

Save your breath PC, bullshit, i.e. conjecture, is all they have. ;)

And we'll both remind 'em of that.
a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data.

There was no data in that post. Nothing that backs up your charge anyway. He was a big part of the Republican party, so who should know better than an insider? That may not be data, but it is logic. I'll take that any day over what you gave us.

I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.
He has definitely been a friend to Obama and Democrats since 2008. Wonder why the Obama Administration did not extend the same level of tolerance and opportunity in the form of an Appointment that Bush and Reagan did.
a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data....

...where's yours?

Save your breath PC, bullshit, i.e. conjecture, is all they have. ;)

So lets see...

Harry Reid refers to then Senator Obama as being "clean and articulate"....and that is OK.

But a former governor said that Obama came across as lazy during a debate where he seemed...well...lazy....and THAT is a racist comment?

Vice Presidential candiate Joe Biden makes a comment about "accents" at a 7-11 and that is OK...

But a former governor said that Obama came across as lazy during a debate where he seemed...well...lazy....and THAT is a racist comment?

That was the best Powell can come up with to PROVE there was a "dark vein" of racism in the party?
He's a bitter person. I think he finally realized that he got where he was because of Affirmative Action. Clearly, backing Obama shows he does not have the intellectual capacity to succeed without a boost
Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.

a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

No...a turncoat because he claimed that a former GOP referring to Obama as being lazy during a debate where the entire left wing was making excuses for his "laziness" such as "the thin air", was PROOF that the GOP has a dark vein of racism.

That is an example of a man making an accusation that he knows dam well he has nothing to back it up with.

And the fact thast the GOP is the party that offered him the well deserved opportunities theroughout his professional life....I would call him a turncoat.

If he wanted to attacjk policies...and say they are not in the best interest of the country, I would call him a man who has changed hgis ideolohgy...not a turncoat.

But no....he made an accusation of obvious racism by using an example where someone referred to the President as "lazy"

Funny thing though...I never looked at black men as lazy...or white men as lazy...I looked at a "lazy man" as being lazy.

Seems Powell believes black men are lazy.
Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data.

There was no data in that post. Nothing that backs up your charge anyway. He was a big part of the Republican party, so who should know better than an insider? That may not be data, but it is logic. I'll take that any day over what you gave us.

I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.

That's why I say he knows what he's talking about. Sure he got the honors, but he saw the unpleasant underbelly to. You're just mad because this isn't Daily Kos or HuffPo, but someone who really knows from the inside. Rant all you want. He's someone Americans respect, making it hard for baseless accusations to stick, and that's what's getting your goat.
He's a bitter person. I think he finally realized that he got where he was because of Affirmative Action. Clearly, backing Obama shows he does not have the intellectual capacity to succeed without a boost

You're sad, sick person, Frank. Truth hurts on both counts, eh?

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