CO2 is Greening the World. That's a Good Thing.

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Seeing the CO2 greening of Planet Earth | CFACT
In the eighties the IPCC (UN's global warming extortion arm) said we would see several nations disappear under water due to unchecked global warming by the year 2000.
Surprise! That never happened.

The point is the last installment of the democrat's "Who Wants to Be President" game show had very few issues where there was a consensus among all the contestants.

One was global warming and reducing our "carbon footprint" despite the fact that actual damage from global warming is minimal in terms of global warming (two degrees...hardly enough to destroy the environment).

And that is mitigated, if indeed it needs to be mitigated, by the greening of the planet due to increased CO2.
The greening of the planet is a good thing. Does Jay Inslee know this? Or any of the democrats?
Seeing the CO2 greening of Planet Earth | CFACT
In the eighties the IPCC (UN's global warming extortion arm) said we would see several nations disappear under water due to unchecked global warming by the year 2000.
Surprise! That never happened.

The point is the last installment of the democrat's "Who Wants to Be President" game show had very few issues where there was a consensus among all the contestants.

One was global warming and reducing our "carbon footprint" despite the fact that actual damage from global warming is minimal in terms of global warming (two degrees...hardly enough to destroy the environment).

And that is mitigated, if indeed it needs to be mitigated, by the greening of the planet due to increased CO2.
The greening of the planet is a good thing. Does Jay Inslee know this? Or any of the democrats?

I don't a single politician that has any kind of scholarly handle on GW/CC science.. They really do not matter a whit... Whatever they propose fits an agenda... It doesn't validate the science or count towards any consensus..

Nature puts 20 times the CO2 into the atmos every year than man does.. Termites are the #2 CO2 and Methane "polluting" creatures.. And more GROWTH -- means more CO2 sucked from the atmos and sequestered in the soil...
I narrowly escaped an icy death by global cooling in the 70's. Whew! Also in the 70's I survived President Carter, though I was a kid and he was more a threat to my parents survival. A tornado tried to peel the meat from my body and my mom cramming me and my brother beneath her 2 ton mattress came closer to killin us than the tornado.

I was in a big earthquake in southern cali too and that sucked. Then those lazy mayans didn't finish their calendar (probably because they couldn't get enough swimsuit models for each month.) The lack of more calendar they said was our doom. Sigh... Again?? And there was y2k, hillary and all manner of other ways we were to perish.

Now we have global warming and they keep saying we only have about ten years, or 5 years or a dozen years to get cracking on people that eat too much beef. Beef that fart enough to kill the world.

Phhhrt. Bring it.
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I think mans injection into atmosphere is paltry but I do wonder if perhaps we have overstimulated the trees and they are doing it?
Seeing the CO2 greening of Planet Earth | CFACT
In the eighties the IPCC (UN's global warming extortion arm) said we would see several nations disappear under water due to unchecked global warming by the year 2000.
Surprise! That never happened.

The point is the last installment of the democrat's "Who Wants to Be President" game show had very few issues where there was a consensus among all the contestants.

One was global warming and reducing our "carbon footprint" despite the fact that actual damage from global warming is minimal in terms of global warming (two degrees...hardly enough to destroy the environment).

And that is mitigated, if indeed it needs to be mitigated, by the greening of the planet due to increased CO2.
The greening of the planet is a good thing. Does Jay Inslee know this? Or any of the democrats?
Green house gases it is good for vegetation. Plants lives off of it. That is why the Amazon jungle is so green. Because it has high levels of CO2. If it is lowered. That the Amazon will become a desert. But by them spraying aluminum is the atmosphere is causing that plants not to absorb nutrients and the green house gases.

A group of scientists headed by Prof. Dan Yakir of the Weizmann Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Department found that the Yatir forest, planted at the edge of the Negev Desert 35 years ago, is expanding at an unexpected rate. The findings, published in the current issue of Global Change Biology, suggest that forests in other parts of the globe could also be expanding into arid lands, absorbing carbon dioxide in the process.

The Negev research station is the most arid site in a worldwide network (FluxNet) established by scientists to investigate carbon dioxide absorption by plants.

The Weizmann team found, to its surprise, that the Yatir forest is a substantial “sink” (CO2-absorbing site): its absorbing efficiency is similar to that of many of its counterparts in more fertile lands. These results were unexpected since forests in dry regions are considered to develop very slowly, if at all, and thus are not expected to soak up much carbon dioxide (the more rapidly the forest develops the more carbon dioxide it needs, since carbon dioxide drives the production of sugars). However, the Yatir forest is growing at a relatively quick pace, and is even expanding further into the desert.
Greenhouse Gas Might Green Up The Desert; Weizmann Institute Study Suggests That Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels Might Cause Forests To Spread Into Dry Environments

The Amazon rainforest, which covers a staggering 550 million hectares, is losing its ability to soak up carbon dioxide from the air, according to the results of a huge long-running study. Over the past 2 decades, trees in the Amazon have been dying at an increasing rate, rendering the massive jungle a weaker absorber, or “sink,” of CO2, which plants take up during photosynthesis, forest ecologists report. The unexpected finding itself isn't evidence of impending catastrophe, but it highlights the unpredictability of the effects of climate change and a warming planet.

Forests play a crucial role in maintaining the global carbon budget. Worldwide, they suck up 2.4 billion metric tons of carbon each year, with the massive Amazon absorbing a quarter of that total. In principle, climate change should help forests take up even more carbon dioxide, as warmer temperatures and increased levels of the gas should encourage trees to grow. Northern forests in both so-called boreal zones and savannas are absorbing more carbon each year.
Amazon rainforest ability to soak up carbon dioxide is falling

It’s been scientifically determined that the U.S. Federal Government has been spraying lithium into the skies across America. However, the pervasiveness of its use in the upper atmosphere is only now becoming known. NASA Admits To Spraying Lithium Into The Atmosphere – BAN Geoengineering And Chemtrails –> Globally

By the 21st century, jumbo jets were being deployed to drop billions of dollars of nanosized aluminum and other particles into the skies. In attempts to reflect sunlight away from the Earth and cool climate temperatures, this science experiment has exploited populations of people to mass amounts of airborne metals that are literally raining down and poisoning everyone, slowly, subtly.

According to neuro-surgeon Russell L. Blaylock, the nanosized aluminum particles found in chem-trails are contributing heavily to degenerative disease today.
Nanosized aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, causing degenerative disease, says neurosurgeon

Acid rain can have an effect on the aluminum ions normally present in the soil. When too much acid rain comes into contact with these aluminum ions, they dissolve and become toxic to plants and trees in the area. When the tree absorbs the aluminum through its roots, the root is prevented from absorbing sufficient calcium. The tree can suffer from stunted growth as a result. The aluminum ions can also poison the microorganisms in the area, preventing them from performing their usual function of disposing of dead leaves and releasing the nutrients in them.
The Effects of Acid on Aluminum

Normally, trees help cool the planet by absorbing carbon dioxide as part of the photosynthesis process and by evaporating water into the air. In the tropics, water evaporates naturally from trees, increasing cloud cover and keeping temperatures cooler.
How do trees affect the weather?
They use to teach in elementary school about how greenhouse gases helps out the environment that we live in. In my days,they had us to bring to school a aquarium, to teach us about the importance of greenhouse gases for plant life. They showed us when the seeds starts germinating. That is when the seeds produces CO2 that fills up the space in the aquarium. Which it is showing what happens when the seeds are buried in the ground. Like plants in the wild, which doesn't have anyone to bury their seeds into the ground. That the leaves that falls, that it covers the the seeds and traps the CO2 so that it can help the seeds to grow. It was a big deal back then. Everyone wanted to grow their own garden. You can even get toy aquariums inside of a cereal box.
But now, they doesn't teaches the kids about things like that anymore.No we have people that believe anything that Corporate America pushes out there.

And CO2 helps to make everything to grow a lot bigger.

During the Mesozoic Era, which stretched from the beginning of the Triassic period 250 million years ago to the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide were much higher than they are today. If you've been following the global warming debate, you'll know that increased carbon dioxide is directly correlated with increased temperature, meaning the global climate was much warmer millions of years ago than it is today.

This combination of high levels of carbon dioxide (which plants recycle as food via the process of photosynthesis) and high temperatures (a daytime average of 90 or 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or 32–38 degrees Celsius, even near the poles) meant that the prehistoric world was matted with all kinds of vegetation: plants, trees, mosses, and more. Like kids at an all-day dessert buffet, sauropods may have evolved to giant sizes simply because there was a surplus of nourishment at hand. This would also explain why certain tyrannosaurs and large theropods were so big; a 50-pound (23 kg) carnivore wouldn't have stood much of a chance against a 50-ton (45–metric ton) plant-eater.
Why Were Dinosaurs 10 Times Bigger than Modern Mammals?

On another thread, we have already shown that heat-shock proteins of toxic algae increase their potential, as they do in other pathogens. Toxic algae blooms suffocate fish.
Seeing the CO2 greening of Planet Earth | CFACT
In the eighties the IPCC (UN's global warming extortion arm) said we would see several nations disappear under water due to unchecked global warming by the year 2000.
Surprise! That never happened.

The point is the last installment of the democrat's "Who Wants to Be President" game show had very few issues where there was a consensus among all the contestants.

One was global warming and reducing our "carbon footprint" despite the fact that actual damage from global warming is minimal in terms of global warming (two degrees...hardly enough to destroy the environment).

And that is mitigated, if indeed it needs to be mitigated, by the greening of the planet due to increased CO2.
The greening of the planet is a good thing. Does Jay Inslee know this? Or any of the democrats?

Plants and trees love CO2. They breath in CO2 and give off oxegyn for us to breath. Why do they hate trees, why do they hate us? Why do they hate life on earth? Why dont they just stop breathing and exhaling all that CO2?
Clearly nature is the bad guy here pumping so much more CO2 into the atmosphere than man ever could.
The governor of my beloved Washington, Jay Inslee, is running entirely on a anti global warming platform, for all the good that'll do him.

I only want to know two things from him: What does he plan do about nature?
And what has he got against trees and a greener planet that is loving their CO2?
Seeing the CO2 greening of Planet Earth | CFACT
In the eighties the IPCC (UN's global warming extortion arm) said we would see several nations disappear under water due to unchecked global warming by the year 2000.
Surprise! That never happened.

The point is the last installment of the democrat's "Who Wants to Be President" game show had very few issues where there was a consensus among all the contestants.

One was global warming and reducing our "carbon footprint" despite the fact that actual damage from global warming is minimal in terms of global warming (two degrees...hardly enough to destroy the environment).

And that is mitigated, if indeed it needs to be mitigated, by the greening of the planet due to increased CO2.
The greening of the planet is a good thing. Does Jay Inslee know this? Or any of the democrats?

I don't a single politician that has any kind of scholarly handle on GW/CC science.. They really do not matter a whit... Whatever they propose fits an agenda... It doesn't validate the science or count towards any consensus..

Nature puts 20 times the CO2 into the atmos every year than man does.. Termites are the #2 CO2 and Methane "polluting" creatures.. And more GROWTH -- means more CO2 sucked from the atmos and sequestered in the soil...
But wait we drink CO2 when it has anything to do with a fizzy drink ......... yet we're not all dead yet wow imagine that.

OH MY SCIENCE never told the sheep that one ............

The fizz that bubbles up when you crack open a can of soda is carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Soft drink manufacturers add this tingling froth by forcing carbon dioxide and water into your soda at high pressures—up to 1,200 pounds per square inch. The "fssst" you hear is millions of carbon dioxide molecules bursting out of their sweet, watery prisons, where they have been held against their will.

Why Does Soda Fizz?

On another thread, we have already shown that heat-shock proteins of toxic algae increase their potential, as they do in other pathogens. Toxic algae blooms suffocate fish.

OMG.. "THE COMING APOCALYPSE" by Pastor Bagley.. You sane bro???

That opening picture?? It's called El Nino... Go look it up somewhere other than Pastor Bagley's site...

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